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"Oh no! Some fans have already applied online to boycott our Billboard. They said this is a dirty and discriminatory list and asked us to fix the error immediately and give Ye Feng justice! Otherwise, they will ask for help."

Several big guys quickly looked at the real-time dynamics.

The next moment!

The network asked for help.

More than 200,000 people have signed.

According to regulations, more than 100,000 people will sign to deal with it.

Now - a group of big guys finally paid the price for their arrogance.


Before they could react, several people in uniforms walked in.

"Mr. Powell, please come with me and help us investigate an incident!"


Everyone was shocked.

Powell was stunned on the spot.


Just when fans all over the world were waiting to see what was going on, a piece of heavyweight news came out.

Billboard's No. 1 figure Powell was taken away by the relevant authorities for investigation.

It was said that he was suspected of manipulating the charts.

Fans all over the world celebrated.

The next moment, a more exciting scene happened.

Ye Feng!

The new song directly topped the list.

Not only that, but five English songs ranked first to fifth.

This scene has never been achieved by anyone, not to mention Eastern musicians, even the kings of Western pop music have never done it.

Dominating the top five!

And it's a century-old chart!

Ye Feng has made history again.

This is not the end!

If you count the three Xuan Guofeng songs at the seventh, eighth and tenth places,

Ye Feng alone occupies eight places on the list.

He swept the most authoritative chart of Western pop music by himself.

This battle!

Ye Feng won a great victory!


When the news reached China, all the fans were so excited that they burst into tears.


"The absolute king of music!"

"Kneel down to daddy, is there anything missing from your thigh?"

"This is truly a case of pushing Xuanguo music towards a revival with one's own strength!"

"You can't deny it! This time the three kings came out together! And they were still defeated by my brother Ye!"

"I can only say! Ye Feng's pretense is so impressive and charming that it makes my eyes light up!"

"Occupies the top five! Occupies eight of the top ten! This is Ye Feng's. It is also a victory for Xuan Nation musicians!"

Netizens from all walks of life were full of enthusiasm.

They seemed to feel a sense of honor.

This is a real victory!

Media from all walks of life were also unwilling to be left out

《I Love Music Network!

This media, which has always been optimistic about Ye Feng, spoke out again.

They said that Ye Feng ranked first in 108 mainstream music markets around the world, which fully demonstrated Ye Feng's musical talent and said that he is truly a musical talent of the time. If those English songs showed Ye Feng's profound creative skills, then the other Xuan Guofeng songs fully demonstrated his ambition.

Now the overseas market is actively listening to Xuan Guofeng songs. I hope that domestic musicians can learn from Ye Feng and create more positive and excellent songs! Promote the prosperity of Xuan Guo culture!

《"The Voice of Music"!

This old music website also spoke out.

They said that Ye Feng's achievements were hard-won. Reaching the top of the global market is what countless generations of musicians have dreamed of. Ye Feng finally did it! We can only give the warmest applause!

With one person's strength, he pushed domestic music to a new high.

Ye Feng's strength is beyond doubt. I hope he can continue to work hard and push Xuan Guo music to a higher level!


Youth Daily!

This authoritative newspaper spoke out again.

It spoke out three times in a short period of time, directly creating a new record.

Intensive reports are only for one person.

Following closely.

Several authoritative newspapers reported on Ye Feng's news.

Even the news live broadcast room every night spent five minutes commenting on the Xuan Guo style created by Ye Feng and his achievements.

Ye Feng! He became a household name in an instant.

It was just the increase in the system's points. After exchanging the three subsystems, it dropped to more than 200 points.


After the global explosion.

The points have been raised to more than 500 points again.

God-level director system!

God-level composition system!

God-level screenwriting system!

Plus the savings from the past period.

Apart from the skyrocketing value of the music network, Ye Feng's funds have increased by 2 billion.

The global sales of"A Thousand Miles Ahead", priced at 69.9 yuan, exceeded 50 million copies.

Excluding costs and channel fees, Ye Feng directly gained nearly 1.5 billion in profits!

Including those three singles!

The income exceeded 500 million.

In less than a month, Ye Feng earned 2 billion.

Really gaining both fame and fortune!

Worth over 10 billion!


Rolling Stone Records.

A grand celebration banquet was held.

Just looking at the banner light sign is enough to shock people.


Ye Feng topped the Billboard!

And topped 108 markets worldwide!

There is no one else in China who uses such words to celebrate.

Not to mention the heavyweight guests in the audience.

Fish Leong!

The top queen who topped the Billboard!

Cai Zhuoyan!

The superstar queen who just joined Rolling Stone!

Li Yue!

Reba! Xiaoju!



Liu Tianxian!

Li Xiaoqin!

Even Yaya came.

The goddesses at the scene are enough to form a reinforcement platoon.

When the spotlight swept over this group of goddesses, the live broadcast room was full of jealousy.


Sony Music!

Haifeng Music!

Several top music companies from EMI also came.

Several heavyweight bosses even attended together to express their affirmation of Ye Feng.

After the grand celebration ceremony.

Ye Feng and several bosses walked into the conference room.

This meeting!

It is related to the future development of Xuanguo Music!

Director Wang, who presided over the meeting, said straight to the point:"Ye Feng's music has brought our Xuanguo music into a new era.

This time, I invited several companies to sit down in the hope that we can be frank.

It is true that Ye Feng has reached the top this time, but in fact, it is still weak.

We cannot think that our Xuanguo music has already led the world.


"Several companies are the backbone of our music industry. I hope everyone can join forces!"

Several bigwigs looked at each other. ps: The third update is here! I will update late next time, sorry!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend,

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