Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 856 The Stone Man is Born (Updated with 400 votes)

In Kyushu, Xiao Chen hides under the ground of Kyushu and is sleeping and meditating.

He is carefree. After more than seven thousand years, his strength has steadily improved, and now he has become the ancestor god of the sixth heaven.

At this time, he finally woke up from his deep sleep.

It was still a long time before they had made the thirty thousand year agreement to evacuate from Kyushu. Xiao Chen still had a lot of time to continue to strengthen himself, especially after he became the Ancestral God, his horizons instantly broadened a lot.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen felt a little hesitant. Should he go out and continue looking for Zhanjian or look for Tianhen?

Let's put our own strength first! Xiao Chen suddenly remembered that Zhou Tong once told him that if he was confused about the way forward, he could go to the palace in the land of crime to find him.

It's time to go and take a look! Xiao Chen pondered for a while, then left the place of practice and returned to the place of crime and chaos.

As soon as he arrived here, he was shocked. A miniature Dragon City actually appeared in front of him.

You're here! A loud voice came from Dragon City.

Zhou Tong's transformation is different from the transformation of other stone kings. Although his physical body is in a state of silent transformation, his spiritual consciousness has always been active. Although most of his spiritual consciousness is immersed in the enlightenment of the great road, he is still very sensitive to the surroundings. Sensitive, he knew Xiao Chen was coming.

Have you also walked on the path of the stone man? How far have you gone? Are you transforming directly here? Xiao Chen was shocked. He didn't expect Zhou Tong to transform here. You must know that this land of crime and chaos is in another world. Under the surveillance, especially the other world often sends some combat tools to attack the palace.

Don't worry, the other world doesn't have that much time to let the Stoneman King come here; I have already taken the most critical step and can reach perfection at any time. I just want to go one step further. Zhou Tong's voice came out, You Just listen here!

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Tong slightly let go of the Taoist sound inside Dragon City. Suddenly, there were thousands of auspicious colors and rays of light in the sky and the earth, and the holy divine light shone in all directions. There are more sacred lotuses blooming in the void, and the spiritual energy gathers into a spring and flows. For a time, the entire huge palace was filled with colorful fallen flowers and rainbow light.

This scene scared Xiao Chen who was standing aside. He had seen many divine cities, but he had never seen such a scene. The divine city tied by the ancestral dragon does not have that kind of death at all, but is full of endless vitality.

After being shocked, Xiao Chen also began to listen attentively.

Countless mysterious Tao sounds in the world were like the sound of nature, echoing in Xiao Chen's ears, and there were countless Taoist principles that made him intoxicated and then lost.

For Xiao Chen, this was an extremely rare opportunity. He listened quietly to the Mysteries of the Great Dao. His consciousness was nourished by the Mysteries of the Great Dao and began to slowly improve; this improvement was faster than his own hard training. Much.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than three thousand years have passed.

In the wild world, on a desolate plain, a majestic divine city stands majestically.


However, at this moment, a brilliant light suddenly burst out from the central area of ​​this sacred city, and then a stone body broke out of the ground and began to grow slowly.

A terrifying divine power that shook the heavens spread throughout the entire heaven in an instant. This indescribable and indescribable aura was like a turbulent wave, heavily bombarding the depths of everyone's souls.

At this moment, everyone in the entire heaven felt a terrible sense of depression.

Huh? Someone wants to take the most critical step?

Are they from another world? Are they going to have another king appear?

Stop him!

Almost immediately, most of the stone kings in the heaven reached an agreement to stop this late comer. The alien world was originally a powerful force in the heavenly realm. If they were given another king, the situation in the heavenly realm would completely change.

The prehistoric world is not an ordinary big world. It is very chaotic and complicated. Since ancient times, countless civilizations have been destroyed over the years, and the survivors of some of these civilizations have gathered in the ancient world, especially these people who are mostly the strongest among their civilizations. This is the prehistoric heaven! !

Even though the alien forces are huge, the alien factions have not done much in the ancient world, and they even have many enemies here.

No, it's too fast. How could it be so fast? However, just when these stone kings were about to take action, they were shocked to find that the stone man was growing too fast.

The divine power gathered from the divine city is rapidly condensing towards the stone man in the center at an unimaginable speed.

And the human-shaped stone body growing out of the center of the city was also rapidly breaking out of the ground at an extremely terrifying speed. This speed is more than ten times faster than other stone men in the heaven.

All the stone man kings knew very well that it was meaningless to take action at this time, because at the moment they interfered, this stone man had already been successfully born.

I'm very well prepared... The stone man can walk with ease, and another incredible king is about to emerge from the other world! A stone man king's eyes were extremely cold, like ice that would never melt for billions of years.


The vast amount of divine power and life essence gathered in the huge demon city were instantly poured into the body of the stone man. His body quickly turned into stone, and he struggled out of the center of the city.


The perfectly born Stone Man King roared in an instant, and the mountains and rivers roared, and the starry sky above the heaven collapsed. At this moment, the void shook for him, and the years trembled for him.

As soon as he was born, he dominated the ancient world.

Haha, there is another king in our world!!

This stone man...ah, is my ancestor! He suddenly disappeared three civilizations ago and unexpectedly broke through in Nirvana. Hahaha, I also have an ancestor of the Stone Man King in my family!!

A new Stone King has been born in our world, and the situation in the heaven is about to change!!

In the heaven, all the monks from other world factions are rejoicing. The appearance of a stone man king can completely enable them to lay a supreme foundation in the heaven.

However, just as the alien monks were rejoicing, changes occurred within the body of the Stone Man King.

Ah, who are you? After the Stone Man King was born and regained consciousness, he almost went completely crazy.

Because he realized that he could no longer control his body, and even his divine power, avenue, and even his spiritual thoughts were completely out of control. It was as if a second consciousness was born in his body, and it took over everything in him.

He felt that his consciousness could only be regarded as a foreign object in this body.

This is clearly his body, this is clearly his avenue, this is clearly his divine power, but at this moment it has become someone else's property?

Why? The man's remaining consciousness roared ferociously.

He had completely gotten out of the predicament and had taken that unprecedented step, but when he turned around, he made a wedding dress for someone else. This was a great hatred that raged for eternity, a hatred that could not be washed away even if all the water from heaven was poured out!

Why did you transform so quickly? Don't you know why? Why did you succeed in taking this step? Don't you know why? A contemptuous voice sounded deep in the man's consciousness.

This person suddenly remembered that it was ten thousand years ago when countless great avenue imprints suddenly appeared in his heart. It was because of these countless great avenue imprints that he could continue to accelerate, accelerate, and accelerate again.

Previously, he thought this was done by their ancestor from another world, but he didn't expect...

At the same time, the high-spirited spirit he had when he fused the Biyi Dragon Ball also emerged in his mind. Unexpectedly, all of this became his life-saving talisman...

I didn't expect it to be like this...

This is the last wave of consciousness for this person, and what follows is eternal silence.

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