At the moment when the cannon sounded, all the Chinese soldiers began to charge!

Li Yunlong, on the other hand, completely fell to the ground as if he had been pumped out of his soul.

With his own hands, he killed the people he loved the most.

After watching this, in the audit screening room, there was already another cry.

"A cannon fire, really, can't bear it anymore..."

"Even if I believe that the sow goes up the tree in the future, I don't believe that Zhao Changhuan's film is not a tearjerker!!"

In the screening room, there was already a lot of scolding.

But obviously, scolding does not soothe their mood, it only makes them more uncomfortable!

The drama, should watch, or continue to watch.

After easing the emotions, everyone in the screening review room continued to watch "Bright Sword"

By now, "Bright Sword" has two big abuse points, next, there shouldn't be too many abuse points, right?!

In the screening room, such thoughts appeared in everyone's minds.

However, they underestimated "Bright Sword" after all.

Here, a large number of big people watched "Bright Sword" without stopping.

On the other side, Yaodu, the director of "Bright Sword" Zhao Changhuan, is liquidating his current abuse in Meizizi.

The final box office of "Dear" in the cinema was five billion, and a ticket was fifty yuan, which means that a total of 100 million people watched "Dear".

Of course, this is only a valuation, because in these box offices, there may be the same person brushing two or three, but it doesn't matter.

After several times of experience, Zhao Changhuan found that the same person brushed two times and three brushes, which would also increase the abuse value several times.

Watching the audience of "Dear", everyone basically provided Zhao Changhuan with 5 abuse points.

In the end, the entire "Dear" earned a total of 500 million abuse value for Zhao Changhuan during the cinema.

The 400 million abuse value contributed by "Dear", plus the abuse value provided by "Bagong", "Medicine God" and "Immortal Sword" for Zhao Changhuan on iQiyi Tencent during this period, and the abuse value accumulated by "Alive" and songs for Zhao Changhuan during this period, finally calculated to a total of more than 600 million.

Zhao Changhuan was in no hurry to exchange these abuse values for life.

Because he now knows the eligibility to redeem the Life Bonus Pack.

If you can get a silver-level gift package by exchanging more than one billion at one time, and if you can get a silver-level gift package, Zhao Changhuan will definitely not take a small gift package again.

After all, god-level skills and advanced intermediate skills are too far apart!

After counting the abuse value, Zhao Changhuan prepared his next work.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, he found that there seemed to be no new works to get!

In addition to those scripts that have been filmed or given to people, Zhao Changhuan is left with a bunch of things that are either incapable of doing, or the quality is too poor to do

"Jue Ji", "Chasing Dreams Showbiz", "Cat and Mouse", "China's Little Master", "Blue Cat Naughty Three Thousand Questions", "Rebellious Lelouch Xiu", "To the Moon", "Through Fire"

This is still a hairy game?!

Seeing that I can only wait for time, wait for the abuse value to rise to one billion after redeeming life, and then go to prepare the next work after getting the small package.

Zhao Changhuan was a little helpless.

He has always been busy, but now he is suddenly idle, and he is really not used to it.

But fortunately, hardworking people can always find something for themselves.

Of course, this kind of thing is not eating, drinking, and having fun.

In the past two days since the filming of "Bright Sword" was sent for review, he had eaten, drunk and enjoyed to the point of satisfaction.

After liquidating the abuse value, Zhao Changhuan decided to cultivate Yang Chaohu.

Since he originally agreed to let Yang Chaohu be an actor in his play, then Zhao Changhuan will definitely let him really act in a play.

But the premise is that Yang Chaohu's acting skills are enough.

Zhao Changhuan decided to recruit Yang Chaohu first and put him in an academy exclusive to Changhuan Media to study.

I have to say that Changhuan Media is indeed Niubi, even the school that specializes in teaching people to act, he has two under him!

One is Changhuan First Media College and the other is Changhuan Second Media College.

Now, Liu Yifei is studying at Changhuan First Media College.

Of course, this kind of college is not the same school as the art school university that the art test will attend.

These two academies under Changhuan Media have no age limit, even if you are older, as long as you want to cultivate acting skills, you can come!

But if you want to enter the two colleges under Changhuan Media, there is also a requirement, that is, you must sign with Changhuan Media.

After making a phone call with Yang Chaohu, Zhao Changhuan was ready to ask Yang Chaohu out and chat with him about training.

But after getting through, it was not Yang Chaohu who answered Zhao Changhuan's call, but Yang Chaoyue.

"Huh? Little Director Zhao? My brother went to buy hot pot ingredients and forgot to take his mobile phone!! You. Is there something going on with you? "

Hearing Yang Chaoyue's voice, Zhao Changhuan smiled slightly: "Yes, there are some things, I want to ask your brother out, have a meal, and chat about something, but judging from what you said just now, you... Is this going to eat hot pot? "

"Yes, Director Xiao Zhao, do you want to come to eat?" Yang Chaoyue asked

Zhao Changhuan asked rhetorically: "My appetite is a little big, aren't you afraid that I will eat your family down?" "

"Just brag."

Yang Chaoyue is a girl with a very straight personality, although she admires Zhao Changhuan very much, but when talking to Zhao Changhuan, she is still grinning and has no scruples.

"If you can eat my family to pieces, I'll call you Daddy!"

"Haha, then I'll go later."

After a phone call, Zhao Changhuan was refreshed.

I don't know why, every time I finished talking with Yang Chao this nizi, Zhao Changhuan felt very comfortable.

Could it be that this is the legend, koi bonus?

"Ding: Congratulations to the host's influence in the Blue Realm Star to reach the level known to passers-by!"

That is, in the moment when Zhao Changhuan hung up the phone and thought cranky: The voice of the system appeared in Zhao Changhuan's ears again!

Followed by...

"Ding: Congratulations to the host, get a silver-level gift package."

Zhao Changhuan: "... "

Groove! _

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