Back at the hotel,

Ye Feng washed up and sat in front of the computer.

He posted on Weibo: I came to Luzhou today and felt the ancient moon, and created this song"Luzhou Moon"! I hope you like it!

The next moment, the comments were directly drowned

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Writing songs again?"

"Feel the ancient moon and write a song?"

"Why can't I get any inspiration even though I look at the moon every day?"

At this moment, countless fans cheered.

This scarf was directly pushed to the top of the trending search list.

《Shocked! The male god has released another new song?》

《My god! Why are you so fast?》

《Luzhou Moon! Ye Feng's new song once again topped the five charts!》


Rolling Stone Records.

All the senior executives were about to get off work.

The trending searches on Weibo blew them up again.

The PR director said,"Mr. Wang, Ye Feng has written another song!"

Wang Dong said,"What? A new song? I haven't heard of it! Didn't they say we have to wait for the new album?"

The PR director said,"I just contacted Ye Feng's agent. He improvised it when he went to Luzhou this time!"


All the bigwigs were dumbfounded.


If it were someone else, this word would definitely be an insult.


Are you talking about that kind of babbling music?

If it were Ye Feng?


It's definitely another hit!

Wang Dong said,"What else did he say?"

The PR director said,"Ye Feng's agent hopes that we can bring the recording studio over. This time he wants to record directly in Luzhou! It will be released before he leaves!"

Wang Dong said,"Then send a car to deliver all the equipment. It's not far anyway!"

The PR director nodded.

At this moment.

Because of a song.

The whole company is out in force


Sony Music.

All the executives were dejected.

In this music festival, the Rolling Stones became the biggest winner.

Twenty-three awards!

The Rolling Stones won fourteen!

They also won the three major awards of Best Album, Best Male and Best Female Singer.

At this moment.

All the executives were very depressed.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Rolling Stones were now the top of the mainland record industry!

At this moment.

The public relations director ran in in a panic.

"Mr. Li!"

"Things are bad!"

"Ye Feng has released a new song again!"


All the senior executives were stunned


"A new song again?"

"Didn't they say it would take a while?"

The PR director said with a wry smile,"This time they were invited by Luzhou, but on the day they arrived, Ye Feng visited a moon bridge and composed a song. According to people who have heard it, this song is simply not something a human can sing."

Simply... not something a human can sing?

All the senior executives smiled wryly.

"Improvisation on the day?"

"Just browsing a moon bridge?"

"Is this Ye Feng still a human being?"

The senior executives were completely dumbfounded.

CEO Li was even more regretful and said,"Oh! I regret it so much. I rejected Ye Feng's request to release a record without even looking at it, which led to the current situation. If……"

At this moment,

Sony's No. 1 was full of regret.

He said,"Keep contacting Ye Feng! Offer a high price. As long as he is willing to come to Sony, everything will be easy to negotiate!"

Everyone smiled bitterly and nodded.


Haifeng Music.

A group of senior executives were also discouraged.

In this music festival, Haifeng, which ranked in the top five in China, only won one award.

It was the Best Children's Music Award!

This made many bigwigs' faces turn green with anger!


Looking at Ye Feng who won eight awards on the stage, everyone's expression was even more depressed.


Those colleagues all said

"It was originally all yours, Haifeng, what a pity!"

All the senior executives were about to suffer from depression.

At this moment, the public relations director ran in in a panic!

"Mr. Wei!"

"Things are not good!"

"Ye Feng has released a new song!"

Mr. Wei:"???"

At this moment, the boss was unconscious.

"Mr. Wei? Mr. Wei?"

"Quick! Call an ambulance! Mr. Wei can't stand the stimulation!"

"Hurry up!"


Huanya Entertainment.

All the senior executives also frowned.

This music festival was unusual, and the Rolling Stones became the biggest dark horse.

They surpassed Sony and Huanya to become the company with the most awards.

All the senior executives were holding their breath.

At this time.

Ye Feng's Weibo rushed to the hot search


"Ye Feng releases another new song?"

"I just went to Luzhou for a day, and you improvised it?"

All the big guys sighed.

Just then, someone was not convinced and said,"Improvisation? That must not be a good song!"

The next second!

In unison!

Everyone looked at him as if he was an idiot.

Not a good song?

Have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by Ye Feng?

Have you forgotten"Shudu" created by Ye Feng while drinking tea?

Have you forgotten the scene of being provoked by Xiao Zan and directly throwing out a medley of four golden songs? Have you forgotten to thank King Liu on the stage and directly took out a super classic that was so majestic that even the king praised it?

At this moment.

Everyone shook their heads bitterly.

Mr. Zhang sighed and said,"Let's wait and see the quality first"



The truck carrying the recording studio arrived soon.

The local authorities made special arrangements.

The hotel specially set aside a meeting room.

Ye Feng finished recording the new song in it.

Wang Dong, who had been waiting, danced with excitement and came forward to shake hands with Ye Feng as soon as he came out after recording.


"so amazing!"

"You can create such a song in one day, I don't know how to describe it!"

Ye Feng waved his hand and said,"Mr. Wang, please stop praising me. Why are you here?"

Wang Dong said,"When I heard that you created a new song again, how could I resist?"

Ye Feng smiled and said,"Just right! This time Luzhou hopes to hold an audition for the heroine of the MV to help them gain popularity. Who do you think is suitable to choose?"

Wang Dong smiled and said,"Since it is to increase popularity, it must be a top female star. Yang Mi, Reba, Liu Tianxian, Wan Qian and Xiaoju are all fine."

Ye Feng shook his head and said,"Liu Tianxian and Wan Qian have both worked together, and Yang Mi has been ruled out for me. For the others, you make a list, and I will launch an audition later to see everyone's opinions!"


Wang Dong nodded:"I'll have someone list them right away."

He asked again:"Should the new song be released together, or should it be released first?"

Ye Feng said:"Release it first. I don't think the recording of the MV will take a while."

Wang Dong nodded.

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