Endless route

Chapter 199 38 Supervisors Seal the Island

Chapter 199 38. The Immortal Supervisor seals the island

The moment the demon dog fell to the ground, Kedester took off the gun from his back and pointed the scope at the woman's back.

Give her a shot in the leg.

She couldn't run away no matter what.

But at the moment when he was about to shoot, Kedester suddenly hesitated. He turned his head and looked at Zheng Yun beside him for orders: Chief, do you want to shoot him and knock him down?

No, this woman's identity is unknown, and she has no chance. There is no need to take the initiative to expose her location.

Zheng Yun shook his head gently. Kedester hesitated. The woman had already ran out of the garden and got into the abandoned wine cellar in the attic backyard, her figure blending into the shadows inside the house.

It was difficult for them to determine the identity of this woman. She may have been a victim of poison from the manor, because she ran out of the house at this moment, almost looking for death.

That should be some kind of Western witch medicine. Kedester looked at the broken glass bottle and the demon dog. The demon dog was lying on the ground twitching, and there was blue liquid remaining on the broken glass beside him.

The style of the glass bottle has a weird smell.

The liquid looked like it had been dyed with ink, so blue that it turned black, and it quickly sizzled and evaporated when exposed to air.

It's a pity that Li Xiya is not here, otherwise I could ask her to identify it. She is a senior practitioner of Western mysticism.

Perhaps this woman was just a bait. Someone abandoned her to attract our attention. It's a pity that a good dog of mine was killed by this woman in vain.

Ji Dao muttered in a low tone.

His thoughts were similar to Zheng Yun's. At this juncture, a woman ran out, wearing only pajamas and a bottle of medicine. She looked like she had been pushed out to die.

What's the use of a bottle of medicine?

It would be easy to kill her.

Kedester was right not to shoot. It was very difficult to accurately shoot and injure the target under such visual conditions. Once the muzzle of the gun was deflected, the woman would be killed.

How to torture him even if he is beaten to death?

There is no need to gamble on that probability.

It's also a clue.

Zheng Yun felt sorry for the demon dog and at the same time thought carefully about it. It was impossible for the woman to commit suicide. There must be a secret passage under the wine cellar that could allow the woman to leave the vicinity of the manor along the secret passage.

You can follow the clues and find them.

But this matter is a bit troublesome. There may be some kind of poison in the passage. It may be able to ignore the gas mask like jellyfish poison. It may be very dangerous to chase in rashly.

Looking back towards the attic.

There were a lot of strange phenomena in the direction of the attic. Dim candlelight was cast from the room, and a few shadows were hidden behind the window like fluttering through the dark red curtains. However, they never left the attic, and they didn't know what weird things they were.

It looks very weird.

But it seems a little funny.

He and others squatted in the darkness on the top of the mountain, never showing up or making any noise. All the black birds in the sky were killed, and the deserted manor didn't even know where the enemies were.

Like a headless fly.

Can't bring any pressure.

Even if the shadow is a ghost, it is useless. It can only drift inside the abandoned manor, waiting for the enemy to come to the door.

Master Xian, should we attack by force? Ji Dao touched his chin. Although the other party could not threaten them, the situation would be different if they took the initiative to enter the manor.

No need, let's test it first.

Zheng Yun had doubts and looked down at the burly fisherman lying on the ground at the door of the attic, sleeping peacefully and deeply.

He glanced back.

Another ghost general stood up immediately, quietly approached them from the darkness of the mountain forest, took a bundle of climbing ropes, and then moved more stealthily around to the attic.

After a short wait, the ghost will use the darkness of the night to throw a rope loop from the other side of the mountain forest, tightly wrap it around the feet of the burly fisherman from a distance of dozens of meters, and then slowly pull him away.

Swish swish swish.

The burly fisherman's clothes rubbed against the ground, and he was pulled toward the darkness by the rope in a concealed but extremely violent manner.

Zheng Yun asked the ghost general to wrap the rope around a tree, and then change places and pull it sideways to avoid being shot by people in the attic who determined the position through the direction of the rope and then shot him.

Swish swish swish.

The burly fisherman was dragged away bit by bit.

The manor and the top of the mountain were clearly visible.

This move is completely stealing people in front of the abandoned manor, and it is extremely provocative. If no one comes out to take care of it, this burly fisherman will definitely fall into their hands.

No response?

Ji Dao looked at the attic and wondered.

The direction of the attic was still very lively, but until the burly fisherman was completely far away, there was no plan to take action.

The people inside may have escaped.

Zheng Yun's expression changed and he made a judgment.

Ji Dao's guess just now is reasonable, but he should go one step further. The entire manor is a bait to attack in the east and west. The purpose is to give the people in the manor enough time to leave.

