Arriving at the destination, Zhao Changhuan and Yang Chaohu got out of the car.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhao Changhuan saw Yang Chaoyue, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Since there is no hot pot material, Yang Chaoyue can't be busy making hot pot, and now seeing Yang Chaohu coming, she is busy.

Soon, the hot pot was ready, and the three of them happily began to eat.

The cake Yang Chaohu bought is indeed quite luxurious, and it looks very tall.

Zhao Changhuan secretly asked Yang Chaohu how much this cake cost, Yang Chaohu did not say the specific number, just said that this cake directly cost him half a month's salary!

It's a ruthless person.

Coming to rub rice, Zhao Changhuan can't say nothing, not to mention that Chaoyue girl has brought him good luck twice.

Therefore, when he heard Yang Chaohu say that Yang Chaoyue celebrated his birthday today, Zhao Changhuan drove to a jewelry store and bought a necklace for Yang Chaoyue.

For such things as giving girls gifts, Zhao Changhuan has never liked to spend too much thought.

He prefers to put his mind on filmmaking.

After receiving Zhao Changhuan's gift, Yang Chaoyue was very happy.

After eating lunch and cake in joy, Yang Chaoyue went to wash the dishes.

Zhao Changhuan, on the other hand, chatted with Yang Chaohu about being an actor.

"Do you remember that I promised you to act?"

Zhao Changhuan asked.

Yang Chaohu was very excited: "Of course, I remember, my dream since I was a child is to be an actor!" Director Xiao Zhao, when you said before that you wanted to let Li act, the whole person almost fainted with joy! "

"I've always done what I say, and since I promised you, I will definitely let you act."

Zhao Changhuan spoke: "But before acting, there are two prerequisites, one is the problem of your current work, and the other is the problem of your acting skills." "

Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, Yang Chaohu fell silent.

After a while, Yang Chaohu raised his head: "Little Director Zhao, here you can first suspend your job for a year, and then resume work next year." "

"I don't care how you do it, in short, you can handle the work yourself, these trivial things, I don't like to deal with."

Zhao Changhuan has always been decisive and likes to carry out the task at hand at a fast pace: "Deal with the problem of work, after you have time, the next thing is your acting problem..."

Saying that, Zhao Changhuan designated a few sections for Yang Chaohu to play.

Before letting Yang Chaohu go to training, what kind of level is Zhao Changhuan's acting skills at now.

Although Yang Chaohu has not received professional training, there are many people in this world who have not received training and act particularly well.

Acting is sometimes very dependent.

The movie that Zhao Changhuan wants Yang Chaohu to play should be "No Thief in the World", or "Mr. Hello Tree", because Yang Chaohu is really like Baoqiang, whether in terms of personality or appearance, Yang Chaohu is as humble as Baoqiang.

After a series of experiments, Zhao Changhuan found that Yang Chaohu's talent for acting was still very good.

Although looking at it now, it is still very embarrassing when he plays those scenes.

But he plays much better than other people who have no training at all.

Under such circumstances, if Zhao Changhuan arranged him to study in Changhuan First Media College, it might not be long before Yang Chaohu could look like a real actor.

"I didn't see it, you're pretty good!"

Zhao Changhuan smiled and praised Yang Chaohu.

Yang Chaohu suddenly smiled: "Director Xiao Zhao, I told you earlier, my dream since childhood is to be an actor, and I have played many roles since I was a child!" "

"Okay, don't be arrogant, although your talent is very good, but you have not received professional training, your acting skills still have many flaws, next I will arrange you to the first college of Changhuan Media under Changhuan Media, you study hard for a few months inside, then I will arrange a play for you!"

"Thank you Director Xiao Zhao, I will definitely work hard!!"

Hearing Zhao Changhuan's arrangement, Yang Chaohu was very happy.

After talking about acting, Zhao Changhuan chatted with Yang Chaohu about other things.

The scope of these other things is large, almost what can be talked about, the two of them have talked.

Among them, among all the topics discussed, what attracted Zhao Changhuan's attention the most was a new case received by the police station in the next city as Yang Chaohu said.

In a school next door, the principal assaulted female students

This case seems to be difficult to handle, because it is said that this principal has many big connections in addition to serving as the principal.

However, since this incident is from the next city, Yang Chaohu does not know much.

After chatting with Yang Chaohu, Zhao Changhuan returned to Zhao's house.

As soon as he returned home, Zhao Changhuan searched the Internet for the novel website of his old sister Zhao Changruo according to his memory.

The name of the Zhao family to the company is very straightforward, and the name of the old sister novel website is her own name, called Changruo Novel Network.

Open Changruo Novel Network, Zhao Changhuan first saw the interface of Changruo Novel Network, I have to say that the old sister made the interface of this website very good.

However, although the website is good, the books in it are a bad mess, Zhao Changhuan casually flipped through two books on the list, and found that these writing were really embarrassing!

Such an embarrassing, such an ugly book, can be ranked on the Changruo Novel Network, Zhao Changhuan really dare not imagine how bleak the Changruo Novel Network is now.

But it doesn't matter, right away, Changruo Novel Network will be saved!

To ask why? Because, the king of female tears, Zhao Changhuan is here!

Without notifying the old sister in advance, Zhao Changhuan immediately registered an author account.

As soon as you sign up, it's five!

What is more refreshing than opening trumpets to pretend to be forced, and then fighting each other, fighting the sky and breaking apart, and finally announcing to netizens that these trumpets are all one person?

The names of the five trumpets, Zhao Changhuan is very well-behaved.

They are, Rock Kingdom, Obi Island, Kaboo West, Sail, Ola Star. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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