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Yaya and Liu Tianxian were both stunned.

Yaya didn't say anything. Liu Tianxian's previous sponsor and stepfather was worth only 1 billion yuan. It was absolutely impossible for him to directly take out 500 million yuan to make a movie.

At this moment.

She was a little envious and jealous.

Yaya said more excitedly:"Such a big movie, you, you want me to play the leading female role?"

Ye Feng nodded and said,"Is there any problem?"

Yaya hurriedly said:"No problem, it's just that happiness comes too suddenly!"

Ye Feng pushed the script over and said:"This is the script for the first half. You take a good look. If there is no problem, we will sign the contract, but you have to be mentally prepared. Since it is a military-themed movie, it will definitely be very hard, and there will even be some action scenes! Injury is inevitable!"

Yaya said:"I'm ready!"

Ye Feng nodded.

Everyone thinks that Yaya in front of them is a weak woman.

But in another time and space, a military-themed movie she starred in was a hit.

Everyone was completely aware of the hidden energy in this girl.





This is the real Yaya.

Ye Feng had already imagined that when the movie was released, no one was optimistic about Yaya's ability to handle the role, but she was touched by him and turned it into gold.

Ye Feng smiled and said,"Since you are ready, I believe you. In addition, just turn down Chen Sicheng's offer. What's the point of playing the fifth or sixth female role? Concentrate on this movie."

Yaya nodded,"Okay!""


Qianda Films.

Chen Sicheng's studio.

Chen Sicheng was waiting for Yaya to bow her head.

At this moment, the agent suddenly ran in.

"Director Chen, there is news from Yaya!"

Chen Sicheng's eyes lit up:"What? Did she regret it?"

The agent hesitated and said:"No, she wants to terminate the contract and no longer participate in the filming of our movie."

"" Ah?"

Chen Sicheng was dumbfounded:"Break the contract? How dare she break the contract? Does she know what this movie means? Does she know what responsibilities she will have to bear for breaking the contract?" At this moment. Chen

Sicheng was extremely angry.

The agent had to remind him:"Director Chen, we broke the contract first, she has the right to terminate the contract."

Chen Sicheng was dumbfounded.

He asked:"Then where did she go? Why did she terminate the contract?"

The agent said:"Ye Feng is about to shoot a movie, and Yaya will play the leading female role."


Chen Sicheng was dumbfounded.

Ye Feng!

Ye Feng again!

He said angrily:"Ye Feng can also make a movie? What a joke, what movie is he going to make?"

The agent shook his head:"It's not out yet."

Chen Sicheng said:"Keep paying attention to me!"


Just when everyone was immersed in Ye Fenghuang, a piece of news broke out.

Ye Feng!

Is about to shoot a movie

《Wolf Warrior!

This military-themed film will be Ye Feng's first directorial debut.

Not only that.

Ye Feng will also invest more than 500 million yuan to create this film.

All the fans were stunned.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"What is this man doing?"

"Are you unrivaled in music?"

"But is the first movie really going to be this big?"

"Five hundred million. Even the big directors have this budget."

"I always feel it's not true."

Everyone was talking about it.

Ye Feng's official Weibo confirmed the news.

He also announced the female lead, Yaya will play the leading female role!

Now, everyone was even more dumbfounded.


"Ye Feng’s move is too cool!"

"Do all the rich guys like to play like this?"

"A new director brings a weak woman to play the leading female role. Is he going to shoot a music MV?"

"Hahaha, just wait for the slap in the face!"

"It has to be said that the God of Song has gone too far.

Even Ye Feng’s fans think that the God of Song has gone too far this time.


Qianda Films.

Chen Sicheng's studio.

Chen Sicheng looked confused.

"Five hundred million? Are you sure you're not kidding? And let Yaya play the leading female role? A military-themed movie?"

At this moment, even he was stunned.


Such a weak girl.

Going to play a female soldier?

Are you sure you're not kidding?


Five hundred million!

Even a great talent like him could only get two or three hundred million in investment for a movie.

But Ye Feng just gave him five hundred million!

This made him envious and jealous.

Thinking of Yaya being snatched away, he was simply furious.

"In the next movie, I will fight him head-on, I will defeat him, let him and everyone know that in front of me, Chen Sicheng, he is nothing but trash! Let's see if he has the qualifications to compete with me for resources!"

At this moment.

Chen Sicheng was completely angry.


Bonna Pictures, a top three domestic film company.

At this moment, all the senior executives also frowned.

"What’s the story behind Ye Feng’s new movie?"

"Isn't he a musician? Why is he suddenly making a movie?"

"And Yaya, is she sure she can do it?"

People were talking about it.

The director of the public relations department said:"According to what we have learned, this is Ye Feng's first time shooting a movie. I guess the musical genius is tired of singing and wants to try something new."

"Young people like to play."

"It might be good to temper his temper and let him know that not everyone can make a movie."

"When he feels pain, he will go back to singing."


Several bigwigs laughed.

President Yu shook his head and said,"We can't underestimate him. After all, he is a musical genius. No one can tell about talent. The last MV was very good, and this time it's another 500 million investment. Maybe we thought it was too simple. In short, keep a close eye on the developments!"


The PR director nodded.


Heng Film and Television.

A group of senior executives also received the news


"Ye Feng is going to make a movie?"

"Is he sure he's not kidding?"

Several senior executives frowned.

The director of the public relations department shook his head and said,"We have confirmed that this movie is a collaboration between Ye Feng and Tianxing Entertainment, with an investment of more than 500 million yuan. It should not be a hobby."

Mr. Wang smiled and said,"Really? I remember that this is Ye Feng's first time directing, right? Then let's see if the new king of the film industry will change this year."

Everyone laughed.

It can be said that when the news that Ye Feng was going to make a movie came out, everyone was not optimistic.

Especially when the leading actress was Yaya._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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