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All the senior executives were dumbfounded.

Wang Dong smiled and said,"I'm not surprised at all that this result is achieved. You can listen to this song. I promise it will surpass the classics!"

The next moment, the secretary clicked play.

Liang Jingru's voice floated out from the speakers.


"This sounds so beautiful!"

"Ye Feng is really a musical genius, he can compose songs like this with ease!"

Everyone was stunned.

Wang Dong smiled and said,"Is there anyone who still opposes my original decision?"


"Absolutely not!"

"It's simply the best thing the Rolling Stones have ever done!"

"Mr. Wang, thank you for retaining talents for Rolling Stone!"

Several senior executives complimented him.

Wang Dong smiled and said,"In that case, let’s send out the battle report. Not only those companies, but also the judges can’t wait!"

Everyone laughed.


Sony Music.

A group of senior executives were also waiting for the results.

The last time Huan Ya made a move, they came back empty-handed, and the big guys dared not act rashly.


Ye Feng was praised by Youth Daily.

This is already a golden body protection!

Even Mr. Li dared not do anything.

At this moment!

They are waiting for Liang Jingru's results.

According to their estimates, Ye Feng's new song plus Liang Jingru's appeal, it is not impossible to match or even surpass Cai Zhuoyan's last performance of 400,000 copies in half an hour.

At this time.

The director of the public relations department walked in

"Mr. Li!"

"Rolling Stone has good news!"

"Over 1 million in half an hour!"


All the top executives stood up


"A million photos in half an hour?"

"Are you sure this number hasn't doubled?"

"Is this the pace of breaking through 5 million copies in a day?"

All the senior executives were stunned.

They knew Ye Feng was powerful!

They didn't expect Ye Feng to be so powerful!

One million copies!

And in half an hour!

This is simply against the sky!


Someone swallowed his saliva.

Even Mr. Li was dumbfounded and smiled bitterly:"Isn't this too fast? Come on, listen to what song it is!"

Someone played it.

The next moment.

The melodious melody floated out.

Everyone was completely convinced.

"No wonder!"

"Such a melody, with such a song"

"It would be strange if it didn’t become a hit!"

Everyone lost their temper.

They wanted to fight for the first place.

But when this song came out, they knew it was impossible!

Not only is it a hit song!

It’s also a positive energy hit song!

Is there any need to tell how the judges will choose?


Sea Breeze Music.

The senior executives were also waiting.

At this moment, the battle report came out!


"A million in half an hour?"

"Is this going against the will of heaven?"

Mr. Wei!

He is a billionaire after all! He cursed. Everyone else looked at each other.

No one dared to say anything.

It was really!

A million in half an hour was too much!

They didn't know what excuse to find if they wanted to comfort him.


Huanya Entertainment.

A group of senior executives were also waiting.

At this time.

The battle report of Rolling Stone Records was released.

One million in half an hour!

Exceeding Cai Zhuoyan's speed!

The fastest speed in history was once again in the bag

"How can it be?"

"Is this going to break five million in a day?"

"I don't believe it!"

Several high-level executives frowned.

The next moment, the melody sounded.

Many high-level executives smiled bitterly.


"He is indeed a musical genius!"

"Such a song can become popular even if sung by a pig!"

Everyone could only sigh and say nothing.

President Zhang frowned and said,"It seems that we can't control him this time."

The vice president in charge of artist contracts reminded him,"President Zhang, now is not the time to focus on this. If Ye Feng casually comes up with another hit song, how big of an impact will it have on the artists below? I'm afraid they will all want to terminate the contract!"

Everyone looked at each other.

At this moment, the artist director ran in in a panic.

"Oh no!"

"Several artists are about to terminate their contracts!"

"Dear bosses, please go and give some advice!"


Cai Zhuoyan's studio.

She was already a little queen, and she became even more popular after her last new song.

She was ready to terminate the contract the moment Ye Feng decided to poach her.

But Ye Feng asked her to wait a little longer. Would n't it be better to stay in Huanya as a time bomb than to explode earlier?

That's it.

She stayed until now.

At this moment.

A group of artists from the company stood in front of her.

After Liang Jingru's new song broke the record of breaking one million in a single hour, they couldn't hold back any longer.

"Cai Zhuoyan, can you help me talk to Ye Feng?"

"I want to terminate the contract and go to Ye Feng. Do you think it’s okay?"

"I know you have a good relationship with Ye Feng, I beg you, sister!"

A group of female artists spoke up.

Among them are many top-tier actresses with high traffic!

Cai Zhuoyan explained according to what Ye Feng said:"It's not that I don't want to help. Ye Feng has limited resources. He only has a few hit songs. If he has more, the quality will drop. He can only want three to five people. It's really not that I don't want to help. Besides, our resources at Huan Ya are also very generous. Why do you do this?"

It would be fine if she didn't say this. Once she said this, the artists were even more furious.

"How many hit songs does Ye Feng have left?"

"Oh my god, sister, don’t you know the value of Ye Feng’s new song?"

"A song directly made a superstar famous and sold over a million copies in just half an hour. What does this mean?"

"Just a few songs? I'd be thankful for even one!"

"That's right! Compared with the resources of our Huanya? Sorry! We are not even worthy of carrying Ye Feng's shoes!"

"Sister, please say something good for me."

"Among three or five people, I must be one of them."

"Please, sister!"

Many female artists are begging


A coughing sound came.

Led by Mr. Zhang, a group of senior executives walked in.

Their faces were livid. They had been standing at the door for a while.

The more they listened, the more uncomfortable they felt.


Their resources in Huanya are unparalleled in the country, but in the mouths of these artists, they are not even worthy of carrying Ye Feng's shoes?

And it's just a song!

This made the bosses angry!

If it weren't for Cai Zhuoyan to help say a few words, they would have vomited blood in anger.

Several people frowned when they walked in._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel AP

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