Ye Feng said:"Please rest assured, Mr. Zhang, I have been preparing for this military-themed movie for a long time!"

"Military theme?"

Mr. Zhang frowned slightly, as if he was very surprised:"You want to shoot a military theme?"

Reba asked in surprise:"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Mr. Zhang looked at Ye Feng and said:"Just this year, the popularity of military-themed film and television dramas has continued to rise, comparable to the costume dramas in the past two years. To be honest, I didn't expect you to have such a sharp vision and actually thought of shooting this kind of theme! From the perspective of subject matter alone, the success rate has increased several times!"

Ye Feng smiled and said:"Movie themes are bound to change, but although military themes are good, they will become rotten if they are filmed too much. Innovation is the kingly way!" Mr. Zhang said:"Do you already have a script?"

Ye Feng smiled and handed the first scene to Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang glanced at it and was stunned


"Is this the script you wrote?"

Ye Feng said,"Any questions?"

"What's the problem?"

Mr. Zhang smiled bitterly and said,"Even the gold medal editors in our company can't do this level. Ye Feng, you are really amazing. How much are you going to invest in this movie? Can our Tianxing Entertainment invest?"

Reba was so surprised that her mouth couldn't close.

Oh my God!

Mr. Zhang wants to invest?

She knew Mr. Zhang's strength very well. He is known as the golden finger in the industry!

The projects he is optimistic about have never failed.

The things he thinks are not good have never turned around.

It can be said that!

He never shoots without a purpose.


Mr. Zhang wants to invest with only one-third of the script?

Is Ye Feng really a versatile person?

Ye Feng smiled and said,"There is no need for investment. I plan to invest 500 million in this movie. All of it has been received. It is all my personal investment. To be honest, this is my first time making a movie. I have no idea how it will turn out, so I won't waste the investors' money."

He believed in his heart.

His movie will definitely recreate the glory of his previous life.

《Wolf Warrior!

5 billion!

Astronomical figures!

Even under the modification of his gold medal screenwriter's subsystem, this movie will be more classic.

Investing in others?

That means giving money to others.

Of course he would not agree.

When this was said, both of them were shocked.

Mr. Zhang smiled bitterly and said,"Investing 500 million? This is a big deal in China. Ye Feng, are you sure you want to play for real?"

Even Reba was stunned.

She is a top-tier popular female artist. She ranks among the top three in the domestic entertainment industry in terms of income! But in the past few years, she has only made about 100 million.


Ye Feng just gave 500 million.

It's just an investment for a movie. Is this the strength of a male god?

At this moment.

Reba's beautiful eyes fell on Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded:"Yes, if Mr. Zhang has no objection, let's sign the contract formally. Once the heroine is determined, we will officially start shooting!"

Reba asked:"Brother Ye, have you decided on the protagonist of your movie?"

Ye Feng said:"Well, I have someone in mind!"

Reba's eyes showed a hint of disappointment.

But she didn't show anything.

Ye Feng being able to write songs for him is already the greatest help


Next, the agreement was formally signed.

Ye Feng and Reba Zhang had dinner and then returned to Tomson Yipin

《"Wolf Warrior"!

This movie that created countless box office myths in the previous life is about to appear in this time and space.

Ye Feng was very excited.

He had exchanged for a god-level screenwriter system before, corrected the flaws in the script, and blended the two movies together, greatly enhancing the texture of the movie. What he is struggling with now is the selection of the heroine.

Yu Nan, the heroine of another time and space. She is a representative figure who is popular inside the wall and outside the wall!

Although she is not a first-line actress and her popularity is not as high as Reba and Liu Tianxian, she will be brought up every time movie actresses are discussed.

This is invisible strength.

What's more!

She is also a rare queen in the Xuanguo film industry who has won several major film festivals. She has countless fans in the country.

Ye Feng thought about it and decided to communicate with Yu Nan first.


Dial the other party's phone.

Although the other party also has a good impression of him.

Unfortunately, there is no schedule.

Yu Nan is filming an art film.

Ye Feng can only give up.

The figures of Reba, Liu Tianxian, Wan Qian and others flashed through his mind.

When he was hesitating about which actress to choose.

The doorbell rang.


Ye Feng sat on the sofa, looking at the two women in front of him.


Liu Tianxian!

Both are top female artists.

They came to Jincheng to celebrate Ye Feng's success yesterday and did not leave today.

At this moment.

Yaya hesitated to speak.

Ye Feng smiled and asked,"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Yaya was embarrassed, Liu Tianxian took the initiative to tell her about how Yaya was rejected by Chen Sicheng as the heroine.

Ye Feng was surprised and asked,"What? This could happen?"

Liu Tianxian said,"Yes, just because I said a few good words for you, and Yaya didn't go to dinner several times, Chen Sicheng is like this, he is not worthy of being a director."

Ye Feng asked,"Said a good word for me?"

Liu Tianxian said,"You don't know yet, weren't you the dark horse in"Leading the World" last time? Chen Sicheng's"Northern Love" failed at the box office. He said bad things about you in front of Yaya several times, and Yaya couldn't stand it, so she said a few words, and then it became like this."

Ye Feng frowned and said,"Really? Since he doesn't want it, you can come over. I'm worried about the candidate for the leading actress in this play!"

Yaya was surprised:"You want to make a movie?"

Ye Feng nodded.

He handed over the contract on the table.

Liu Tianxian and Yaya looked at it.

The next moment.

When they saw the total investment, the two women were shocked


"You are going to invest 500 million in this"Wolf Warrior"?"

"Isn't it too much?"

Ye Feng nodded:"The initial plan is 500 million, but it may not be able to sustain the post-production. I plan to ask the best special effects company to complete the post-production of this movie. To be precise, there is no upper limit on the funding!"


Both women were stunned.

500 million is not enough?

The kind that can be added at any time. ps: Officially leaving the novice period, what kind of box office myth will the first movie Wolf Warrior create? Stay tuned!

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