Endless route

Chapter 197 36 Manor Master?

Chapter 197 36. The owner of the manor?

Zheng Yun opened the Immortal Gate in the darkness of the port, and Jidao sent the little Taoist priests from Tiangong to wear protective equipment and bring all the people on the ground back to Tiangong and imprison them in iron cages for the time being.

When Ji Dao was busy.

Zheng Yun and Kedester walked along the seaside and used the bonfire on the beach to investigate nearby. They walked around the port and observed the inside of the wooden house with flashlights and telescopes.

There are many wine bottles on the floor of the cabin.

There are many fishing equipment piled in the corner.

As for the fishermen's fishing boats, the two studied them carefully for a while. They were just ordinary wooden boats. There was nothing unusual about them, except that there was no one on board and no fish caught.

The fishermen have fallen asleep, but the bonfire continues to burn. It may be to provide guidance to the ships at sea, or there may be people who want to land on the island. Kedester looked back at the sea.

The sea is dark at night and it is difficult to see. If there are ships on the sea that turn off their lights and sail secretly, they cannot see each other.

But a bright bonfire is enough to provide enough light to see the beach and the people on the beach from the sea.

It doesn't hurt to come.

Zheng Yun still checked around the wooden boats. These boats did not even have engines. It was extremely time-consuming to go to several surrounding islands. They could only fish offshore or move within the islands.

Haha, these fishermen are like mad dogs. When they see explorers, they steal boats, cut off routes, and infect people with poison. They don't even open their eyes to see who is coming. They think it's those people from Jia Si Irene.

Kedester said sarcastically with a smile on his face.

There is always a purpose and a reason for everything. These fishermen steal the explorer's boat indiscriminately. In Kedster's eyes, it is because Jia Si Aileen and others have been here.

They were investigating the whereabouts of Jiasi Irene along the way. They didn't expect it to be so far away at the time, and they were looking for people on the surrounding islands with the list of victims and photos. It was inevitable that the news would leak out.

The local fishermen probably thought they were Jiasi Irene's teammates, so they stole the boat directly, but they didn't expect that this time, Coast Guard Supervisor Sensi would personally land on the island to investigate the case and hunt down the suspects.

Kedester didn't know what kind of conflict Jiasi Erin and others had with the local fishermen, but no matter what kind of secret organization they were, they would be caught and brought to justice by the Tritons.

hope so.

Zheng Yun did not answer the call.

Using conventional logical reasoning, Kedester's conclusion is correct and can explain why the local fishermen took action directly. However, after being contaminated by the ghost ruins, things changed a lot.

After experiencing many ghosts and dangerous places, Zheng Yun became more sensitive to these things, and had a vague intuition that something was not right.

These are just some little miscellaneous soldiers.

It's not worth their while.

Master Immortal. Jidao hurriedly ran out of the Immortal Gate, his figure shrouded in the night, emerged from under the wooden port, and said with a startling voice behind Zheng Yun:

Those fishermen themselves are also immersed in pleasure. They can't move flexibly without drugs. Even if they charm people, they can't finish it. There may be someone to clean up the mess for them.

Can't wake them up?

Zheng Yun looked back at Jidao and asked.

Their pupils are dilated, and it works together with the drug I caught. The pharmacology is complicated and difficult to sort out. Maybe two of them will die... Ji Dao scratched his head and spoke awkwardly.

Zheng Yun was slightly startled, then reached out and patted Jidao on the shoulder, saying at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: It's okay, two are enough.

Master Immortal, these fishermen also used poison themselves. Is it possible that they are innocent? Are they enjoying themselves and have no intention of infecting others? Jidao asked uneasily.

This is absolutely impossible. They stole the ship and forced ordinary explorers to join in. At worst, they deliberately used poisons to make people addicted to attract 'business'. Zheng Yun shook his head and continued to ask: But you Do you still care about this?

Then I'll try a strong medicine to see if I can wake them up. Ji Dao immediately smiled, as if he had received an exemption order, and hurriedly ran towards the immortal gate again.

No, it's not urgent.

Zheng Yun quickly pulled Ji Dao back. If he was really allowed to tinker with it, those fishermen would probably be in danger of surviving. It would be better to wait. At least one or two could survive.

Ji Dao gave up the idea after hearing this.

Everyone put away the black jade pillow and returned to the mountain along the original path, retrieved the camping equipment and observed the direction of the abandoned manor.

But he didn't expect that the manor would also suddenly change.

