I'm not the God of Medicine!

This movie can!

To have meaning, to have a point of abuse!

I can shoot this movie myself!

Without any doubts, Zhao Changhuan decisively used the script of "I Am Not the God of Medicine".

The script extracted by the system is not a simple script, but the entire drama, all the details and the required things are directly transmitted to the knowledge in Zhao Changhuan's brain!

After digesting for twenty minutes, Zhao Changhuan finally completely absorbed the script of "I Am Not the God of Medicine".

Subsequently, Zhao Changhuan decisively went to his father's room and told his cheap father Zhao Guoyue that he had already thought of what he wanted to shoot, and let him prepare everything for himself!

All this includes: Funding, crew personnel, publicity, and even actors.

Zhao Guoyue is the best comedy director in the last Huaxia, and there is a big film and television company under him, Changhuan Media!

With such a large resource, how could Zhao Changhuan be worthy of his identity as a "prince"!

Zhao Changhuan directly made a movie, Zhao Guoyue is very happy, the movie Zhao Changhuan wants to make is a tragedy, which makes Zhao Guoyue very uncomfortable!

But.. As the most favored son's fake strong, true and kind father, Zhao Guoyue can really only follow his son.

Therefore, after Zhao Changhuan nagged him, although Zhao Guoyue hung his face, he still arranged everything for Zhao Changhuan.

The next day, Zhao Guoyue took Zhao Changhuan to Changhuan Media Company, went to the designated room, and asked Zhao Changhuan to select several leading actors in his movie.

What Zhao Guoyue arranged for Zhao Changhuan were all drama bones in Changhuan Media, or very popular actors.

But... Also all comedians.

Changhuan Media Company only does entertainment, and the actors under Changhuan Media Company are all comedians...

That's a big injury!

But it doesn't matter, the drama bone is the drama bone after all.

Even if it will be a little inappropriate at the beginning from comedy to tragedy, as long as Zhao Changhuan is cultivated in place, they can still be very cattle!

It took two days, Zhao Changhuan auditioned one by one, and in the end, he selected all the personnel in "I Am Not the God of Medicine" that he wanted to shoot.

What surprised Zhao Changhuan was that in his father's Changhuan Media Company, he actually found Xu Zhen!

Although there are classic works on the earth, the blue star realm is basically none, but the history of the blue star realm is really not much different from the earth.

Although there have been changes, the final result is similar.

Moreover, after these two days of inspection, Zhao Changhuan found that some stars on the earth also have blue star realms!

But the experience of these stars is completely different from that on Earth.

For example, Xu Zhen, he has not made so many blockbusters in the Blue Star World, although in the Blue Star World, he has also made some comedies, but they are not too popular.

Because he likes to take him every time he has a movie with Zhao Guoyue, now, he is signed with Changhuan Media Company.

With Xu Zhen, Zhao Changhuan has more confidence in the "I Am Not the God of Medicine" that he wants to shoot!

On the other side, after Zhao Guoyue arranged an assistant for Zhao Changhuan, he no longer cared about Zhao Changhuan's affairs.

After all, Zhao Guoyue himself is now making a movie, and it is a high-cost special effects movie!

The assistant arranged by Zhao Guoyue for Zhao Changhuan was called Liu Yue, a very excellent young woman, three years older than Zhao Changhuan.

Basically, funds, or other things in the crew, Liu Yue can solve it for Zhao Changhuan.

Zhao Changhuan just writes his own script and directs his own movie!

After a short period of preparation, Zhao Changhuan gathered together several old actors he selected.

Then, print out the script I wrote on the computer and distribute it to them one by one.

After seeing Zhao Changhuan's script, without exception, all the drama bones were stunned!

From being selected to the end, they have always firmly believed that Zhao Changhuan filmed the script prepared for him by his father!

But what he didn't expect was that the script of the movie that Zhao Changhuan wanted to shoot was prepared by himself!

Not only did he prepare it himself, but it was not the comedy script that the old Zhao family had always had!!

Zhao Changhuan actually wants to make a sadistic drama and a touching movie that is more realistic!

The prince of the old Zhao family took the wrong medicine?!

Put the foundation as big as the old Zhao family, don't make comedy movies, go and make touching movies?!

You know, on the plaque of the old Zhao family, Zhao Changhuan only needs to make a movie, publicize it, Zhao Guoyue's son's movie comedy movie, the old Zhao family's new comedy successor work, that guy, the box office will definitely explode!

The old Zhao family's comedy plaque is so bullish, Zhao Changhuan doesn't make comedy!

Obediently, the prince is willful!

Shaking his head, the drama bones did not continue to think, but read the script more seriously.

How Zhao Changhuan wants to play, they don't care, anyway, they just follow Zhao Changhuan.

Zhao Changhuan is the new master of Changhuan Media in the future, they are now in Zhao Changhuan's sense of existence, even if Zhao Changhuan's first movie hit the street, in the future, Zhao Changhuan will think of them and continue to choose them to make comedy, right?!

The drama bones looked at the script seriously, and at the beginning, they all thought about Zhao Changhuan's identity, more than the script itself.

But slowly, when they read the script little by little, somehow: Suddenly....

They were full of minds, only Zhao Changhuan was left in the script!

They are full of minds, only the drama "I am not the God of Medicine" remains!

The script: Like, is it really a little nice?

After sending the script to everyone and letting everyone remember the lines, Zhao Changhuan fell into a waiting period again.

Let the assistant Liu Yue go and solve all the other messy things.

Five days later, after all aspects were prepared, "I Am Not the God of Medicine": Official boot!

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