As soon as he finished calling Yang Chaoyue, the system rewarded him with a silver package!

What is it?! This is naked, Yang Chaoyue brought Zhao Chang's lucky bonus!

No wonder everyone is called Yang Chaoyue Koi, good guy, it's really interesting!

Is there a reward for reaching the level of influence that everyone knows? Doesn't that mean that if you reach a higher reward for your influence in the future, there will be other rewards?!

Meizizi opened the silver gift bag, and Zhao Changhuan decided to call Yang Chaoyue from time to time in the future!

Maybe there will be a surprise?

Just like the famous little gift package that everyone knows now, it's cool

As soon as he opened the silver gift bag, a series of mechanical sounds appeared in Zhao Changhuan's ears.

"Ding: Congratulations on winning the reward: god-level manga creation technology!"

"Ding: Congratulations on your reward: God-level anime creation technology!!"

"Ding: Congratulations on winning the reward: Earth random script draw five times!"

"Ding: Congratulations on your reward: Intermediate Broadcasting Skills."

"Ding: Congratulations on your award: intermediate singing skills."

The silver gift package is the silver gift package, and you can get two god-level skills every time you open it! .

This time, Zhao Changhuan got god-level comic creation technology and god-level animation creation technology! .

Looking at this situation, it seems that I can go to the anime industry!

It just so happens that there is a script of Lelouch now, or else, just Lelouch Xiu walk?!

After thinking about it again, Zhao Changhuan still chose to let Lu Luxiu go first.

Let's take a look at what can be drawn in this five draws, isn't it?

In this lottery, Zhao Changhuan did not wash his hands.

Washing hands is a change of luck, Zhao Changhuan just finished calling with lucky star Yang Chaoyue, the luck on his hands is good, don't wash!

Straight to the pump! Moreover, it is still a direct special lady's five consecutive draws! It's that confident!

"Ding: Congratulations, successful extraction, successfully obtained the novel "East Palace"

"Ding: Congratulations, you succeeded in extracting and successfully obtaining the novel "Woe to the Country"."

"Ding: Congratulations, the extraction was successful, and the novel "Sadness Against the River" was successfully obtained."

"Ding: Congratulations, the extraction is successful, and you successfully obtained the novel "Ten Years of One Pin Wen Ruyan"

"Ding: Congratulations, you succeeded in extracting and successfully obtaining the novel "Liangsheng, Can We Not Be Sad"

Zhao Changhuan: "... "

I know!

Five consecutive draws at a time, five draws are books?!! Is it a female novel?!

Do you want to be so neat?

At the moment when the draw was completed, Zhao Changhuan's mood was not so good!

It's good to give a script for a movie or TV series, what is the operation of the book?

Is this going to make us change careers to write novels? Moreover, I still changed my career to writing female novels...


Looking carefully at the five books that the system smoked for himself this time, Zhao Changhuan's mood suddenly improved slightly.

Subsequently, better and better, better and better!

Although the five scripts that the system drew for themselves this time are all books, and they are all female books...

But! These five books seem to be very abusive!

Although these five books, Zhao Changhuan has not read any of them!

But Zhao Changhuan has heard of the abuse of these five books!

Among them, "Liangsheng, can we not be sad", "Sadness Against the River" and "East Palace" have all been filmed into film and television dramas on the earth in the previous life!

And "Ten Years of One Pin Wen Ruyan", before Zhao Changhuan crossed over, Huaxia on the other side of the earth also seemed to have the idea of making a film and television drama!

These books, in the previous life of the earth's female frequency, that is a first-class fire book, and most importantly, these books, are still first-class female frequency abuse books!

When Zhao Changhuan was in college, he heard the girls in the class discuss "East Palace" and "Ten Years of One Pin Wen Ruyan" every day.

Every time the girls discuss these books, they are all extremely excited, and then say how badly they cry when they read these books!

Zhao Changhuan can completely rely on these books to brush the wave of abuse, after all, no one will be afraid of a long life, can earn more, just earn more, right?!

As soon as she thought of becoming a female frequency writer, Zhao Changhuan immediately thought that during the Chinese New Year's Eve night, the old sister Zhao Changruo seemed to have said that she was working on a novel website recently!

Although a lot of money has been spent, until now, Zhao Changruo's female novel website seems to have not developed well.


"Old sister, old sister, who let us be relatives? Brother this will help you, these five books, when the younger brother publishes, all send you the website! "

Shaking his head and laughing twice, Zhao Changhuan went out the door beautifully.

Let's talk about the book later, now, he has to go to the rice first!

Driving the car, before arriving at Yang Chaohu's house, Zhao Changhuan saw Yang Chaohu running on the road, holding hot pot ingredients.

"Get in the car." Zhao Changhuan spoke.

Yang Chaohu was stunned at first, and then immediately understood, and got into Zhao Changhuan's car with a smirk.

"Running so far to buy hot pot ingredients?" Zhao Changhuan asked with a smile.

Yang Chaohu scratched his head: "Isn't there a small supermarket near your home, just run a little farther, to a prosperous area, while buying hot pot ingredients, you can also find a cake shop and buy a cake for Chaoyue!" "


Zhao Changhuan was a little confused: "Today is Chaoyue's birthday?" "

"yes.." Yang Chaohu was very kind: "Li and sister, the situation at home is not very good, both parents are farmers, there is no money in their hometown, they dropped out of school at the age of fifteen or sixteen to work, they have no skills, and they can't make any big money, usually, both of us save food and money, and celebrate birthdays, at most, they only eat slightly better." "

"But I know that my sister likes to eat cake and likes to eat hot pot!"

"Now that I have a little money, I have to buy an expensive cake for my sister to make her happy, haha!" _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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