Fengxing Entertainment.

Chen Yuqi Studio.

This newcomer who made her mark with several costume dramas is now very popular.

With her fresh and bright appearance, clear and lively eyes, and lively and straightforward personality, she is loved by many male fans.

At this moment.

She excitedly looked at her scarf


"I was shortlisted?"

"But I am not familiar with Ye Feng?"

She was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

The agent smiled and said,"Miss, is it a matter of acquaintance now? You know the quality of Ye Feng's new song, and you know how popular those actresses who got Ye Feng's help are. I can guarantee it! As long as the flower falls on you in the end, even the boss of our company will have to smile and come to see you!"

At the end, he looked at the door guiltily.

Chen Yuqi said excitedly,"Really? But will Ye Feng just drag me out to fight?"

The agent shook his head and said,"It may be possible for someone else, but when he is in his position, does he need you to hype him up? He must have considered it, so don't worry, miss."

Chen Yuqi nodded with her little head blinking.


A single stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Ye Feng didn't know that the vote he organized would directly trigger a wave of craze.

The five goddesses even launched fan voting.


Their respective companies sent out public relations to compete for it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are fighting tooth and nail.

There is no one else who can cause such a bloody storm in the entertainment industry with a new song.

At this moment.

Ye Feng is carving a new song. He has confirmed that there are no problems with the arrangement, lyrics and music.

He opened the website link.

The next moment.

The music website and the official website of Rolling Stone are sold simultaneously.

At ten o'clock in the morning.

A group of fans are waiting excitedly.

The countdown officially begins.




The purchase button pops up.

A group of Rolling Stone bosses, including Luzhou executives, are waiting.

This time!

Not only the recording equipment!

The temporary headquarters have been moved to Luzhou.

Seeing the data cables soaring, a group of Luzhou bosses are stunned


"One hundred thousand copies sold in one minute?"

"Doesn’t it mean that 100,000 copies is a platinum record, which means very good sales?"

"Why did it change when it came to Ye Feng?"

"Isn't the speed too scary?"

The big guys were stunned.

They didn't know much about the entertainment industry.

But they had heard that platinum records were rare and good results.

But it only took Luo Yefeng one minute?

Wang Dong smiled and said,"That's for other people. Ye Feng's new songs have always been based on tens of millions. Let's say this time, according to the historical curve, the minimum sales volume is 20 million!"

Everyone gasped.

A minimum of 20 million?

Wouldn't that mean that a new song can make 40 million?

Add the value of the song itself!

Donate 60 million directly?

This number shocked even the big guys in Luzhou.

At this time.

The data continued to blow out!

Two hundred thousand copies!

Five hundred thousand copies!

One million copies!

In just ten minutes, it exceeded one million copies!

Not only Luzhou!

The big guys of Rolling Stone were also stunned.

Mr. Wang of Rolling Stone said:"One million copies in ten minutes? This, this is another record!"

Everyone smiled bitterly.

The previous record was half an hour!

Ye Feng once again increased the speed by three times! It was simply too strong!

Wang Dong laughed and said:"In this case, let's send out the battle report and let those families know about Ye Feng's strength!"

At this moment.

The number one brother of the Rolling Stones was in high spirits


The PR director nodded immediately.

Three minutes later, the record of breaking the million sales mark in ten minutes was released.

The entire network was speechless!

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Are you sure this isn't a joke?"

"A million photos in ten minutes?"

"Wouldn’t that be five million per hour?"

"Is it going to break 10 million in one day?"

"Boss, you are so fast!"

"+1 for the speed!"

"Traditional performing arts!"


Countless people were stunned.


Sony Music.

All the senior executives were shocked when they saw the battle report.


"Breaking a million in ten minutes?"

"Are you sure this is not a joke?"

All the big guys were stunned.

President Li murmured,"How is it possible?"

The director of the music department said,"Could it be that the data is falsified?"

Everyone shook their heads subconsciously.


With Ye Feng's current status, is this necessary?

Even though President Li was surprised, he shook his head and said,"There is no need for this. It seems that this music festival will be another huge boost to Ye Feng's strength!"

When these words came out, everyone was envious and helpless.


Sea Breeze Music.

The executives were extremely depressed.

At this moment.

The Rolling Stones battle report arrived as promised.

One million copies!

Only ten minutes!

This number was simply dazzling.

The executives were stunned.


"ten minutes?"

"What kind of magical speed is this?"

Everyone exclaimed.

After a moment, someone asked,"Should we tell President Wei?"

Someone immediately retorted,"Tell President Wei? Do you want President Wei to be unable to leave the ICU?"

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.


Huanya Entertainment.

A group of senior executives also learned of the battle report.

Their expressions were more solemn than those of the other companies.


It was not enough to describe this opponent.

Every time he hit, the opponent would jump higher.

This was the opponent's strength!

"What should we do now?"

"Guaranteed sales of 20 million!"

"The male artists in our company can never match her!"

"Not only that, Rolling Stone now has Fish Leong and Charlene Choi who may also switch jobs at any time!"

The more the senior executives thought about it, the bleaker they felt.

Mr. Zhang even had a mentality that the game was over.

After a moment, he gritted his teeth and said,"If it really doesn't work, we can only use that desperate move!"

Everyone was stunned



The voting has entered a white-hot stage.

First place!


Received more than 32 million votes.

Second place!


Received more than 28 million votes!

This number stunned the audience

"Oh shit!"

"30 million votes?"

"Even those draft champions are not that good."

"Who are voting?"

"Need I say more? It must be the respective companies that are faking the votes!"

"Eh? Didn’t those companies say they would take this opportunity as it comes when they were interviewed?"

"Do you believe this? Li Xiaoqin, who ranked fifth, has fainted in the toilet."

"Hahahaha, more than 1.3 million votes? That’s too real!"

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