Endless route

Chapter 198 37 Battles Defeat the Abandoned Manor

Chapter 198 37. A battle of wits defeats the abandoned manor

Late at night, the attic was hidden in the night. The ghost general stared straight at the dark door and suddenly drew his sword. This scene shocked everyone's heart, because there should only be one possibility for this action:

Something came down from the door.

Zheng Yun thought about many consequences at this moment, but his body reacted immediately and called the ghost general back to him first.

Ghost generals are not evil soldiers.

It hurts to lose one of them.

But the situation changed too quickly. As soon as the ghost general took a step back, a figure slowly walked out of the darkness of the door, his posture swaying, as if he was drunk.

But this man was two and a half meters tall. His head was almost the same as the door frame. He also had an extremely tall figure. His huge waist was almost the same thickness as an oak barrel.

Observe through night vision.

He was actually a dark man, wearing a pair of oversized denim overalls, with a logging ax stuck in the waistband, and an old rifle in his hand.

Like a football player.

But his head is somewhat deformed, two circles larger than a normal person, his face is like that of a toddler, and his arms are longer than a normal person. He seems to be suffering from some kind of congenital developmental disease.

Is this a dark fisherman?

Kedester quickly made a guess. The man's skin was so dark that it was completely matte, darker than the night, and his clothes were similar to those of the fishermen he had just captured.

But he almost doesn't look like a human being. It's hard for a person to look like this. Instead, he looks like some kind of primate humanoid creature.

Something's wrong, there's something wrong with its back.

Ji Dao whispered a reminder. The dark-colored fisherman's back was bulging, as if he was carrying something.

While several people were exclaiming on the top of the mountain, the situation in front of the attic door was changing but not stopping at all. The dark-colored fisherman stood at the door and scanned around, seeming to see the ghost general standing by the pool.

This tall weirdo was very oppressive. Standing in front of him, the ghost general looked petite and frail.


The dark fisherman roared.

But the people on the mountaintop couldn't tell whether he was roaring or asking in English who the ghost general was.

Without saying a word, the ghost general held his long knife diagonally at his side and rushed straight towards the dark-colored fishermen. His figure was fast and hidden in the darkness, as unpredictable as a ghost.

Without giving the dark-colored fisherman a chance to react and shoot, the ghost general had already walked around behind him in two steps. He raised his knife and flashed with white light, and landed on the back of the dark-colored fisherman's neck.


The bones made a muffled sound.

The dark-colored fisherman was easily subdued by the ghost general as soon as he met him. His eyes rolled up and his limbs became weak. He fell to the ground with a thud. He rolled his eyes and fell deeply into a sweet dream.

Master Gui is Master Gui.

Ji Dao sighed deeply. This was a Haiwei who came from the Ghost Suppression Division. He was much better than the Ghost Suppression Division like Zhang Ergou.


Zheng Yun remained silent.

He was the one who ordered the man to be chopped down because he was worried that the other person had the same jellyfish poison as the previous fishermen. If the general was infected, he would let the general become a human being.

This is indeed the case.

Even though Zheng Yun had gone into great detail and only let the ghost general hit him hard with the back of his sword without seeing any blood, the ghost general was still infected by the poison and his movements were stagnant, almost the same as the original Yin soldier.

Fortunately, the ghost will barely be able to retreat.

But as the ghost general retreated, there was a soft sound from the window behind the attic, and something unexpected happened again.

There was a sudden movement on the fourth floor of the attic, and some very strange sounds sounded, like a strange whistle, and then several sealed windows on the fourth floor were suddenly opened.

The fourth floor is the top floor of the attic, with a gray brick gabled roof from the 19th century. After a short wait, a large number of black crows came out of the windows and surrounded the dark night sky.

The crows were also swaying, as if they had been in a deep sleep from beginning to end and had just been awakened.

at the same time.

There were also changes on the first floor of the attic. Several figures flashed through the windows at the back of the room, and it was impossible to tell whether they were human or not.

Something is wrong. There may be something wrong with those crows. They don't even crow. Kedester was highly vigilant. Crows mean ominousness and witchcraft in the West.

Throughout Western culture, crows symbolize mysterious disease and death. Many weird organizations and secret churches in the West also use crow symbols to show their specialness.

Maybe the crow itself is okay, but it is an artificial symbol that tells you clearly that there is something secretive about the manor.

And in such a weird place.

Does anyone know if crows are a threat? After all, this is not the earth. The black bird just looks like a crow, but none of them can be sure what kind of creature it is.

Looking up, those dark crows were hovering vaguely in the air, and some of them had already flown to the top of the mountain forest. They might be spotted at any time!

