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Feng asked:"Are you here to act with me?"

Zhao Xiaogu said:"Yes, I know this is a bit abrupt, but, but I want to give it a try!"

Ye Feng said:"This movie hasn't even been finished yet, and you come here to act? Are you sure about the quality of this movie?" Zhao Xiaogu stuck out her tongue and said:"Now everyone knows that the name Ye Feng is a golden signboard. As long as the movie you direct gets the word out, domestic artists will definitely break their heads to act in it. I'm afraid that if I come too late, I won't even have the supporting actress."

Ye Feng laughed.

He said:"Give me a reason!"

Zhao Xiaogu's face turned red.

She lowered her head and stammered:"I, I brought several sets of clothes. Do you want to try it?"

Ye Feng:"……"

A moment later.

Zhao Xiaogu opened her carry-on suitcase.

She changed her clothes right in front of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng burst out laughing on the spot! It was the end of October!

The weather had just turned cooler!

Zhao Xiaogu was wearing close-fitting clothes.

Her beautiful curves were graceful and full of beauty.

The first set!

A white palace dress! Her already stunning face was even more charming!

The second set!

A golden and luxurious ancient costume!

The breath of a stunning queen was lingering!

The third set...

Ye Feng's heart was pounding for the first time.

Zhao Xiaogu's beauty was the kind that didn't seem too surprising at first glance, but the more you looked at it, the more attractive it became.

Ye Feng said,"Do you have uniforms?"

Zhao Xiaogu blushed and said,"Do you want JK ones, or something? I didn't bring that many."


Ye Feng laughed.

Great, Zhao Xiaogu!

You even brought this kind of clothes!

As if she had guessed what Ye Feng meant, Zhao Xiaogu's face flushed.

She said,"No, I've never worn this kind of clothes before, but I brought it here because I was afraid you would like it."

Ye Feng smiled and said,"I'm asking if you have a space suit? The gray, fluffy one?"


Zhao Xiaogu was stunned, took out a piece of clothing and asked,"Is this okay?"

Ye Feng looked at it and nodded and said,"Try it."

Zhao Xiaogu put it on.

The next moment.

The heroic Zhao Xiaogu rushed towards him!

Ye Feng nodded and said,"Okay! This one!"

Zhao Xiaogu said excitedly,"Me? Are you sure about me?"

Ye Feng nodded,"What else?"

Zhao Xiaogu said,"Thank you! Thank you! Ye Feng!"

Ye Feng waved his hand and said,"I haven't decided which female role yet. The movie is mainly science fiction. It won't have too many emotional elements like"Wolf Warrior". It mainly reflects the feelings of family and country, as well as the elements of fighting the global crisis together. Don't have too high expectations."

Zhao Xiaogu said,"It's okay. I'm lucky to be able to act in it."


Jiaxing Entertainment.

Deng Chao's agency.

At this moment.

A group of senior executives are in a meeting.

Deng Chao is present.

"Deng Chao, you have a good relationship with Ye Feng?"

"《Everyone has seen the movie"Wolf Warrior". From the shooting to the script, from the special effects to the production, it is a complete blockbuster. Ye Feng's ability is simply genius!"

"His next movie is about to be filmed, will you contact him?"

"Even if I show my face again, it will be good for you!"

Deng Chao said with a wry smile:"It's not a matter of contact or not. Ye Feng and I are friends of gentlemen, and I don't want to break this relationship!"

Several senior executives all smiled bitterly.


Deng Chao's character is beyond reproach.

It is precisely because of this that so many seniors in the entertainment industry will support him.

Several people stopped persuading him.

At this moment.

Deng Chao's phone rang.

He saw the caller ID and his eyelids jumped for no reason

"Ye Feng?"

He gestured to several senior executives.

Several senior executives were also surprised.

At this time,

Deng Chao picked up

"Hello? Ye Feng? Why did you remember to call me? What? About the last agreement? There were so many things we agreed on, how could I remember? But don't worry, as long as I promised, I will definitely fulfill it! Hahaha! What? Play the leading male role? Me? Are you sure you are not kidding?"


Deng Chao stumbled.

It happened to touch the handsfree.

A burst of hello came from the microphone.

"As for this movie, I will tell you the truth. The quality is definitely better than"Wolf Warrior". After all, the setting is the starry sky and the sea, and the concept is much more far-reaching. Conservatively speaking, you can win a Best Actor award at the three major film festivals abroad, of course! I'm talking about Europe. Well, I still have to fight with them. Please give me a reply as soon as possible. Hello? Are you busy? If not, I'll find someone else!""


Deng Chao quickly got up.

He kept saying"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

The other party:"Okay, it's settled!" and hung up the phone.

Deng Chao was confused.

All the senior executives looked over.

"The person just now was... Ye Feng?"

"This movie is..."Wandering Blue Star"》?"

"He wants you to play the leading male role?"

At this moment, all the senior executives seemed to be waiting impatiently.

They were eagerly waiting for Deng Chao's reply.

Deng Chao swallowed, nodded with difficulty, and said:"It seems, yes!"


All the senior executives exclaimed in unison.

"No way?"

"Is that it?"

"Are you and Ye Feng so close?"

"Is this male lead role prepared directly for you?"

"Deng Chao, did you know that you are going to impact the world?"

"After this movie, you will no longer be a domestic movie star, but an international superstar!"

Deng Chao was still in shock.

He smiled bitterly and said,"I didn't expect this to happen. Last time I made a cameo appearance, I agreed without hesitation. Ye Feng said he owed me a favor. I said I could be the male lead in the next drama, and he said it was okay. I didn't expect him to remember it!" At this moment,

Deng Chao felt flattered.

Even though he was a top artist!

Even though he had been in the industry for many years!

At this moment, it was as if he was back to the beginning.

The urge to keep climbing up.

Several senior executives were extremely excited.

"Deng Chao!"

"All future activities will be cancelled!"

"Just concentrate on making Ye Feng's movie!!"

"According to Ye Feng, this drama has a bigger plot than Wolf Warrior! If you seize the opportunity, you may be the first male star to break out of Xuan Country!"

"No! It should be the second one now!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Novel AP

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