They all questioned.


Just three days and ten million?

As the No. 1 film company in China, Xuanying really doesn't lack that little money.

As for time - three days is good.

Twenty days is not bad either.

In other words, these are just icing on the cake.

They don't play a decisive role!

Even the person in charge of Xuanying shook his head:"Mr. Ye, I know you have the ability, and I have seen your sincerity, but just based on the conditions you said, it is not enough to support us to change the industry rules for you!"

"Even if I report the results, the board of directors will not agree."

A group of bigwigs applauded.

This slap in the face.

Too loud!

This should have been done long ago.

A group of bigwigs clapped their hands in gloating.

At this moment, Ye Feng looked around the audience and said lightly:"Of course I know that these alone are not enough. What if I add one more thing?"

He looked at the person in charge of Xuanying, and spoke the next words word by word.

"Special effects that surpass Hollywood!"


The crowd exploded again.

No one expected Ye Feng to release this news.

Special effects that surpass Hollywood!

This is amazing!

Huh - even the person in charge of Xuanying took a deep breath.

If the time and money before were icing on the cake, this time the special effects really impressed him.

He was about to ask.

Wei Teng Technology came out directly:"Wait!"

A group of people looked over.

Mr. Zhang of Wei Teng Technology said with a gloomy face:"Mr. Ye, you are so arrogant! Surpass Hollywood? Do you know that the birthplace of the world's 3D technology is Fox? It's Hollywood?"

"Flat point technology is the world's most advanced 3D technology!"

"You are so arrogant that you even boasted that you can surpass Hollywood!"

Ye Feng interrupted him directly:"Let me correct you on one point! First, the most advanced flat point technology? Sorry, it is no longer the most advanced flat point technology! This title now belongs to the floating point technology of my future film industry!"

"Second, this new floating-point technology creates a groundbreaking diamond sequence!"

"Change the distortion existing in the 3D data compression process!"

"This is the confidence of my Ye Feng!"


A group of people were all stunned.

Even those who didn't understand it felt powerful.

Floating point technology?

Diamond sequence?

Change distortion?

These words were like thunder.

They really surprised everyone.

As we all know, the biggest problem of 3D technology is distortion.

Simple analogy, three dimensions are length, width and height, but data can only be stored in the form of two-dimensional vectors.

The compression process inevitably means data distortion.

Although flat point technology is the leading technology of 3D, it still can't change all this.

Can floating point technology ignore all this?

A group of bigwigs were shocked.

If all this is true, it will mean the reshaping of discourse power!


It is the reshaping of discourse power!

The domestic video optimization industry will break the Western monopoly.

For the first time, it is truly leading Hollywood technology special effects in all aspects!

This is almost a miracle!

A group of people were shocked beyond words.

Even the person in charge of Xuanguo Pictures was shocked.

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