No wonder there are bird poop all over the ground but no birds are seen. It turns out there are so many blackbirds on the top floor of the attic. It's enough to go out and poop twice a day. Ji Dao suddenly realized as he patted his thigh.

This problem has troubled him for a long time!

He has been thinking about bird poop!

Chief, should we retreat to the beach? Kedester's expression was solemn, fearing that there was a disease on the blackbird. There was jellyfish poison here, and the blackbird might also be poisonous.

So that's it. Zheng Yun also looked at the top of his head. He had thought a lot about bird poop. It turned out that it was caused by black birds.


Kedester was silent for a moment.

The cultures of the East and the West are indeed different, and Easterners may indeed not understand the meaning of these things, but the reactions of the two adults around them are indeed too outrageous.

The abandoned manor has taken action.

But the leader and Ji Dao didn't show any worry or worry at all. Instead, they were thinking about the bird poop.

It's as if they don't care about these so-called crows and the mysteries of the West, making themselves look out of place.

But it’s normal to think about it carefully. Even if it involves Western secrets, these two adults may not care. They have traveled through too many dangerous places and seen too many weird things.

This abandoned manor is almost boring compared to the Hades Pavilion I have experienced, and it is indeed not worth making a fuss about.

Haiwei Supervisor Xiansi arrived in person.

Are you afraid of this abandoned manor?

Jidao, it's your turn to take action again. Zheng Yun turned his head to look at Jidao, with a calm expression and spoke in a low voice.

The original use of the Zhenxuanyin that Ji Dao learned was to drive away strange birds in the sky above the Heavenly Palace to prevent them from taking away the rice planted by Ji Dao. This was his old profession.

Master Immortal, I will definitely complete the mission. This is trivial. Even if there are 10,000 of them, I can easily capture them!

Jidao laughed heartily, thinking to himself that this time it was really not in vain, and then quickly ran down the hillside, away from Zheng Yun and the others to find a hidden place, intending to roar again.

What do you think? This place is pretty standard. It's very similar to the Western horror movies I've seen before.

Zheng Yun turned his head and looked at Kedester.

The mysterious elements here are almost complete. The abandoned ancient manor, the tall dark slaves, the blissful poison and the ominous crow completely conform to the stereotype.

Chief, Western movies and TV dramas themselves are based on historical facts, and the origin of the Western Church predates the discovery of the Endless Passage. Many teachings are still followed in remote places today, attracting many heretical believers to deliberately imitate them.

This island has been abandoned for a long time. At that time, the Church of Paradise made these mysterious visions in line with the times, because this style was popular at the time.

Kedester explained calmly.

He is also a member of the Jianxian Division, so he should maintain the demeanor of the West Factory. He should not worry about these small tricks, but should accompany the leader to overlook the battlefield and win the battle a hundred meters away.

If that's the case, then make adequate preparations for defense. It's better to be careful. Zheng Yun looked above his head warily and asked the surrounding Yin soldiers and ghost generals to take out their gas masks and put them on.

He is definitely not as calm as Keldester imagined. On the contrary, he is very cautious when facing any strange and dangerous places, and will not take it lightly just because things are different.

Jiasi Aileen and others were all killed here, which shows that Goode Manor is quite powerful. There is no way those black birds are symbols or decorations. They must have some kind of weird ability.

Just like the methods of gods and ghosts discovered in the East all have a mysterious flavor, Westerners also find that the methods of gods and ghosts are involved in the secrets of the West, and even deliberately move in that direction.

This is an inevitable necessity. It depends on people's cognition and is also related to systematic induction and use.

At that time, there were countless weird things on the planets along the route, each of which was incomprehensible. The only reference points were the myths and legends of the East and the West, as well as the extended fantasy novels and mysterious stories.

Similarly, when a certain kind of poison is discovered, the East will make it into the form of elixir and poison, while the West will mix it with witchcraft medicine, or it may be contaminated on these black birds and cause them to harm people.


A loud bang sounded from the back of the loft.

Ji Dao obviously lowered the volume, and Zheng Yun quickly covered his ears, but he still felt his brain shaking slightly.

Vibrations of this specific frequency are a fatal threat to birds with light and hollow skulls.

Zhen Xuanyin just fell.

In the dim and pitch-black sky, the blackbirds that had been circling stiffened and fell into pieces, like black rain falling from the sky. One after another they fell in straight lines to various parts of the mountain forest.

Just a throat.

Crows all over the sky fell.


Kedester was speechless.

He knew that Ji Dao was the head of the Demon Suppression Department, and he had also gone deep into the Tiangong Mountain Forest with his team, and had seen all kinds of monsters and birds in the Tiangong, and had seen how the fragrant sand left by Ji Dao could repel the enemy.

