He asked:"Mr. Ye, is this floating point technology your own?"

Ye Feng nodded and said:"Of course! This is my original technology, a real generation-breaking technology! Not only that, it will also comprehensively improve the quality of the film from ten dimensions and perfectly handle the special effects."Across the Galaxy" will completely change the current pattern of film optimization!"

"Before this, all 3D movies were garbage!"

"After this, movie optimization will peak at my future film studio!"

"If Future Films doesn't come out, 3D movies will be like a long night forever!"


A group of people were stunned.

All the optimization business leaders were stunned.

Really stunned!

I've seen people pretending to be awesome, but I've never seen such a pretentious one.

I've seen awesome people, but I've never seen such an awesome one.

I'm the peak at the end of the mountain road!

The film industry will be like a long night forever!

What is this for?

Can you surpass Hollywood with Xuanguo technology alone?

At this moment.

Everyone's heart inexplicably rose a little boiling feeling.

Even Rong Lan's beautiful eyes were shining.

She, who always looked up to others, actually felt a throbbing feeling at this moment!

This has nothing to do with appearance!

It has nothing to do with wealth!

This is pure appreciation of talent!

The CEO of Weiteng Technology was stunned for a long time and didn't react.

Hiss - the person in charge of Xuanying took a deep breath.

His hands were shaking with excitement!

If it is true as Ye Feng said, this is no longer an optimization!

It is a remake! A real optimization!

Too scary!

Not to mention the opening subtitles, even putting it in front of the leading actors is fine.

He can make the decision without the approval of the board of directors!

Ye Feng looked around the room, taking in everyone's expressions, and said lightly:"I said it before, my Ye Feng's skills are beyond the imagination of everyone here!"

"If you want to fight fairly, I, Ye Feng, welcome you anytime!"

"Want to play dirty tricks? I, Ye Feng, am not afraid either!"

"I'm telling you clearly, I'm going to win this bid, who's for? Who's against?"


The venue was in chaos.


Too damn arrogant!

Who's for?

Who's against?

How can this be a bidding?

This is clearly a decision made by the boss!

Even Wei Teng Technology doesn't have this ability.

A group of people gnashed their teeth in anger.

They wanted to punch Ye Feng hard.

But Ye Feng didn't give them a chance at all!

Three days!

Ten million!

Floating point technology!

Special effects that are perfect and surpass Hollywood!!

Even if they can achieve one tenth of the effect, they can be killed in the gutter in seconds!

Even Wei Teng Technology was speechless. Let alone other manufacturers.

【Ding! Reputation +5!】

【Ding! Reputation +4!】

【Ding! Reputation +2! 】

Reputation soared like crazy.

Just as Ye Feng expected, he harvested another wave of reputation in an extremely domineering way.

In the field.

Those small factories were completely impressed.

Only the five major optimizers were still staring at Ye Feng.

The CEO of Weiteng Technology said stubbornly:"Mr. Li, I am not doubting it. You know the strength of Weiteng Technology. It is undoubtedly the number one in the country. Twenty days is already the limit. He actually wants three days? This is impossible!"

"Besides, the path of technological development has always been traceable. Even Fox couldn't achieve lossless, so how could he do it?"

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