Three years later, the vision on Zhou Tong's eyebrows slowly disappeared.

Forty-two Supreme Ancestral God-level consciousnesses have gathered together. We have finally walked more than half of the road to the Supreme Ancestral God, and we can vaguely see the end point in front of us! Zhou Tong understood clearly in his heart that on the road to the Supreme Ancestral God, hundreds of He had already walked at least ninety-five meters of the meter distance, only the last few steps were missing.

Now, he can clearly feel the terrifying aspect of the Great Perfection of the Supreme Ancestral God.

It is an unparalleled power. When one's spiritual consciousness reaches that state, it can completely change the world in a single thought. The rules and power between heaven and earth are all determined by your own thoughts.

But it's still a pity after all. Xiao Chen has only found forty-two battle swords in so many years, which is still short of the last seventh! Zhou Tong looked back on all the memories of these forty-two spiritual consciousnesses, and felt a little bit in his heart. sigh.

He has understood six-sevenths of the divine map. Although he cannot restore the divine map, the charm of this formation is imprinted in his heart; if he slowly comprehends it, he will eventually comprehend something.

Well, has the divine consciousness in heaven grown to this point?

However, at this time, Zhou Tong suddenly let out a soft cry, because an ancient magic city suddenly appeared in his heart. This city was the first ancient demonic city that he had manipulated in the prehistoric world, and it was also the stone man from another world who was fused with the Bixi Dragon Ball.

Is it because of my continuous breakthroughs in spiritual consciousness that I connected with the first stone man? At the same time, the stone man's great road mark also appeared in Zhou Tong's heart, and he began to communicate with the stone men he knew. The avenues blend and confirm each other.

And just when Zhou Tong sensed the stone man's avenue and confirmed it with himself, in the wild world.


The stone man who was undergoing Nirvana transformation suddenly had traces of the Tao brand in his heart.

After just a few glances at the stone man, he suddenly realized that the great road marks in front of him were actually several complete stone man king marks!

Could it be that the ancestor of our world knew that I had taken the last step, so he gave me these great avenue brands to speed up my progress to perfection? This thought emerged in the mind of this stone man.

Hey, this brand seems to be the great road mark of the stone man from our realm. Isn't it said that he has died when he went to the chaotic land? There are also these great road brands. There is no mistake. They must be the marks of the five kings of the chaotic land. Look. Come to our realm, the king has completely conquered Chaos Land and obtained the opponent’s Grand Avenue brand.”

With these imprints, I will definitely be able to achieve perfection within ten thousand years!! The stone man's consciousness was quickly immersed in these great avenue imprints.

However, before he knew it, his body and consciousness had gradually been beyond his control, and now they were just transforming with him.

But as soon as he really wakes up, he will know that all his fruits have changed their names.

And Zhou Tong, who was in the land of crime and chaos, obviously understood that everything he had arranged before had been successful. He showed a smile and said: Yes, I will lend you your way to confirm my way, Nirvana, rebirth, and ultimate sublimation...

As soon as he finished speaking, the armor on Zhou Tong's body suddenly spread out and turned into a green dragon, coiling around Zhou Tong like a miniature dragon city.

It is vaguely visible that there is a holy tree in Dragon City that is exuding divine light, with eight leaves exuding brilliant divine glory. As Zhou Tong officially transforms, a bud appears vaguely on the top of the holy tree, and the ninth leaf appears. It's about to take shape.

Zhou Tong sat cross-legged in the Dragon City, with the Ancestral Dragon Sword lying across his knees.

At this moment, he officially transformed, starting from the surface of his body to the inside of his body.


But at this time, a vast sea appeared in his body, and the sea water evaporated with endless light, igniting Zhou Tong's body, endless divine light bloomed, and his petrification was stopped.

It can be said that the ultimate secret of the Sky Monument Mysterious Technique is to prevent petrification at the most critical moment when the Stone Man King is undergoing transformation. After all, according to the new world that the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors want to create, stone people cannot exist. How could the essence of their great ways turn the descendants into stone?

Of course, whether it will be petrified also depends on whether the power accumulated by the mysterious method of the heavenly monument is enough. If the power is enough, it will naturally maintain its flesh and blood body; if the power is not enough, it will still be petrified again after exhausting its power.

Zhou Tong's deep-sea magical power was transformed from the Mysterious Method of the Heavenly Monument, and he naturally inherited the vital power of the Mysterious Heavenly Monument. His body would not be petrified by the stone road.

However, with the transformation, the deep sea in his body also dissipated and steamed little by little. If he still fails to succeed after the power of the deep sea is exhausted, he will still be petrified.

At this moment, although the petrification has been stopped, the transformation that belongs only to the Stone Man King is still going on, and a layer of mysterious light nourishes Zhou Tong's internal organs and limbs.


Although his body was not petrified, the power of petrification did not stagnate. Stone chips floated out and landed on the Ancestral Dragon Sword on Zhou Tong's knees and in the Dragon City outside his body.

Vaguely, the Ancestral Dragon Sword and the Dragon City began to petrify bit by bit, and mysterious and terrifying power began to breed in these two weapons.

Time passed, and a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. The surfaces of the Zulong Sword and Dragon City had been completely petrified, and this petrification was still seeping into the interior. At the same time, the sacred tree in Dragon City is also absorbing mysterious power to transform, and the ninth leaf is also growing vigorously...

At this time, Zhou Tong contacted the second stone man. This time it was the stone man from another world who had merged with the Pulao Dragon Ball.

After contacting the second stone man, Zhou Tong's own transformation speed doubled again. His flesh and blood were moistened by the petrified essence, and his flesh and blood transformed little by little.

Another hundred years later, the third stone man who had integrated the Yazhu Dragon Ball also contacted him.

In the long years that followed, ranging from more than thirty years to more than two hundred years, one after another the alien stone men (supreme ancestor gods) who had been manipulated by Zhou Tong came into contact with Zhou Tong himself.

Every time a stone man is contacted, his transformation speed will be faster; similarly, the transformation speed of those stone people in other worlds will also accelerate, getting faster and faster.

This is a very strange phenomenon, just like Zhou Tong resonates with the nine monks. Resonating across endless time and space, everyone's cultivation and transformation are accelerating.

When all the nine stone men (supreme ancestor gods) from other worlds who were fused with Dragon Balls came into contact with Zhou Tong, whether it was Zhou Tong or the monks from other worlds, their transformation speed was more than ten times faster than before.

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