
The conference room exploded.

This time, everyone was truly stunned.

No deposit?

No money if there is a problem? Are you sure you are not here to cause trouble? Even

Wei Teng Technology didn't dare to say that.

What is the basis for this young man in front of them?

A group of people thought they had walked into the wrong set.

Rong Lan stared at Ye Feng in astonishment.

The person in charge of Xuanying was even more stunned.

In this day and age, I have only heard of people who want to get more deposits. When has anyone not wanted money?

He looked at Ye Feng and wanted to say,"Are you serious?"

But he gave up when the words came to his lips.

How could he still joke at this time?

What's the benefit for him?

It was precisely because there was no benefit that he was surprised.

What does this young man want?

Just to open up the market?

Even so!

Ten million is not enough.

Not only him, but also several heads of Wei Teng Technology were also stunned.

All of them.

The expressions of several people were more solemn than ever.

If they heard Ye Feng's offer before, they thought it was a prank.

But now they don't want a deposit!

��No money will be charged for any problem!

There is no possibility of joking at all!

Everyone felt their scalps tingling.

They thought they were here to make trouble, but they directly filmed the historical optimization performance of thirteen companies in two days!

They thought they were here to cheat money and run away, but they didn’t take any deposit!

They thought they were joking, but they didn’t take any money for any problem!

Who else would meet these conditions? Sure enough, I’m not targeting anyone!

A group of bigwigs looked at each other.

At this moment, Ye Feng put forward his conditions.

He looked at the person in charge of Xuanguo Pictures and said,"Mr.

Li, I believe you are also confused as to why I offered such a low price!


"I offer this price with only one requirement: when"Across the Galaxy" is released, the name of my Future Pictures must be prominently displayed in the opening credits! This movie is optimized by my Future Pictures!"

"I want everyone who sees this movie to know the name of Future Pictures!"


The whole audience was in an uproar!

No one expected that Ye Feng would make this request.

How could they know.


This kind of thing has no appeal to Ye Feng.

Not to mention that the 60 million god car is still lying quietly and eating dirt, for him who holds the universal video device, making money is almost easy.

As long as the name is spread, making money is a matter of minutes.


Only reputation!

Is his top priority.

This is why he is willing to lower the bid to win this bid!

After all!

There is no better publicity carrier than"Across the Galaxy"!

With the size of Xuanguo Pictures and the publicity and promotion strength of Xuanguo Pictures, I dare not say that this movie will be absolutely popular both abroad and domestically!

By then, relying on this wave of momentum, his reputation value will usher in a wave of peaks!

Who still cares about the 10 or 20 million in front of them?

A group of people questioned

"Are you kidding me?"

"It is an industry practice to play the credits when subtitles are shown."

"There are always only the leading actors and directors in the opening credits!"

Ye Feng looked at them disdainfully and said,"I said, for me, nothing is impossible!"

"If there is, then make the impossible possible!"


The crowd exploded again.


Too arrogant!

Everyone present counted.

I have never seen such a great person before!

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