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Ye Feng Studio.

When he learned that the film market was once again suppressed by several big rice companies,

Ye Feng was angry again!

Ye Feng was angry!

The consequences were serious!

He announced strongly on Weibo!

The next movie!

《"Wandering Blue Star"!

It will start shooting in three days!

This movie will once again impact the Haolaiwu market!

Ye Feng even made a bold statement! If you have the ability!

You can continue to suppress!


I will prove it with my strength!

Is your list a performance list?


The storm is coming!

Many fans feel the domineering aura coming!


Too arrogant!

It's just Long Aotian!

The key!

Ye Feng does have the ability to be proud!

You suppress me in Haolaiwu?

I don't accept it!


You use the same tricks to say that I can't do it? You say that my Xuanguo movies are garbage?


I landed in 99 markets and topped 98.

You say I'm garbage?

Are people all over the world blind?

Am I garbage or do you have a shady deal?

At this moment.

The Chinese cheered.

They felt a scene from the music industry.

That kind of encouragement!

That kind of morale boost!

It's so fucking cool!


At the same time.

In Jincheng.

When Ye Feng's declaration of war came out, the entire entertainment industry was boiling.

The next moment!

Ye Feng's phone was directly bombarded with calls.


Zhao Xiaogu!

Deng Chao!

Hu Ge!

Liu Shishi!


Top stars from all walks of life called one after another.

They were eager to join the next"Wandering Blue Star".

Today, Ye Feng is a god!

The first movie broke 10 billion!

Special effects production surpassed Hollywood!

Overseas market topped the list!

Almost single-handedly changed the backward status quo of the domestic film industry.

Even if Hollywood does not admit it!

It is a data recognized by many people in the industry!


This"Wandering Blue Star"!

Just a starry sky poster is enough to attract attention!

Coupled with Ye Feng's golden signboard!

It is definitely the next 10 billion blockbuster!

In the entire film industry, there is no second person in China who can be so powerful just by revealing a name and a poster!


Ye Feng has already made a bold statement.

The next movie will break Hollywood's box office myth!

At this moment.

Countless artists are vying to show their faces.

This may be a movie that goes down in history!

They all mobilized their connections.

If you can't find Ye Feng, find Fish Leong!

If you can't find Fish Leong, find Wang Dong!


Meng Meiqi!



Li Xiaoqin!

All these stars who have worked with him have been found


Future Pictures.

Ye Feng rented an office building in Jincheng CBD.

This film and television production company with the world's leading 3D processing technology is currently located here.

At this moment.

Chairman's meeting room.

Wang Dong suggested:"Ye Feng, your floating-point technology is the world's leading, and most people in the industry recognize this data, but I think it is not intuitive enough after all. Do you want to hire a professional evaluation agency to really push your video processing technology to the forefront?"

Ye Feng nodded:"That's a good idea! But foreign ones can't be so objective, right?"

Wang Dong said:"There is Optimization Network in China, and there is also an independent agency abroad, which is of a non-profit nature and is relatively fair and objective. I suggest that you can get certification from these two companies first! Their gold certifications, one in China and the other abroad, are passes. If you want to enter the video optimization market, I suggest you consider it!"

Ye Feng nodded:"Okay! I'll finish the certification after I finish"Wandering Blue Star" here!"

Wang Dong said nothing more.

At this time.

The secretary at the door reported!

"Mr. Ye! Zhao Xiaogu is here!"

Ye Feng frowned:"Zhao Xiaogu? What is she doing here?"

Zhao Xiaogu! A top domestic actress!

One of the new generation of young actresses!

(Not married in 2012)

Known for her good character and acting skills.

The secretary said:"She said she wanted to ask you for help with your new play!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly:"Okay, let her in first!"

After a while,

Zhao Xiaogu walked in with exquisite makeup.

A white lace fairy dress made her already elegant temperament even more fairy-like.

Not only that!

She also dressed up more like a lady according to Ye Feng's preferences.

She heard from people in the circle that

Ye Feng likes pure dresses.

Several actresses who are more favored by Ye Feng also follow this route.

Zhao Xiaogu originally showed a pure face.

In such a deliberate dress, she looked charming and ladylike.

The whole person was generous, pure and sexy.

At this moment, she walked in obediently.

Ye Feng said:"Please sit down!"

Zhao Xiaogu held up the hem of her skirt and the lady sat down._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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