When everyone was still looking forward to the new song.

Ye Feng announced on Weibo: The new song will be officially released at 10 am tomorrow morning. I hope all fans will like it! In addition, I hope all fans can vote. This music will have an MV version. The MV female lead will be selected by voting. She will also be the female singer of a duet love song in the new album!


Several options are listed.



Li Xiaoqin!

Zhang Tianai!

Chen Yuqi!

Five major options!

All are top goddesses!

The comments below are crazy

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Brother Ye is here again?"

"Are the five goddesses coming together this time?"

"Others would first ask the goddess if she has time, but my brother Ye just votes directly?"

"When it comes to showing off, I’ve got to admire only Brother Ye!"

"Pretending? The male god has clearly reached the state of"Although I am no longer pretending, I am pretending everywhere"!"

"That's right! I guarantee that those goddesses will definitely rush to agree!"

"That’s a new song!"

"You make me want to go!"

"Look at your face before you speak!"


"Feel sorry for the upstairs!"

"I feel sorry for the above person +1!"


Tianxing Entertainment!

Reba's studio.

She was preparing for a variety show she was about to participate in.

At this moment, her agent ran in in a panic.


"Oh no!"

"You should check the internet!"

Reba asked:"What happened? Is there any news?"

The agent said:"It's Ye Feng. He wants to vote for a female star to play the leading role in his new song, and the first one is Miss You!"


Reba quickly opened her phone.

The next moment, she saw the scarf.

Her expression instantly became extremely shocked.

"What? Not only is she the leading actress in the MV, but she also has a new song? Quick! Help me get fans to vote!"

The agent said,"But miss, we have other activities scheduled next, and we may not be able to make it in time for this shoot."

Reba shook her head and said,"Are activities important? This is Ye Feng's new song! You don't understand, do you? No matter what, even if it means losing money, you must give priority to ensuring that I have enough time to record this MV!"

The agent nodded,"Okay, miss, I'll do it right away!"



Xiaoju's company.

When Ye Feng showed his scarf, all the senior executives were stunned.


"There is actually Xiaoju?"

"Quick! Quickly notify the public relations department, at all costs, help Xiaoju win this vote!"

At this moment.

All the big guys were excited.

The heroine of the new song MV!

And a love song duet in the new album!

What is this concept?

The last blank newcomer Meng Meiqi, but a song became so popular that she won the Best Newcomer Award!

Now there is an MV and a new song, what else?

Mr. Zhang even called Xiaoju directly.

The EMI boss was so friendly at this moment.

"Hello? Xiaoju, how are you? Are you with Ye Feng? Huh? No, what do you think of Ye Feng's new song? What? Originally, you were not suitable? You were too young? Then you thought about it and gave you another chance? In this case, you have to work harder, the company will help you fight for it!"At this moment.

EMI's number one is like the big brother next door.


Ye Feng didn't consider it at first.

He decided to join because of their relationship.

That's right!

Xiaoju is too young and may not be able to hold such a role.

At this moment.

He values Xiaoju more.


Tianfeng Entertainment!

Li Xiaoqin Studio.

This actress who is famous for Red Mansions has developed very fast in recent years.

With the charming temperament of a girl next door, pure and beautiful fair appearance, and solid acting skills from professional training!

In just a few years, Li Xiaoqin has become a quasi-first-line female.


Apart from Red Mansions, she still lacks an undisputed work.

As a result, she has been unable to get rid of the word"quasi".

At this time.

The agent came over


"Do you know about this?"

Li Xiaoqin asked:"What is it?"

The agent handed over the phone:"Vote for Ye Feng's new song MV."

The next moment.

Li Xiaoqin looked at the phone, and her expression changed.

"What? The leading actress in the new song MV? And a duet of the love song in the new album? Is this really true?"

At this moment, the dignified first-line actress was so excited that she couldn't speak.

The agent said:"Yes, it was a vote sent out by Ye Feng's official website."

Li Xiaoqin said:"Then why are you still hesitating? You must seize this opportunity and you must not miss it!"

The agent smiled bitterly and said:"But, but don't you have a play?"

Li Xiaoqin:"... Then, then shoot during the day and practice singing at night!"

The agent:"……"


Jiaxing Entertainment.

Zhang Tianai Studio.

A group of senior executives knocked on the door and came in.

"Zhang Tianai, do you know Ye Feng?"

"Why didn't you tell others about such big news?"

"Otherwise, you could have fought for such a good resource last time!"

Zhang Tianai was a little confused:"Boss Wang, what are you talking about?"

Boss Wang of Jiaxing asked:"You don't know yet?"

Zhang Tianai shook her head blankly:"What is it?"

Boss Wang told her about Ye Feng's audition for the female lead.

Zhang Tianai:"……The leading female role in the new song's MV, and there's also a duet love song?"

Mr. Wang said,"Yes, we didn't expect that. The leading female role in the MV is fine, but that duet love song will definitely make her a superstar! You know his songs!"

Zhang Tianai nodded and said,"Yes, but, but what should I do with so many activities?"

Several bigwigs laughed


"What event can compare to Ye Feng’s new song?"

"Why are you still thinking about this at this time? Don't think about it, the company will help you turn down all activities!"

"During this period of time, just concentrate on maintaining good contact with Ye Feng!"

"We will also mobilize fans to vote for you!"

"As long as you win the leading female role this time, your future will have no limits!"

Zhang Tianai nodded in a daze. ps: The seventh update! Who to choose? Brothers and sisters!

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