The dead attic entangled with vines should have been completely covered by night, but it actually emitted some light at this moment, shining from the three or four windows on the left side of the second floor of the attic.

Is there someone here? Ji Dao whispered softly.

The people in those two boats just now? They didn't go to the main port, and they were also foreign explorers? Kedster was confused.

Everyone immediately used telescopes to observe.

The bright windows are relatively complete, with intact dark red curtains blocking the view, but the lights are a bit weak, as if they were lit by candles rather than modern lighting equipment.

Through the dark red curtains.

Shadows can be seen flickering.

This scene is also very strange. The red light cast from the window illuminates the green leaves of the creeping vines red, and the rhythmic breathing sways in the night wind. The whole attic seems to suddenly come to life.

The people on the island are quite prepared, and the attic has actually made arrangements. If we don't find the ship missing, and don't go to the port to look for the ship, and this back-up can scare away the explorers, we can go to the coast to look for the ship. Toxic infestation.”

Kedester said in a mocking tone.

This feeling is similar to someone carefully preparing some traps and haunted houses in an attempt to scare outsiders, but in their eyes, it all seems childish enough to make people laugh.

Should we go in and have a look? Ji Dao was full of energy. He was like a curious explorer. If someone placed a trap on the ground, he would go over and take a look.


Zheng Yun was silent for a moment.

There is no problem with Kedster's logic. This scene seems to be deliberately trying to persuade the explorers to retreat, and it is the same as the port.

Because it does feel a bit fake.

The secrets of the attic are concentrated in the underground hall and the underground sea. Both the jellyfish and the porcelain vase are underground, but they lit candles on the second floor of the attic. It is not very logical.

This is a bit too fake, but it makes people wonder if it is a trap, or if this loft is for real.

If we don't go anywhere, what will happen next? What else can we do? Kedester smiled.

These people treat us as fools. If I blow up the building with gunpowder, what will they do? Your ex-wife and the others actually disappeared on this island?

Ji Dao also looked at Kedester with doubts on his face.

Compared with the dangerous places I have been to before, this island is almost at kindergarten level, not to mention any difficulty.

Just wait and see what happens.

Zheng Yun stopped the two of them from continuing to speak. This place looked so simple, but it seemed a bit dangerous and weird.

So Zheng Yun ordered the Yin soldiers and ghost generals to be distributed around, intending to stay on this hilltop to see how much trouble could be caused in the attic, and they would be safer.

Kedester nodded.

Although Ji Dao obeyed the order, he was still not too worried. He went back to his backpack and took out some camping equipment, including a small cushioned table and a lot of food, so he could sleep here.

Waited for a while.

The direction of the attic remains unchanged.

The light that looked like candles emitted quietly without any change as time passed. Through the red curtains, some shadows could still be seen flickering in the room.

Not sure if the shadow is human.

They could only see part of it from this angle.

It wasn't until nearly half an hour later that the candle in one of the rooms was suddenly blown out, and the light suddenly disappeared, leaving only three windows that still had weak light emitting.

Is it possible that old Kate's ex-wife is locked up on the second floor of the attic? Ji Dao couldn't help but guess again.

The change of turning off the lights gave the attic a little more life. He wondered if there was anyone living on the second floor of the attic.

It's also possible.

Kedester nodded.

To this day, they still don't know what Jias Eileen and others experienced on the island, but they are indeed missing, and they may also be imprisoned in Goode Manor.

Master Immortal, let's test it out?

Ji Dao looked at Zheng Yun and suggested again.

How are you going to test it? Zheng Yun also lowered his guard slightly. They had observed nothing unusual for so long. Maybe it was just local fishermen living in the attic.

Compared to the wooden houses by the port.

The living environment here is obviously better.

I'll imitate the chirping of a bird and see if those windows respond? Ji Dao smiled. It was time for him to make a contribution again.

Zheng Yun looked up and saw that there were only bird droppings but no birds from the beginning to the end of the island. Ji Dao was so good at imitating bird calls that he could even communicate with the cranes in the heavenly palace.

This is a good idea.

No matter who is in the attic, they may have some reaction after hearing a very unusual bird call, but they will not be too alarmed. After all, it is just a bird call.

So Zheng Yun nodded and said: Be careful and find a place to call twice.

I'll go far away.

Ji Dao immediately stood up and retreated, walking through the mountains twice before disappearing into the darkness.

The mountain forest was completely dark, and even Zheng Yun and Kedester couldn't see where he went.

Waited for a moment.

There was a sudden sound from the hilltop behind the manor.


Several bird calls echoed around the manor.

