The movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine" is a very classic on Earth.

The film tells the story of Cheng Yong, a male health care product seller who cannot afford to pay rent, and brings back the generic drug "Indian Grein" of the sky-high drug Grenin from India

Then, the trafficking was carried out privately, leading to a police investigation. The story of moving from selfishness to selflessness, fighting for the patient's right to live, and finally being caught.

The whole story is divided into three big stages, these three big stages, respectively, the protagonist Cheng Yong makes money to sell medicine, does not make money to sell medicine, and finally loses money to sell medicine!

There are a total of six main characters in the movie: the protagonist Cheng Yong, Lu Yihui who eats oranges, Liu Sihui who does not hesitate to commit himself to the dust for his daughter, Huang Mao Penghao who did not return home in the end, Pastor Liu who can speak English, and Cao Bin, a policeman.

In addition to these six main characters, there are many particularly classic dragon sets in this movie, such as... Lu Yi's wife, the grandmother who said "I don't want to die", accompanied Zhang Changlin.

Each of these characters is a classic.

If you want to make a movie, you have to shoot it thoroughly, so after the filming of the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine" began, Zhao Changhuan did his best to create these characters.

He stuck off and reshot again and again, and again and again he guided everyone how to make the old drama bones, a certain shot, and a certain expression more vivid.

It is precisely because of Zhao Changhuan who is so serious that the drama bones who simply come to mix familiar eyes give up the previous idea of simple and familiar eyes and really invest in the play!

The drama bones are worthy of the drama bones, even if they have always filmed comedy before, but with the help of Zhao Changhuan, it didn't take long for them to completely turn into characters in "I'm Not the God of Medicine"!

Zhao Changhuan, who has the ability to direct a senior director, is extremely fast.

It didn't take long for "I'm Not the God of Medicine" to really finish filming!

After the shooting, it's post.

The assistant Liu Yue found for Zhao Changhuan to the best post-stage in Changhuan Media, plus "I Am Not the God of Medicine" does not need too much post.

So, in the end, it only took four months, and the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine" went from the start of filming to the end of the post!

Seeing the final finished product, Zhao Changhuan took a deep breath!

Nice shot!

The ability of senior director is really not covered!

"Little Director Zhao, don't say anything, we all see your ability!"

"Yes, at the beginning, I only thought that Director Xiao Zhao was practicing your hands, but I didn't expect that Director Xiao Zhao was so powerful!"

"This script is really good, filmed, I myself am moved, they all say that comedy movies are the cards of the Zhao family, but I think, Director Xiao Zhao, you can also be used as a card in this touching movie!"

"The bloodline of the old Zhao family is really not a joke, your father has definitely been teaching you how to be a director since he was a child!"

After the finished product of "I Am Not the God of Medicine" came out, the actors and staff who participated in the film without exception once again praised Zhao Changhuan!

Just like when the shooting was just over, everyone was praising from the bottom of their hearts!

Even Xu Zhen couldn't help but praise Zhao Changhuan all the time, saying that if Zhao Changhuan made a drama again in the future, if there was a role suitable for him, he would definitely come!

is really a good man of Laozi heroes, Zhao Guoyue's technology for filming is first-class, and Zhao Changhuan's technology for making movies is also a strong mess!

After the film is made, it comes to other links.

In Blue Circle, the process after the completion of film production is review, publicity, and release.

When Zhao Changhuan's film went through the review process, Zhao Guoyue was busy working on his own film.

Therefore, Zhao Guoyue did not pay much attention to Zhao Changhuan's side, but just called "above" for Zhao Changhuan, so that no matter what content "above" was, it was accommodating.

After that, Zhao Guoyue didn't know whether his words played a role, or if Zhao Changhuan really didn't shoot anything excessive.

Anyway, after receiving a call from his old friend in the audit department, and hearing his old friend say "Your son is better than you, this movie makes my eyes red", Zhao Changhuan's movie passed the review!

The review ended, and "I Am Not the God of Medicine" was scheduled for June 20.

After that, it is also the publicity period.

As the prince's movie, Changhuan Media launched an overwhelming publicity for Zhao Changhuan's "I Am Not the God of Medicine"!

For a while, most of Huaxia knew the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine"!

On the post, on the microwave, there are discussions about "I Am Not the God of Medicine" everywhere.

"Oh, the only male member of the old Zhao family has finally come of age and stepped into the entertainment industry?!!"

"The old Zhao family is out of the horse, a top two, the comedy from the old Zhao family, there is no one who is not awesome, whether it is a sketch, a movie, a TV series or a crosstalk, each of them can laugh me to death!"

"I'm ready to laugh!"

"The name "I'm Not the God of Medicine" sounds attractive, and looking at this cast, each of them is a first-class comedian, drama bone, love!"

"Old Zhao's family, there really hasn't been garbage, so, Zhao Changhuan's movie, we don't have to be afraid of being too bad, no matter how bad it is, he can also be worth the ticket price!"

"Last time Zhao Guoyue Director Zhao's movie, I laughed and my stomach hurt for three days, this time, do I dare to watch it?

"The comedy of the old Zhao family must be a boutique!"

On the Internet, Huaxia netizens are all full of expectations for Zhao Changhuan's first movie.

Even if the label of this movie is not marked with the word comedy, netizens without exception all regard Zhao Changhuan's movie as a comedy.

After all.. In addition to comedy, the old Zhao family has really never had anything else in addition to comedy for so many years!

Coupled with the fact that the film and television industry of the Blue Star World does not have the habit of putting a trailer, everyone basically blindly guesses whether it is good or not when they watch movies, and Zhao Changhuan did not indicate the category of "I Am Not the God of Medicine", so it makes more sense for everyone to regard the God of Medicine as a comedy.

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