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A group of Ye Feng's fans are always paying attention.

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#Ye Xin Ge Bang Bang#

Various masters updated various data in real time.

Almost at the moment when the Rolling Stone battle report was released, these masters had already obtained the latest overseas data

"Breaking news! Ye Feng's new song has sold over 5 million copies overseas!"

Accompanied by a screenshot, all the fans were completely excited.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Five million in half an hour?"

"This is even faster than last time!"

"He is indeed a male god!"

"Wait! What did I see?"

Just as everyone was confused, someone enlarged the picture!

Ye Feng!

Directly defeated Bieber and William.

Second only to Big J!

In fact!

The gap between the two is very small.

All the fans cheered.


"He is indeed a male god!"

"Beat you on your home turf!"

"This is the true strength of the male god!"

"Waiting for the billboard to slap you in the face!"

All the fans are waiting


BMG executives were stunned


"How can it be?"

"That oriental kid's new song is better than Bieber's?"

The senior executives were amazed.


The new generation king that BMG has been supporting for years.

Such a young king with countless resources was actually defeated by Ye Feng?

All the big guys couldn't believe it.


"Let's check and see which link has gone wrong!"

The director of the music department said:"I suggest you listen to this song before you make a conclusion."

Many bosses were puzzled.

But they still patiently turned on the speakers.

The next moment.

When the low and passionate melody floated out... a group of BMG executives were as if they had seen a ghost!


Universal Music!

One of the godfather companies of Western pop music.

At this moment, all the senior executives were waiting for the data to be released.

Half an hour later, a data list appeared.

All the bigwigs were dumbfounded.


"Ye Feng actually surpassed William?"

"This is impossible!"

"Ask EMI! What is going on here?"

The next moment, when the person in charge called EMI and got the feedback, he was stunned.

The data was correct!

Even according to the curve, the gap would only be.

The other party even pointed out bluntly that instead of thinking about whether it was wrong, it would be better to listen to the three songs carefully.

Is it so difficult to put down pride and prejudice?

The bigwigs of Universal blushed.

They turned on the player.

The next moment, when the deep voice sounded, the senior executives were like a nightmare, intoxicated.



Another shocking scene.

The three kings!

The legendary boy from the East!

The four big guys released new songs on the same day.

This is bound to be a battle of kings!

Just when the big guys from the academy thought that the three kings would strangle Ye Feng mercilessly.

The secretary ran in in a panic.

"Oh no!"

"Based on real-time sales curve!"

"Bieber and William have been surpassed by Ye Feng, and Big J is only one step away!"


A group of academic bigwigs were dumbfounded.

Powell even used three"impossible" to describe it.


Facts speak louder than words.

Just when many bigwigs were still in shock, the rankings changed again.

Ye Feng!

Directly surpassed Big J! and became the world's number one sales!


Rolling Stone.

All the senior executives were anxiously waiting for the data.

The final battle between the three kings and Ye Feng was a bit like the three heroes fighting Lu Bu.

When everyone was worried about Ye Feng.

In just half an hour!

Ye Feng directly surpassed Bieber and William!

Only Da J, the king of Western pop music, was left in front of him!

And all the senior executives were paying attention to this final battle.

Da J's position was obviously stronger than the other two.

The competition between Ye Feng and him was extremely stalemate.

It would not be an exaggeration to describe it as white-hot.

The two sides went back and forth!

No one completely overwhelmed the other.

Until - time entered the second day



Douyin! Penguin!


Countless people followed it spontaneously.

On August 3, within half an hour of the sale,

Ye Feng's global sales directly surpassed Bieber and William.

Five hours after the sale,

Ye Feng's global sales officially matched that of Big J!

When the news spread back to China, a crowd of fans cheered excitedly.


"This is the king!"

"Defeating you is nothing, defeating you in your home court is the real deal!"

"This! This is Ye Feng's strength!"

"Don't accept it? Come and fight!"

With everyone's anticipation, more and more news came out.

August 4.

108 markets.

Ye Feng topped the list in 78 markets, and his global sales completely left Da behind.

Several major mainstream music countries including M, E, and D have expressed their praise. They said that Ye Feng's music is simply like the sound of nature, reaching the pinnacle of pop music that is appreciated by both the elite and the masses. This song deserves to be the king of this year!

They will award Ye Feng the highest music medal in their respective countries to express their admiration for Ye Feng.

August 5.

108 markets.

Ye Feng topped the list in 107 markets.


Da Mi is left!

Da J was directly left behind by a large gap.

Various media praised him.

In this obvious competition, Ye Feng successfully won the last laugh.

At this moment, countless people are looking forward to it.

Not only domestic music lovers, but also fans from all over the world are looking forward to it.

No. 1 in the 107 market!

Billboard can't say that Ye Feng's music is rubbish anymore, right?

At this moment of great attention!



Bulletin board.

All the bigwigs were stunned.


"All topped?"

"How can this be?"

"Even Big J is not right?"

At this moment, all the old antiques were completely dumbfounded.

Even Powell panicked for the first time.

At this moment,

Big J's new song was still on the top of the billboard.

Ye Feng's five new songs!

Followed closely!

But they couldn't reach the top.

Now the eyes of fans all over the world are looking at them.

All the big guys are angry and furious.

The authoritative list of a hundred years was actually made to lose face by an oriental boy.

Damn it!

At this moment, all the big guys are extremely angry._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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