Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 854 Gathering of Divine Consciousness

You are not my descendants, you are the descendants of the sinners on the earth!! The stone king had only one eye left, looking at Zhou Tong and Xiao Chen faintly, and even the voice emanating from his spiritual consciousness was filled with emotion. A hint of weakness.

His body was almost completely destroyed, but the terrifying majesty remained.

There's no need to say anything more. I just need a stone man to replenish my potential, and I can also take a peek at your stone man path. Zhou Tong's spiritual consciousness fluctuated like the vast sea, directly penetrating half of the stone king's head. Directly to the deepest part of his sea of ​​consciousness.

The terrifying fluctuations in consciousness made Xiao Chen tremble on the side. Even though he was wearing a divine map, at this moment he felt that his soul was like a small boat in the sea, which might capsize at any time.

It's just the aftermath of the divine consciousness, and it also passes through the divine map. It gives me this feeling... The Supreme Ancestral God is really in a terrifying state! Xiao Chen was shocked again.

Such a divine consciousness, or a supreme ancestral god? You want to get my treasure house of divine consciousness? It's impossible, even if it is destroyed, you will not succeed! This remaining stone man king is very stubborn, and he does not want to destroy himself even if he destroys himself! His treasure house of divine consciousness was exposed in front of Zhou Tong.

But it was too late. This stone man was already a candle in the wind. His incomplete consciousness was nothing in front of Zhou Tong. He was directly controlled by Zhou Tong and then refined.

At the same time, Zhou Tong waved his arms, and a magical power hit the stone man's remains, extracting all the remaining divine power and life essence from it.

The opportunity left by the ancestors, everyone who sees it has a share! Zhou Tong directly gave half of the divine power and life essence to Xiao Chen. In an instant, Xiao Chen had no idea how many acupoints were deified in his body.

At this time, Zhou Tong completely opened the stone man's treasure house of spiritual consciousness.

Soon, a terrifying Tao picture emerged in Zhou Tong's mind.

It was a stone man, arrogant in the world, terrifying and evil, and all the discoveries were revealed in Zhou Tong's heart. The path of this stone man was clearly displayed in front of Zhou Tong's eyes.

This is a complete stone man's road, and it has been led to the end by this stone man.

It can be said that if his descendants are outstanding enough, they may be able to walk this road again and reach the realm of the Stone Man King again.


This is the great road mark of the Supreme Stone Man. This mark came out instantly. Zhou Tong groaned and immediately sat down to calm down his sea of ​​consciousness and quietly comprehend this mark.

Zhou Tong just sat cross-legged like this, motionless. This realization lasted for ten years. He was comprehending the great way of this stone man, and he was confirming the great way of this stone man with his own way. His whole person became more and more unfathomable. .

In the past ten years, Xiao Chen has also been sitting quietly next to Zhou Tong, studying the imprints of the five avenues left by the five kings of Chaos. In ten years, he only memorized the first pattern without any understanding.

The whole palace was quiet, without any fluctuation.

A hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. As early as fifty years ago, Xiao Chen wrote down the traces of these avenues and left directly for the prehistoric world. At this moment, Zhou Tong was the only one left sitting cross-legged in the vast palace.

The Great Road Brand of the Five Kings of Chaos, the Great Road Brand of the Stoneman King of the Other World, Hongjun's Great Road Brand that Zhou Tong had obtained before, and even the Great Road Brand of dozens of stone men in the Death World.

Countless imprints of the great road came to his heart one after another, confirming Zhou Tong's own path to becoming a king.

Zhou Tong's heart became calmer and calmer. He slowly realized these avenues. Gradually, the endless avenues suddenly changed in his heart, as if they had turned into the most brilliant runes and lines in the world, stimulating Zhou Tong's mind.

Time flies, and three thousand years pass in the blink of an eye.

Countless avenue imprints revolved in Zhou Tong's heart, constantly creating ripples that nourished his consciousness. Gradually, his consciousness became stronger and stronger, becoming immortal and not even much weaker than that of the Perfect Stone Man.

This is a step that must be experienced on the road to the Supreme Ancestor God.

If Zhou Tong's spiritual consciousness had just embarked on the path of the Supreme Ancestral God before, then now, he has gone a long way on this path and has passed the first and most terrifying hurdle.

Now, unless he faces the true form of the Stone Man King, no one in the world can do anything to him.

At the same time, among the nine states.

Xiao Chen also fell silent, began to practice silently, and secretly searched for the lost swords.

He used the nine ancient lamps in Kyushu as his source, and changed places every five hundred years. He quietly understood the origin of heaven and earth, practiced the mysterious method of the heavenly monument, and was looking for a war sword.

Xiao Chen is worthy of being an important chess piece of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. During these three thousand years, he has found nine war swords one after another. At this moment, the number of war swords in his hand has reached forty-two, only missing the last seven. It will be complete.

And on this day, Xiao Chen suddenly woke up from his practice, and his forty-two swords vibrated at the same time.

The battle sword is vibrating. If I am not wrong, it should be that the ancestor dragon's skills have been perfected. With the forty-two supreme ancestor god levels of consciousness, the ancestor dragon is really terrifying!! Xiao Chen said in his heart.

Over the years, the thirty-three war swords that were first attached to Zhou Tong's spiritual consciousness have already been perfected and reached the level of the ninth level of the Ancestral God. They are even vaguely just one layer away from being able to break through the Ancestral God. realm.

After that, Xiao Chen found nine more war swords. The divine consciousness in these thirty-three war swords also separated some of the spiritual consciousness into the new nine war swords for new gestation and enhancement. .

As there were more and more battle swords, the formation became more and more complete, and Zhou Tong's spiritual consciousness attached to the battle swords increased faster and faster. Finally on this day, these forty-two spiritual consciousnesses have broken through the boundaries of the ancestor gods and initially embarked on the path of the supreme ancestor gods.

Xiao Chen took out all the war swords, and there was a sudden buzz sound, and Zhou Tong's figure appeared among the forty-two war swords at the same time.

Thank you so much for these years! Zhou Tong's consciousness left Zhanjian and thanked Xiao Chen.

My true body is still enlightening me in the palace in the land of sin and chaos. If you are confused about the way forward, maybe you can come and listen to me! Zhou Tong believed in Xiao Chen's character and told him some news about himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Tong's forty-two spiritual consciousnesses broke through the void in an instant, entered the land of crime and chaos, and merged into Zhou Tong's true body.


A large piece of divine light bloomed from Zhou Tong's eyebrows, illuminating the entire dim palace. It looked like a sun being lit up, which was a natural reaction from the gathering of his consciousness.

Forty-two rays of supreme ancestral god-level divine consciousness converged with its own soul. His whole body was shrouded in radiance. The divine consciousness was so powerful that the aftermath even came out through his skull, turning into a stream of energy that could tear the world apart. Divine light.

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