There is a secret passage deep in the underground hall.

There are constant strange phenomena here in the abandoned manor, but the real owner of the manor may have gone back to the underground sea long ago. No matter how noisy the manor is, it is just a cover-up to attract attention and energy.

Look at this from an estate perspective.

The group of explorers who landed on the island today were also very strange. The fishermen guarding the port disappeared inexplicably. Even if they searched the entire island, they could not find any trace of them.

What was even more horrifying was that these explorers didn't even fire their guns. The burly fisherman guarding the abandoned attic was knocked down with a knife. The crows released were all killed by the strange noise, as well as the coquettish-looking 'cerberus' pursuit.

When things have developed to this point, anyone with a brain should know that the explorer who landed on the island this time is not an ordinary person.

Moreover, the abandoned manor was not their home base in the first place. It was a rational choice to evacuate the manor. What else could they defend if all the most valuable crows were dead? It was better to change the battlefield.

When Zheng Yun was exploring the island during the day, the manor was empty and defenseless. These people suddenly appeared at night. The only explanation could be that they had a lair in the underground sea.

The manor is just a bait to lure explorers. There is nothing important in it. The living conditions are probably better than those in the underground sea. They only come to spend the night at night.

Master Immortal, let's chase him.

Ji Dao became a little anxious when he heard this.

Go to the dark cave in the northwest of the island.

Zheng Yun made a quick decision. Kedester had said before that the underground exit of this island could only be the dark cave in the west, so they should go to the exit and squat at this time.

You can't run away from the abandoned manor.

The manor has no legs, so it can only squat in place. It will still be here tomorrow waiting to be broken into by explorers. On the contrary, everyone else has legs, and they can't be caught once they run away.

Okay! I'll go get the demon dog back.

Ji Dao immediately got up and went down the mountain to look for the dog. The characteristics of the monster in the Tiangong were obvious and could not be left for outsiders to investigate.

Waiting for you on the coast on the west side of the port.

Zheng Yun and Ji Dao made an appointment, and then immediately took Kedester down the mountain along the path and back to the port.

Just past two hills.

The situation at the port can be seen at a glance.

The bonfire on the beach is still burning, and the environment has not changed. The three wooden fishing boats are still rising and falling on the sea, and the old hulls are vaguely yellowed by the firelight.

Fishing boats are also a trap.

This kind of old fishing boat is extremely slow. If an explorer robs the boat and goes to sea, it will basically be a living target at sea, and there may also be poison left by them in the fishing boat.

Head forward along the coastline.

They didn't walk very fast and were always vigilant, using telescopes to observe the situation on the sea and on the island.

After a period of time.

Ji Dao caught up with him empty-handed and whispered to Zheng Yun: The demon dog is dead, I will bury it.

Zheng Yun didn't say much, and immediately accelerated his speed, following Kedester's guidance, and ran towards the west of the island.

The island was quite large, and they walked for a while before reaching the target. In the bushes by the beach, they looked at the steep rock wall in front of them, which was mostly submerged in the sea.

The height of the rock wall is more than 20 meters.

The elevation is the same as near the estate.

There are indeed several dark holes near the sea level, completely hidden in the darkness, without any light emitting, and even with night vision goggles, you can't see anything inside.

Because of the angle.

They can only see the side.

But the entire western sea surface was unobstructed. Several people used telescopes to observe inch by inch and determined that there were no ships out to sea on the sea, and there were no shadows of ships in the distance.

Chief, the island may not have only one exit, there may be a dark harbor. Kedester didn't dare to say it.

It doesn't matter, just close the island.

Zheng Yun took off his backpack and took out the black jade pillow.

At this point in the development of the matter, I have already dealt with the abandoned manor several times, so there is no need to be secretive anymore. Let’s just start completely sealing off the island, and then arrest people step by step.

The training of everyone in the West Factory can only be left to next time. Although the current situation of the island does not reveal too powerful magical methods, it is no longer something they can solve alone.

Let the Jianxian Division officially take over.

Take control of this island first.

Master Immortal, what should we do? Ji Dao immediately asked with a cold look in his eyes. Supervisor Xiansi's dog was killed by the abandoned manor. This was enough reason for them to take action on the entire island.

It’s okay if Master Xian doesn’t say anything.

But now Master Xian decided to take action. He had to find a place for his dog and avenge it.

Go get a crane out and occupy the island's airspace first. Zheng Yun walked to the beach and put down the black jade pillow.

Now that I’m done pretending, I want to show off my cards.

Then the cards will be laid out more thoroughly.

