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"You all want to leave?"

"Wings hardened?"

"What has become of me when I am Huanya?"

"Look at yourselves, and then look at Charlene Choi!"

"You are a great little queen! Your new song has sold over 10 million copies! No one is like you!"

"Why don't you go back and reflect on it?"

Mr. Zhang frowned and scolded.

Several female artists hung their heads.

Cai Zhuoyan wanted to say,"I want to leave too, but Ye Feng won't allow me!"

But she thought of Ye Feng's instructions.

I can't bear it!

It's not time to be exposed yet!

At this time.

After Mr. Zhang and others scolded the artists, they looked at Cai Zhuoyan with a smile:"Xiaoyan, you are very good. The company has not trained you in vain. In the future, the company's resources will be greatly tilted towards you. Don't worry! Be prepared to be the top star! But should we sign the contract again?"

Cai Zhuoyan smiled and said,"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your cultivation, but there is no need for a contract. It's good like this now! I, I can't guarantee that I won't leave!"

Ye Feng, Ye Feng!

I want to continue hiding!

But Mr. Zhang forced me, and I'm really not good at this kind of thing.

Mr. Zhang:"……"

Many senior executives:"……"


I don't know who couldn't hold it back.

A group of female artists laughed out loud.

Mr. Zhang just finished praising someone and then slapped him in the face.

Can he be more direct?

Seeing Mr. Zhang's face turn green, a group of artists secretly laughed.


Imperial Capital.

MTV Music Festival.

The Best Male Singer is almost certain!

Now the discussion is about the Best Female Singer award.

"There are many female singers emerging this year, and many of them are refreshing"

"Originally, based on her achievements and influence, Fish Leong is the most qualified person for this award, but she already won it a few years ago. Would it be too much if it was given to her now?"

"No one stipulates that you can only get it once!"

"That's right!"

Many judges were unable to make a decision.

At this moment, the secretary came in again.

He reported the latest situation to the judges.

"According to Rolling Stone Records, Liang Jingru's new song sold over one million copies in half an hour, and at least ten million copies in its entire life cycle. In addition, she and Ye Feng jointly announced that no matter how many copies of this new song are sold, the full amount will be donated to charity!"

"This song is to promote peace, so we must do what we say! Donating to charity is in line with the meaning of positive energy!"

Many judges looked at each other in bewilderment.

"and this?"

"All proceeds donated?"

""Good, good, good! Quick! Turn it on and listen!"

The next moment, when the melody sounded, many judges applauded.

"Very nice melody!"

"Although there is no complicated melody, it is catchy and easy to promote!"

"The simpler it is, the more powerful it is!"

"Ye Feng's creative talent is extraordinary!"

"I guess I don’t need to consider the female singer award this time, right?"

"There is no other person who has two singles that have grossed over 10 million this year. Both of them have positive themes, which makes them stand out among all the popular songs! In terms of value and popularity, is there anyone who can compare?"

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

Several judges echoed.

Zhang Yuanqiao looked at Wang Yuan and asked,"Brother Wang, what do you think?"

Wang Yuan was the one who actively opposed Liang Jingru just now.

At this moment, he nodded with a sallow face:"I have no objection!"

Zhang Yuanqiao laughed.

Liang Jingru!

Directly won the Best Female Singer Award


Just when everyone was shocked by the speed of new song sales.

Li Yue is here again!

Tomson Yipin!

Ye Feng and Wan Qian are playing games.

The doorbell rang.

Ye Feng frowned:"Who is it? So late at night?"

Wan Qian asked suspiciously:"It can't be your old lover?"

Ye Feng:"What are you talking about?"

He ran to open the door.

Li Yue!

The queen of the music world stood at the door. She was wearing an exquisite off-shoulder little black dress, which perfectly outlined her figure, matched with the light makeup, wavy curly hair, mature and charming.

Ye Feng:"Why are you here again?"

Li Yue:"Who told you not to write a new song for me!"


Ye Feng laughed:"Why are you still relying on me?"

Li Yue stepped into the room with her high heels:"Anyway, if you don't write songs for me, I will come every night to make you……"

Before she finished speaking,

Wan Qian came out in her nightgown.

Li Yue's expression changed.

The next moment, the charm disappeared.

Instead, it was provocative.

Li Yue:"Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be the self-proclaimed hostess?"

Wan Qian:"What do you mean by self-proclaimed? Do I need to be self-proclaimed?"

At this moment,

Wan Qian walked to Ye Feng in a calm and graceful manner.

She quietly hugged Ye Feng's arm. There was no need to say much, everything was in her behavior.

Li Yue looked a little jealous.

She snorted and said,"What are you so proud of! It's just that you took the initiative!"

Wan Qian smiled and said,"Really? Ye Feng likes pure and ladylike girls. You are too coquettish, and Ye Feng doesn't like it."

Li Yue smiled and said,"Have you ever seen a man who likes to hold a steamed bun and chew it?"

Wan Qian's expression changed slightly, and she smiled and said,"Really? Deep love does not last long, and light steamed buns can last long. Don't you understand this truth?"

Li Yue shook his head and said,"That's because you haven't eaten steamed buns. It's hard to swallow steamed buns after eating steamed buns!"

Seeing that the two of them refused to give in.

Ye Feng said,"Okay, stop talking! Go back first, and we can talk about the new song after the music festival is over!"

Li Yue laughed,"See? I still like to eat steamed buns."

Wan Qian bit her teeth lightly,"Really? But Ye Feng has just promised to release a new album for me, which will only have seven or eight songs. I wonder how it compares to your new song?"

Li Yue:"……"

At this moment, the queen was completely jealous.

She had been looking for inspiration for only one song, but Wan Qian actually released an album directly?

A war between women was about to break out.


Ye Feng closed the door.

"Ye Feng!"

Li Yue's angry voice came from outside the door

"Okay, go back first, don't listen to Wan Qian's nonsense, where does she get so much inspiration to release an album!"

Turning his head.

Ye Feng looked at Wan Qian:"Huh! Wan Qian, you are so old, but you are still like a child!"

Wan Qian snorted:"Who told her to say I am a steamed bun!"

Ye Feng:"Then don't I like to eat steamed buns?"

Wan Qian laughed.

The next moment.

The game continues._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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