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Are you sure you are not kidding?

This is simply a life of cheating.

Thinking about the movie he mentioned before, he now has plenty of expectations.

Ye Feng did not lie to himself.

Thinking about the movie that showed its brilliance, he was even more excited.

All along!

He has been called the King of History!

A Hollywood superstar!

But he knows the pain in his heart.

He has never won even one Golden Globe Award!

This is the best reward for art!

He has been trying to walk between commercial and art films.

But those old antiques have never really appreciated his work.

He can understand it.

Business and art have always been styles.

If you want business!

Don't think about art!

Even when he made"The Pursuit of Happyness" that year, he failed.

But this time!

He felt that he was closest to the best actor!



Future Pictures Group.

Ye Feng weighed the chips in his hand.

Deng Chao!

Zhao Xiaogu!

King Liu!

Will Smith!

These four are enough to support the box office.

Plus his guest appearance.

Five top superstars have joined.

This lineup is enough to be proud of even if it is brought to the international stage.


Ye Feng felt that it was still a little lacking.

He decided to make the plate bigger.

He wanted to make"Wandering Blue Star" a benchmark for science fiction movies!

Make it a big production with the characteristics of Xuanguo and the family and country!

He counted the money in his hand.

Excluding the two giants, Future Pictures and Music Network.

Ye Feng's funds increased by 8 billion again.

《Wolf Warrior officially broke through the 10 billion mark.

According to the box office profit-sharing agreement, the box office alone earned nearly 5.5 billion. It was also a big hit abroad.

More than 600 million US dollars in revenue!

And it is still rising.

Two billion in revenue!

He has 8 billion in cash. He is simply a cash cow.

At this moment.

He typed a few words on the keyboard.

He decided to inform the whole network of this good news.

The next moment.

The whole network was boiling!



Netizens went crazy.

Just because!

Ye Feng posted a Weibo.

Ye Feng: Everyone liked the last movie"Wolf Warriors", and this time"Wandering Blue Planet" will present you with even better pictures! The boundless starry sky! The brilliant galaxy! This is a real science fiction movie, our journey is to the stars and the sea!


Everyone was stunned.

This Weibo directly rushed to the top of the hot search


"What a great sentence! Our journey is to the stars and the sea!"

"I love you just because of this sentence"

"Sci-fi huh? Special effects come into play"

""My male god, I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

Everyone was very excited.

But what did he say? Ye Feng hadn't finished revealing the secrets yet.

The next moment,

Ye Feng announced the cast list.

Deng Chao!

Zhao Xiaogu!

King Liu!

Will Smith!

Ye Feng!

The rest - to be determined!

All netizens were stunned.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"King Liu?"

"And Smith?"

"Are you sure you're not here to bully people?"

"Still to be determined?"

"God damn it’s still to be determined!"·

"This lineup alone is enough to give those movies a hard time!"

"Kneel down to daddy!"

"King Liu is your brother, so it’s understandable that he made a cameo appearance, but how did you invite him, Will?"

"This is Emperor Shi!"

"He is indeed a male god!"

Everyone was stunned.


Compared to everyone's surprise.

Ye Feng was very calm.


Not surprised.

Facing the questions from the main creative staff such as Deng Chao, Ye Feng smiled and said:"Will and I are good friends!"

Good friends?

God T good friends!

How many friends do you have?

You haven't even been out of the country.


Chao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But he didn't ask more if Ye Feng didn't say it.

The two sides began to talk about the movie.

Ye Feng said seriously:"For this filming, we must go through a period of training. We must simulate the characteristics of real astronauts and present a wonderful science fiction blockbuster to the people of the world. So there will be a period of training. I hope everyone can be prepared for this!"

Deng Chao nodded and said:"Don't worry, Ye Feng, we all know what this movie means."

He is known as a drama madman.

The more challenging the movie, the more he likes it!

Several other main creators also nodded.

They have heard Ye Feng's requirements for the quality of the movie.

The last"Wolf Warrior"!

A group of actors directly trained in the team for a week.

But no one complained!

In front of the results, any sweat is proof!



The film officially started shooting

《The plot of"Wandering Blue Planet" is very simple: the story is set 100 years later, telling the story that the sun is about to be destroyed and is no longer suitable for human survival. Faced with desperation, humans will start the"Wandering Blue Planet" plan, trying to escape the solar system with the blue planet and find a new home for mankind.

When the actors saw the script in their hands, their expressions were full of anticipation.

Nothing else!

The script, which has been transformed by Ye Feng's god-level screenwriter system, has reached perfection.

This is a true masterpiece!

Definitely Douban 9.0 points or more!

Just reading the script is shocking


"Even these lines cannot be written by a human!"

"The plot is even more exciting!"

"Looking forward to the official release!"

The main creators turned into fans.

Zhao Xiaogu's eyes looked like little stars, secretly glancing at the figure not far away.

When Ye Feng looked over,

Zhao Xiaogu would secretly look back.

This scene made many main creators laugh secretly.


Zhao Xiaogu is so cute


However, a problem occurred when filming began.

Deng Chao!

Including Zhao Xiaogu!

Both are top artists.

Both of them worked very hard!

But they could not get into the state.


The future world!

After all, it is a place that no one has ever been to.���world.

Even if everyone tried their best to understand, it was still difficult to grasp that emotion.

After several NGs, Ye Feng said,"Let's take a break today, we'll shoot again tomorrow!"

Zhao Xiaogu walked over with red eyes and said,"Ye Feng, I'm sorry, I'm so stupid and delayed the progress of the crew." Her already pure and ladylike face, coupled with her red and swollen eyes, made everyone feel pity for her.

Ye Feng waved his hand and said,"The role of an astronaut is still too far away from everyone, you don't have to blame yourself, I'll see if I can ask a few astronauts to give you on-site guidance in the next two days!"


"Astronauts please?"

"Is this something that can be hired?"

All the actors were stunned._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Novel AP

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