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The top domestic film and television production company.

A group of senior executives are discussing

"We miscalculated this time!"

"It was actually criticized by several major newspapers!"

"Xiao Zan! If you perform well this time, the company has already qualified you for the Best New Male Singer Award!"

""With the help of this award, we can stand up again!"

A group of senior executives said expectantly.

In the middle of the round table, a handsome and slightly feminine man nodded.

It was Xiao Zan!

The protagonist of the fan incident that made a lot of noise some time ago.

At this moment, hearing the senior executives bring up the old things, his eyes flashed with hatred:"What about that Ye Feng? He actually belittled me and praised him? This is simply an insult to me! A musician, what a thing!"

Several senior executives comforted him.

"Don't worry!"

"Just a singer!"

"Don't worry, as long as you regain your popularity, he will be no match for you!"


August 5th.

An ordinary holiday.

The annual MTV Music Festival officially began.

Huan Ya!


Rolling Stone!


Sea Breeze!

All major domestic record companies came. There were more than a hundred celebrity artists in attendance.

The music festival, known as one of the three major music awards in China, has always been the most authoritative award in the domestic music industry.


Some people look down on this award!

But if you want to achieve an undisputed king status, you must win the best male singer or the best female singer.

It's like the three major awards in the film industry, the best actor and the best actress!

Those who can win must be powerful people who have received all-round recognition!

King Liu of another time and space!

It was only after winning the best actor that he achieved his true status as the immortal king!


Ye Feng had surpassed the king in both reputation and strength!

What he lacked was the foundation!

And these awards are an important part of the foundation.


Ye Feng finally launched an impact on the first big prize in his life.


Imperial Stadium!

This stadium, which can accommodate more than 100,000 people, was directly requisitioned by the organizers.

At this moment.

The opening ceremony was packed with people.

The live broadcast was carried out simultaneously on site and on the Internet.

The organizers invited Li Shishi, the talented woman from China National Radio!

With her introduction, the stars walked onto the red carpet one by one.

"Now walking onto the red carpet is King Zhou. His singing can be said to represent the collective memories of a generation and has brought a lot of joy to everyone. Now let us invite King Zhou to say hello to everyone!"


"Now walking on the red carpet is Jane Zhang, whose dolphin sound shows extremely high singing skills. Let us welcome her with warm applause!"


As Li Shishi introduced, the audience cheered.

At this moment, before Li Shishi opened her mouth, the crowd suddenly became excited!

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"What did I see?"

"Ye Feng directly took Fish Leong, Meng Meiqi, Wan Qian, Li Yue, Liu Tianxian, and Charlene Choi to walk on the red carpet?"

"Others have one man and one woman or two men and one woman, but when it comes to the male god, it’s one man and six women?"

"I am not convinced by the wall, but by my male god!"

"My male god, I have to give this one 118 points. After deducting the full score, the remaining 18 points will be given to you in the form of 666!"

"Ye Feng, I admire you very much. I once had a friend who was as awesome as you. Every time I talked to him about the glorious past, he would get so excited that he couldn't help but stand up from his wheelchair!"

"Am I the only one feeling sorry for the goddess?"

"It's obvious that you feel sorry for your idol!"

"I feel sorry for my male god +1!"

"I have to practice a new song all night tonight."

"It's time to witness Fengsu!"

"This is not the bus to the kindergarten. I want to get off! Eh? The door is so dry?"


Many audiences attending the opening ceremony burst into laughter.

Ye Feng and the six goddesses appeared together, causing a sensation on the scene. The live broadcast room was even more boiling.

The usual pairing of one man and one woman was directly broken.

The organizers were also helpless!

They kindly reminded.

As a result, several goddesses insisted on going on stage with Ye Feng.

Their explanation was also very reasonable:"Our songs were all written by Ye Feng. We are considered to be participating in this music festival together. How can we be separated?"

The staff could only watch the seven people leave with envy.

Before leaving, they couldn't help but sigh.


Really do whatever they want!

Just as several people walked onto the red carpet together.

Li Shishi's expression twitched.

She still remembered the last invitation.

She never took the initiative to invite men to dinner, but she invited Ye Feng for the first time.

As a result!

Ye Feng refused!


He actually refused!

Because of this, she was ridiculed by many people after returning to China National Radio.

At this moment.

Seeing Ye Feng slowly coming.

She smiled and introduced:"I guess I don't need to say much about this person, right? Just by looking at the combination, you can tell that he is a male god. Others are paired with men and women, but this one is a man paired with six goddesses. Even I am envious!"

The audience laughed


"No problem! I envy you too!"

""Goddess Shishi, what do you think we should do?"

Everyone asked.

Li Shishi smiled and said,"Well, we have all heard that Ye Feng is extremely talented and can write songs wherever he goes. The song"Shudu" he created last time in Sichuan was regarded as a classic by countless people and listed as a Shu city song. So this time, can we ask Ye Feng to perform his creative talent for everyone on the spot?"


"Must perform!"


Everyone started to cheer.

Even the stars took the lead in applauding.

Not far behind the red carpet was the guest seats, which was the second scene.

The scene was getting more and more lively.

Liang Jingru said with a smile:"Shishi, aren't you making things difficult for us? We are here to participate in a music festival. How can we get inspiration in such a hurry? How about you be a tour guide and accompany Ye Feng around for the next two days to find some inspiration?"

Everyone laughed

"As expected, she is Sister Liang!"

"I know you love your brother, but this is too painful!"

"Domineering sister! Love it!"

"She is worthy of being the only woman for whom her idol wrote two songs!"

"This care is worth it!"

Li Shishi smiled and nodded.

She picked up the microphone and was about to go down the slope.���A voice came

"I've heard that Ye Feng has the talent to write songs on the spot. Isn't it all hype?"

Everyone looked over._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Flylu Novel AP

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