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Deng Chao also nodded.

He felt an unprecedented excitement.


Tianmu Company.

The company where King Liu works!

At this moment.

King Liu has reached the top of the Chinese entertainment industry.

He no longer needs to rely on movies, TV series or songs to maintain his popularity.

In the past few years, he has maintained a low output.

It can be said that!


Is the popularity!

In the entertainment industry in 30 years, there has only been such an immortal king.

At this time.

King Liu received a call.

Ye Feng?

He answered the call and said with a smile:"Little brother, when are you coming to Hong Kong? Many people here want to see you!"

Ye Feng smiled and said:"Brother Hua, are you free recently?"

King Liu said:"Are you looking for me to make a movie?"

Ye Feng nodded:"You are right. This time in"Wandering Blue Star", there is a position of a frontal commander that I think is very suitable for you. I have asked Cai Zhuoyan to take the relevant part of the script. Do you have time to take a look?"

King Liu said:"Hahaha, why should I need to watch the movie you recommended? I agreed!"

Ye Feng said:"Don't you want to consider it? There are not many roles this time. It's probably the second or third male lead. It's a bit sorry for your identity, but the male lead is too young, a child in his twenties. If you play……"


King Liu laughed:"Ye Feng, I told you that I treat you as my younger brother, why are you still being so formal? I am very happy that you thought of me first. Come to Hong Kong when you are free and have dinner at home! My sister-in-law has talked to me about it for several times!"

Ye Feng said:"Okay, Brother Hua, it's settled!"

After hanging up the phone,

King Liu's expression was slightly excited.

At the side, his wife who had been with him for many years asked:"Who is it? It's rare to see you so happy?"

King Liu said:"It's Ye Feng, he wants me to play a role in his new play!"

"Ye Feng?"

His wife said with a smile,"Your dear brother, I am so overwhelmed by your praise. When are you going to invite him to our house for a meal? I have never seen you care so much about the younger generation."

King Liu said,"Ye Feng's talent is the only one I have ever seen in all my years of working in this industry. Not to mention music, this time he made a movie, the domestic box office exceeded 10 billion, and the international box office exceeded 500 million US dollars, which won the championship of the movie box office last month. Even several Hollywood blockbusters are not his opponents!"

His wife was surprised and said,"So amazing?"

King Liu:"What else? Being able to star in his new movie this time is also a wish I have had for many years."

The wife pinched his shoulder.

Knowing each other for many years,

King Liu's biggest knot is that he has not been able to develop overseas for a period of time.

Like the two Zhou Yicheng in the past, including Li Lianjie later, they all made a name for themselves in Hollywood.

Only he, considering the family, has been developing in China.

Now with Ye Feng's movie, it can be regarded as officially entering the overseas market!

The only exception!

Maybe he is not the male lead!

But he didn't think anything was wrong!

On the contrary!

Ye Feng thought of him.

This shows their friendship.

He has a better impression of Ye Feng.

If he knew that Ye Feng had a movie that could push him to the Golden Globe Award waiting for him, he would definitely be stunned.



One of the four biggest stars of Hollywood!

He holds the highest box office record in history!

He is known as the King of History!


This number one star of Hollywood received a call from Ye Feng.

When he was shocked at how Ye Feng got his phone number, Smith was stunned by the other party's request!

《"The Wandering Blue Planet"!

There is a cameo in this movie!

You need to act in it yourself.

Time -

Emmmm. About five minutes!

Will was stunned.

He, a superstar, was asked to act in a movie, and it was just a five-minute supporting role?

Are you sure you are not kidding?

The next moment!

Ye Feng directly stated the reason.

He said lightly:"I know it is difficult for you, but I need you to help this movie open up the international market. Of course! In return! I will shoot a movie for you as a reward!"

Will asked:"What movie? Are you so confident that I will agree?"

Ye Feng said lightly:"Of course! This is a movie that can win you a Golden Globe Award!"


Will was stunned.

He asked:"Are you sure?"

Ye Feng said:"When did I, Ye Feng, need to rely on deception to recruit superstars? I can tell you the first third of the plot of this movie now. You have five minutes to think about it. After five minutes, when I hang up the phone, you have the right to agree or refuse!"

"But! There is only one chance!"

The next moment, he began to tell the plot of the movie.

The catchy story and the extremely soothing plot were told by Ye Feng.

Will was fascinated by it.

At this moment,

Ye Feng's voice stopped abruptly.

"What's next? What happened next?"

Will felt like scratching his head.

The feeling of listening halfway was too hard to bear.


He was absolutely sure after listening to the half just now.

This is a movie that can push him to win a Golden Globe Award.

The artistry in the movie is absolutely unparalleled, especially it subtly fits the tastes of those academic bigwigs.

Ye Feng smiled and said,"Have you thought it through?" Will blurted out,"I've thought it through!

I'm willing to join this movie!

Not to mention five minutes, I'm willing to even make a one-minute cameo!

But I need to ensure that you have the integrity of the script first!



Ye Feng laughed:"I, Ye Feng, never need a guarantee when doing things! The two words Ye Feng are the biggest guarantee! If you don't believe me, you can learn more about it!"

Will hung up the phone in shock.

The next moment!

He immediately logged on to the Internet to search.

Ye Feng's news was overwhelming.

The former rock giant!

Today's promoter of Xuan Guofeng!

The record holder of album sales exceeding 60 million copies worldwide! The top male singer on the Billboard!

The man who had six songs on the Billboard at the same time!

A song directly helped a certain queen of Xuan Guo to top the Billboard!

A movie directly occupied the first place in the global box office list! Topped 98 markets around the world!

Seeing this scene, Will was stunned._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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