If these blackbirds were considered inferior monsters.

The Demon Suppressing Secretary was very good at what he did, but he really didn't expect the meaning of the three words Demon Suppressing Division. He actually killed all the blackbirds with one voice without missing a single one.

Zheng Yun observed with a night vision goggle.

Ji Dao has already joined the ghost general, and is returning towards the hillside while supporting the ghost general who is somewhat hindered in his movements.

Behind the two of them.

The black bird fell to the ground with a crackling sound, and its special ability was lost in the hands of Nobuyoshi before it could be displayed.

The abandoned manor was still shrouded in complete darkness. The opponent's two moves were resolved by them, and many methods were damaged. They didn't know what they would use next.

It's quite a bit of a battle of wits.

People have to be more vigilant.

Master Immortal, the last general has killed all the black birds! Jidao returned to the top of the mountain, leaned on one knee on the ground and said to Zheng Yun, which always gave him a sense of ceremony.


Zheng Yun reached out and patted his shoulder.

Ji Dao's illness is intermittent, and it doesn't happen often in normal times. Only in special periods will it be a bit awkward.

Would you like to retrieve some bird carcasses for inspection? Ji Dao looked at the open space in front of the manor. The ground was full of bird carcasses.

Be vigilant first.

Zheng Yun continued to observe the abandoned manor. After all the blackbirds died, the manor may have been caught off guard and did not expect this move. There has been no reaction until now.

Perhaps Qian Donkey is at his wits' end and it's our turn to take action. Jidao looked down the mountain. The other party may have tried all they can, but their Supervisory Immortal Division didn't even feel warm.

Don't worry, let's take a look.

Zheng Yun spoke slowly.

The abandoned manor used poison from jellyfish and blackbirds. The characteristic of the former is that it can cause people to be poisoned silently and fall into extreme joy and lose their minds.

The effects of Blackbird are unknown.

But it should be a deadly method. Those black birds can automatically find enemies all over the island and solve them.

Coupled with the boat-stealing routine of dark-colored fishermen.

If an ordinary explorer were to encounter him, he would probably be in doom. No matter what, he would be damaged on the island. Even if he was fully armed with modern weapons, it would be difficult to escape from this place.

But people like Jia Si Aileen are completely different.

They are also explorers who know the ruins of Triton in the dangerous land of ghosts and ghosts. They have landed on the island more than a dozen times. They should not be easily subdued by these small tricks. The manor must have back-ups.

The wait wasn't long.

The direction of the attic finally changed again.

But it was slightly different from what they imagined. Candles were actually lit on the attic floor, casting several strange figures.

at the same time.

A figure climbed out of the window of the suite next to the stairs on the first floor and ran through the garden towards the building in the backyard of the manor.

Everyone stood on a high place and looked down at the manor. At first they didn't realize what was going on, until the figure ran out of the blind spot blocked by the attic and ran quickly in the shadow of the night.

Are you going to run? Go!

Seeing this scene, Jidao didn't have time to get Zheng Yun's consent, so he directly released the demon dog that he had led out earlier, and let the demon dog suddenly dive into the forest and rush down the mountain to intercept the man.

After letting go of the dog, Jidao turned his head and looked at Zheng Yundao: Master Xian, they must be really at their wits end. Some of them actually ran away. Why don't we take advantage of the victory and pursue it?

It's hard to say, maybe this is also a means.

Zheng Yun looked at the figure's back attentively,

Is he going to an abandoned horse farm or a dilapidated wine cellar? Kedester observed the figure with a night vision goggle. In his direction, there could only be a few abandoned facilities on the north side of the manor.

It seems to be a woman?

Kidou observed the figure with his naked eyes, and from her running posture and length, he whispered in disbelief.


Zheng Yun frowned. In the night vision device, he could clearly see the figure. She was not only a woman, but also a very normal white woman.

Wearing a medieval-style nightgown, she ran barefoot through the overgrown garden, even holding up her skirt.

Is it your ex-wife?

Ji Dao looked at Kedester.

No, but she seems to be completely conscious. It would be best if she could be captured alive. Kedester shook his head.

Catch her alive. Zheng Yun nodded. This woman was obviously not infected by the jellyfish poison. If caught, she could be tortured.

While several people were talking.

The situation on the field changed again.

The demon dog had already rushed not far away from the woman, but as soon as it got closer, the woman let go of her hand holding her dress, threw out a small bottle and hit it near the demon dog.

The demon dog instantly collapsed to the ground.

It looked like he might not survive.

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