The bird calls that Ji Dao learned this time were not even the ones used to communicate with cranes, but ordinary birds, which sounded very natural and nothing unusual could be heard at all.

It's really like learning.

Kedester sighed while holding the telescope.

Zheng Yun stared directly in the direction of the attic. About five or six seconds after the birds chirped, the remaining three windows that were still lit suddenly had their candles blown out one after another.

Not blown out at the same time.

Instead, from left to right, there are about four or five seconds between each window, as if someone went to the candle and extinguished the light.

Waited a few more seconds.

The curtain on the far left was quietly opened a gap. If the telescopes they carried had night vision capabilities, they would not be able to see this almost slight change.

what is that?

Kedster exclaimed in a low voice.

Zheng Yun frowned even more.

Because as the curtain was opened a corner, a figure was revealed behind the curtain, but this shadow did not look like a normal person in any way. His height was too short.

It was as if he wasn't standing.

Instead, he was sitting in a wheelchair.

I'm sure it's a person, but I don't know who it is. Kedster made a judgment in a low voice.


Zheng Yun frowned deeply.

Isn't this person the owner of Goode Manor? Dark fishermen were slaves living in the port, and the manor owners lived in the attic on the second floor, all similar to the layout of the twentieth century.

But when they entered the attic to explore, they heard no movement upstairs from beginning to end. Even though they made a lot of noise, there was no sound and no response from upstairs.

This incident made Zheng Yun break into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, this guy Kedester kept nagging, insisting that Garth Irene might be peeping somewhere.

Therefore, they had been on guard for a long time, and their voices when communicating with each other were very low, and they did not mention the secrets of Jianxian Division.

And it's not necessarily true. This person may be the person on the two boats just now, and he also just landed on the island.

Chief, how about we go and arrest him? A fire has burned the attic, and he has to come out even if he doesn't come out.

Kedester was a little tempted.

No matter who is behind the curtain, if you catch him, you will get clues, and he has already wanted to set the fire.

Let's go see the port again.

Zheng Yun still felt something was wrong. The building could be burned down at any time anyway, so he might as well observe more carefully.

Kedest immediately set off and headed along the mountain road to another hilltop to observe the movements of the coastal port.

Zheng Yun observed on the spot.

Not long after, it was Jidao who ran back first and whispered in Zheng Yun's ear: Master Xian, I found that something is wrong. I just heard some weird sounds.

what sound?

Zheng Yun looked back at him. Ji Dao, who was hidden in the night, had a very solemn expression. He was completely different from before.

After I learned the bird calls, I went around to the back of the attic and listened. I vaguely heard someone shouting under my feet, but it seemed like something was blocking the mouth, and there were only some humming sounds.

Ji Dao said with some hesitation.

Zheng Yun fell into silence for a long time.

Someone made a noise underground, which was obviously unreasonable, because they had fired shots in the cave before. If these people had been locked underground, they would have reacted when they heard the gunshots, instead of shouting now.

Could it be related to the fishermen?

There were only four of those dark-colored fishermen, but there were three fishing boats on the shore. Maybe they were just boatmen carrying some people out from a certain place?

And the two boats just now.

Maybe they brought people?

While Zheng Yun was thinking, Kedester also came back from the port. He shook his head and said to Zheng Yun: There is no abnormality in the silence near the port. There are still three fishing boats.

Then do it.

Zheng Yun lowered his head and looked at the attic below.

The attic was a stone structure, so it wouldn't be a big deal if it was burned by fire. It wouldn't affect their subsequent entry into the basement, but it was better to find another way to avoid burning the people who were screaming for help.

What should I say? Ji Dao looked expectant.

Let's use the drug. Zheng Yun looked back at the ghost general. At this time, it was time for the ghost general to take action. He threw the drug directly into the second floor of the attic, and then they would find a way to observe.

The ghost will immediately come closer.

Ji Dao took out a bag of poison and handed it to the ghost general. The latter took the stuff and jumped down the steep slope without Zheng Yun's detailed command. He could complete it independently after giving the order.

The remaining people watched quietly.

There are too many problems with this loft itself, and no one can say what will happen next. The fifteen-hour waiting time has just passed more than nine hours.

After waiting for a while.

There was a sound of breaking glass.

The ghost general smashed the drug directly into the target window, and the powder prepared by Ji Dao was scattered in the room.

But the next moment.

The ghost general actually drew his sword directly. Everyone saw a cold light flashing in the darkness, and the tip of the sword was pointed directly at the attic door!

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