This Zhao family that Zhao Changhuan crossed had a rule.

That is, before the age of eighteen, the people in this family can only engage in recreational learning, and cannot engage in recreational creation.

Only after experiencing the bar mitzvah at the age of eighteen can the Zhao family really start entertainment work and step into the entertainment industry!

Today happens to be the day Zhao Changhuan turns eighteen, so today, the Zhao family has given Zhao Changhuan a "life script" that Zhao Changhuan can choose


Zhao Changhuan's mother hopes that he will start with sketches and write sketches first.

Zhao Changhuan's father hopes that he will directly become a director, after all, he has learned enough for eighteen years, and it is no problem to be a comedy director!

Zhao Changhuan's uncle hopes that Zhao Changhuan will join the Floating Cloud Society, and now he is talking about crosstalk in the Floating Cloud Society, and he has "lived" for several years!

Zhao Changhuan's aunt, I hope that Zhao Changhuan will start with a TV series writer or director!

As for Zhao Changhuan's two sisters... is to hope that Zhao Changhuan will become a comedian.

But no matter what you want Zhao Changhuan to do, in the end, it must be work related to "comedy"! !

After all, the old Zhao family is a recognized comedy family in the entertainment industry!

You are the prince of a comedy family, you give up comedy and go to tragedy, aren't you doing against your family?!

Faced with the obstacles of his family, Zhao Changhuan was helpless to the extreme.

It is impossible, after all, his life is now tied to tragedy.

As for letting him fool his family, it is even more unlikely, as long as he temporarily hides his thoughts of making a tragedy, his family will immediately give him a number of sketch scripts or movie scripts, let him go according to the path arranged by his family first!


No way, play petty!

After all, it is the only male member of the third generation of the old Zhao family, the most favorite existence of the whole family, Zhao Changhuan wants to really play a little trick, the people of the old Zhao family, can really only follow Zhao Changhuan!

"I'm going to shoot tragedy, whoever doesn't let me film, I'll die to whomever I will see!"

Since he was directly fused with the remnant soul of the predecessor when he crossed over, Zhao Changhuan could easily make trouble in the way of the former owner of this body.

The people of the old Zhao family were most afraid of Zhao Changhuan's words that were death!

Therefore, after Zhao Changhuan said this, the people of the old Zhao family stopped making trouble in an instant!

Even Zhao Changhuan, the cheap father, completely softened, coughed and pretended that nothing had happened, and sat down on the chair again.

No problem, the whole family is Zhao Changhuan, such a baby bump that has been handed down from generation to generation.

No one really dares to fight with Zhao Changhuan, after all, when he was a child, the predecessor Zhao Changhuan really jumped over the river once after saying the dead word!

This stunned blue, can really do what he says!

"What Xiao Huan wants to do, let him do anything, his own way, let him choose by himself!!"

Seeing that Zhao Changhuan began to make trouble, Old Master Zhao, Zhao Changhuan's grandfather immediately initiated the conversation.

As soon as Old Master Zhao's words came out, all of a sudden, the people of the old Zhao family also nodded one by one.

Tragedy, sadness is sadness, don't let Zhao Changhuan want to break off relations or commit suicide!

Seeing that everyone was no longer blocking him, Zhao Changhuan was also happy.

If his family still didn't let him shoot the tragedy, he really didn't dare to die...

The stunned Qing of the predecessor is not afraid of death, and he "Earth Zhao Changhuan" is afraid of death!

A family banquet ended quickly.

After returning to his room, Zhao Changhuan took a deep breath and turned on the system.

Immediately, Zhao Changhuan opened the newbie gift package issued to him by the system!

Due to the coming-of-age ceremony and the arrival of the system, Zhao Changhuan had not had time to open this newbie gift package, and now it was just opened!

"Ding: You've opened the Starter Pack!"

"Ding: Congratulations, get the senior directing technique!"

"Ding: Congratulations, advanced music technology!"

"Ding: Congratulations, get advanced acting!"

"Ding: Congratulations, you got three chances to draw random scripts on Earth!"

After the newbie gift package was opened, Zhao Changhuan suddenly felt that there were countless more things in his head.

After a full ten minutes of transformation, Zhao Changhuan thoroughly digested the directing skills, music skills and acting skills rewarded by the system.

Now Zhao Changhuan can also be regarded as a capable director!

"Extract Earth random scripts!"

With the ability to extract random scripts, Zhao Changhuan must use it!

Let him make up his own tragedy, he made it up ... Eighty percent will be the kind of tragedy that is bloody to the extreme.

As for the tragedy that made him copy the earth directly, he really didn't remember much.

This random script is a good way to remind him of the tragic plot of Earth.

Zhao Changhuan gave an order, and immediately, the system pulled out the script for Zhao Changhuan.

"Ding: Congratulations, you successfully extracted and successfully obtained the movie script "Jue Ji"!"

“。。。 "

After drawing the first random script, Zhao Changhuan helplessly raised his forehead.

This movie, there is no point in shooting at all....

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Changhuan drew a random script again.

"Ding: Congratulations, the extraction was successful, and the movie script "Big Man" was successfully obtained"

This script is good.

But... It doesn't make sense.

His current priority is to rely on abuse to continue his life, before life is not enough, other types of movies, there is no need to make them at all.

"Last time, let's draw!"

Inhaling deeply again, Zhao Changhuan began his last random script extraction.

"Ding: Congratulations, the extraction was successful, and the movie script "I Am Not the God of Medicine" was successfully obtained"

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