The crane soars over the sea and overlooks the sea, which is enough to take care of all sides of the island. Once a ship leaves the island, the crane can immediately send a signal to everyone.

Even the crane itself is a tactic. If the black crane with the arrogant expression from last time is brought out and completely hidden in the dark night sky, a sudden sneak attack will be very powerful.

Ordinary people can't guard against it.

He will die under the claws of the crane.

Okay! Jidao nodded excitedly, waited for Zheng Yun to open the immortal gate, then got into it, and returned to the Tiangong to choose the crane.

at the same time.

Zheng Yun also returned to the secret realm and summoned a group of Yin soldiers and ghosts to come. At the same time, he also called out two little Taoist priests from Tiangong and asked them to take out a ray of the miniaturized Hanxian and carry it with them.

It didn't take long.

Ji Dao led the crane out of the fairy gate. Sure enough, it was still the same black crane as last time. It stood darkly on the sea, completely blending into the night. It was difficult to distinguish its shape beyond three meters.

Master Xian, there are no missiles this time, right?

Ji Dao smiled and asked, the last time Xianhe took action was in Qianzhou Strait, there was a real warship there.

Have it?

Zheng Yun looked sideways at Kedester. He had to ask him this question because Zheng Yun didn't know the surrounding environment.

No, there are just these few islands around. The nearby routes have long been eliminated by the times. The main route is in the north, and there are no large ships around. Kedester shook his head.

This is a good question.

He almost couldn't speak.

But you have to ask the crane to be careful and not to be too arrogant. Zheng Yun still warned a few words, not to fly too far even if the birds don't poop in this place and no ships pass by.

Don't worry, Immortal Master.

Jidao turned back to look at Heihe, and blew a mysterious melody from his mouth. The latter lowered his head and glanced at Jidao, and glanced at Zheng Yun quietly, then spread his wings and headed towards the sea.

Still the same posture as last time.

The black crane fluttered on the sea with its wings wide open, and the slender bird's ankles kicked back and forth in the water. After more than ten steps, it stumbled out of the sea, and then flew into the sky with the wind.

Gravity is different, gravity is different.

Ji Dao awkwardly added that the gravity of Qianzhou Strait is lower, not much higher than Tiangong, but the gravity of W-07 is completely different, heavier than Tiangong.

You cannot ride a crane on this planet.

The crane can barely take off without him, but if it takes him, both of them will inevitably fall into the sea.

It's amazing.

Kedester raised his head and looked at the crane that was instantly submerged in the night sky, completely hiding in the darkness without any trace. His handsome old face stretched out and he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Take a few steps forward and take a look.

Zheng Yun had seen it many times and had long been accustomed to it. He opened his mouth to interrupt Kedster's gaze.

Everyone continued moving towards the dark cave.

With the cranes gaining air supremacy in the sky, they already have most of the island under their control. They can trace it carefully and slowly without worrying about anyone leaving the island.

But things are still not simple.

They still don't know what's strange about the underground sea, nor what other tricks the manor owner has.

Chief, the signal on the island seems to be broken.

Kedester suddenly stopped, holding a mobile phone in his hand and tapping the back of the phone with his other hand.

He suddenly checked the signal because he was worried that someone would see Haiwei Supervisor Xiansi's methods and spread the news. Unexpectedly, when he took out his mobile phone and looked at it, the signal was actually gone.

Zheng Yun also took out his cell phone and took a look.

The signal has really cleared up. Although the network on this island is weak, it has always been there before. Now the signal suddenly disappears. Maybe it has something to do with the manor.

We have encountered this problem twice before. We have checked that it is not the signal jammer, but the relay signal network has been shut down, and the relay is on the surrounding islands.

Kedester turned to look south.

The signal source of this island is the fishermen's islands in the south, and the infrastructure is very old.

If it's not a malfunction, then there is a problem with the surrounding islands. They are connected to this manor.

Zheng Yun also looked south.

However, it can also be guessed that the conflict between the abandoned manor and the explorers will not last for a day or two. Judging from their proficiency in killing people, the signal will be cut off sooner or later.

If there is a constant signal.

The explorers on the island can contact the outside world at any time, and can even spread what they see and hear like Kedester, which is obviously what the manor does not want to see.

Isn't this a good thing? When did it stop? Ji Dao smiled and didn't think it was bad news.

Maybe the signal was cut off ten minutes ago when the crow was released in the manor.

Kedester also smiled.

The manor misjudged the situation at the time, thinking that they had the advantage and would take full action if the network was cut off.

But it's the same in the eyes of Jian Xiansi.

Cutting off the Internet is also beneficial to the Supervisory Immortal Division. Their Supervisory Immortal Division also has many magical methods that cannot be introduced into the mortal world.

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