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Ye Feng added:"I would like to introduce a set of data to you. The number of domestic installations of the Music Network app has officially exceeded 50 million, making it the number one digital music app in China. I have already reached an agreement with EMI, and their music library will be connected to our Music Network. As the only digital music organization, I hope that everyone can work together sincerely! In an integrated way, we will promote excellent domestic music overseas."

"We can control the domestic channels ourselves, but we have to rely on music networks to take the lead in foreign channels!"

"Several companies can invest, with a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 10%, and the total should not exceed 4% of the shares!"

"In addition to this, I will give each family a new song every year!"

"Everybody, think about it!"


All the big guys were dumbfounded.

Ye Feng's move can be said to be a winner-takes-all.

All the music libraries of several companies will be injected, and the music network will be the one that gets fatter.

But you can imagine!

There will definitely be support for this matter.

In addition, Ye Feng is not greedy.

He took out nearly half of the equity and opened it to several companies.

There is also the temptation of new songs!

Several CEOs were hesitant.

Ye Feng said lightly:"In addition, I will temporarily leave the music industry and start shooting a few movies, so my songs may not appear for a while, everyone think carefully!"


All the big guys were dumbfounded.

Even Wang Dong looked over:"Ye Feng, you don't write songs anymore?"

Ye Feng said:"It's not that I don't write, it's just that I won't do it like this recently. I may write new songs occasionally, but I will focus on filming movies in the future. I hope to push the film industry to new heights!"

All the big guys were dumbfounded.

Not writing songs?

Switching to filming?

And pushing the film industry to new heights?

Are you sure you're not kidding?

Several big guys didn't know where Ye Feng got the confidence from.


After the meeting, several companies officially decided to form a group.

They gathered their excellent music resources together.

They will continue to move forward on the path of Xuan Guofeng.

This is the first priority in the future.

At the same time, each music company acquired the copyright of the music network by investing in it.

They only handed over their resources to Ye Feng for management, promoted digital music copyright, and went overseas.

Ye Feng!

Became the biggest winner


Tianxing Entertainment.

This old film and television production company.

At this moment.

Reba was confused.

Ye Feng just called him to talk to Mr. Zhang about making a movie.

Reba was dumbfounded.

Making a movie?

Isn't Ye Feng a songwriter?

She hurried to the general manager's office.

The next moment!

When Mr. Zhang heard that Ye Feng wanted to take the initiative to cooperate, he was very excited.

Ye Feng!

He is a musical genius!

The super king who topped the Billboard!

He actually took the initiative to cooperate?

It was a pleasant surprise.

As a result, the next moment!

"What? Filming a movie?"

Mr. Zhang was confused.

Aren't you a songwriter?

Reba smiled bitterly and said,"I don't know either. He said that if Mr. Zhang is free, let's make an appointment for dinner. He needs to use the company's filming resources!" Mr.

Zhang nodded and said,"Okay, you decide when Ye Feng is free. I'm always free here."

If it were someone else, he would definitely refuse directly.

Although Ye Feng has never filmed a movie, he is envious of the new song.

For the new song!

Be patient!


Youlan Club!

This top private club.

At this moment.

A nanny car stopped at the door.

The next second.

A pair of slender and straight legs stepped on the carpet that had been laid long ago.

The bright crystal high-heeled sandals made a dull sound when stepping on the carpet, but it made everyone look forward to what kind of face is worthy of such a pair of legs.

Then, a pair of right hands pressed the red sachet, revealing half of the body.

The onlookers were all stunned. Peerless! Charming! Exquisite and charming! She is simply the best among women! The exquisite makeup and the enchanting figure show the charm of a woman. A group of staff were dumbfounded.

"Reba is so beautiful!"

"I didn't expect she was prettier than on TV!"

"No wonder she has so many fans."

Manager Zhang immediately glared around.

The woman invited by President Ye!

You dare to talk about it?

He stepped forward quickly:"Miss Reba, President Ye is waiting!"

Reba followed Manager Zhang to the box.

When she saw the male god in front of her, Reba couldn't help but greet Ye Feng with a close face.

This scene made President Zhang smack his lips.

President Ye is President Ye!

The goddess who is unattainable in the eyes of outsiders actively asks for a hug in front of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said:"President Zhang, send those two bottles of Conti."

President Zhang smiled and nodded and retreated.

If he dared to get along with Ye Feng as an equal before.


He is completely inferior.

According to the rich list, Ye Feng's net worth has reached 10 billion.

The market value of the music network alone has exceeded 5 billion.

After winning the copyrights of those companies, there is no upper limit on the valuation of the music network by the outside world.

Ye Feng is a real top rich man.

Reba looked at Ye Feng and asked:"Brother Ye, do you really want to make a movie?"

Ye Feng nodded:"Yes, I have wanted to shoot it for a long time, but I never had the chance before. This time is just the right time to shoot it out!"

Reba said:"But Brother Ye, it's rare to shoot a movie. There are so many things in it. What if...——"

Ye Feng said,"Don't worry, I'm sure."

Reba nodded.

The two sat for a while.

Mr. Zhang from Tianxing came over in a hurry. As soon as he met him, he punished himself with three cups of wine, and his attitude was extremely sincere.

Ye Feng said straight to the point:"Mr. Zhang, I am going to make a movie, but I don't have so many resources on hand. I need to rely on Tianxing's distribution channels and filming resources. The two sides will adopt a cooperative approach. Tianxing will invest in these two items and occupy 10% of the box office revenue. Don't worry about anything else. How about it?"

Mr. Zhang laughed.

If someone else said this, he would turn around and leave.

But the other party was Ye Feng!

He said:"To be honest, Ye Feng, according to industry practice, newcomers have no bargaining power, let alone this kind of cooperation. However, considering your influence, I can make special arrangements, but have you thought it through? Making a movie is not a simple matter. It involves many aspects, and it is not something a newcomer can control in the overall situation!"

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