When Luo Xiaoyu came to the living room with the empress wearing a red dragon robe in a daze, Lu Chen was still sipping tea calmly, enjoying this rare leisure time.

And the moment he looked up and saw the delicate face of the empress walking towards him, he was directly stunned.

what's the situation?

Isn't Xiao Yun here today? Why is this girl here?

Could it be that he came to make Lao Tzu Muxiu work overtime?

After thinking about it, Lu Chen quickly realized that he stood up, bowed slightly to the empress, and bowed his hands in salute: "I don't know that your majesty is coming, but I am far away from welcoming you. I hope your majesty will forgive me."

The empress waved her hand, "I came here uninvited, Lu Qing don't blame me for not being polite."

Lu Chen replied solemnly: "Where did your Majesty say that although the world is big, it is all the land of the king, and the shore of the land is the king's minister. In this world, how can a minister blame the monarch?"

After a little politeness, he left the front seat directly, and then made a gesture of invitation to the empress.

However, the empress shook her head, walked directly to the other main seat in the living room, then gently held the hem of her skirt, and sat down with a very natural expression.

"Lu Qing doesn't need to change seats, it's good to sit down."

Lu Chen: "???"

Although the Great Xia Dynasty and the ancient society before Lu Chen's crossing were generally similar, there are still many differences in some details because there is no concept of male superiority and female inferiority in this world, and women can also be officials, do business, inherit family business, etc. normally.

For example, although this world is the same as the ancient times of Blue Star, it is monogamous and multiple concubines, but these are all relative. If the head of the house is a man, then he can naturally raise concubines; if the head of the house is a woman, he can also raise a boy Pet, as long as the husband and wife don't quarrel and make trouble to the government.

Of course, the vast majority of ordinary people are monogamous.

In law, the status of husband and wife is relatively equal after all, so there is no rule in this world that wives cannot sit on the table.

The land of fireworks is not only for prostitutes, there are also prostitutes.

For another example, in the layout of the living room, the main seats are generally set as the host and hostess. Usually, the host sits at the top. If the guests are elders, leaders or people with higher status, the distinguished guest should sit at the top, while the host should sit at the bottom to show respect.

Now that the Empress is here, she should naturally sit at the top. Who the hell dares to let the Emperor take the second seat?

but now

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Lu Chen hadn't sat down for a long time, the empress asked softly with a natural face.

Lu Chen said with some embarrassment: "Well, Your Majesty, there is a difference in honor and inferiority. How dare I sit in the same row with Your Majesty and do such an arrogance?"

He himself naturally doesn't care about these things, but the predecessor's character design is such an upright and polite person, and it can even be said to be a bit rigid. If he wants to maintain the character design, he still needs to pay attention to some things.

Regarding Lu Chen's scruples, the empress said indifferently: "Lu Qing has made great contributions to the court several times. He is loyal to me and to the great Xia Dynasty. .”

After a pause, the empress said again: "Besides, the real respect should be in the heart, not just on the surface. Throughout the ages, almost all the civil and military officials in the Manchu dynasty were virtuous officials who were loyal to their words and courteous to their deeds, but the real ones like you Generally, how many ministers are there who respect me and put the country and country of the Great Xia Dynasty at the bottom of their hearts?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but twitched his eyes, and remembered his previous coquettish operation, coughed twice, and then said in embarrassment: "Your Majesty is serious, there are still many virtuous and upright ministers in the court, such as Xiao Ge Lao, Liu Shangshu, Fang Du Yushi, etc. are all ministers who seek the country, besides them, there are also many outstanding people in various ministries who can be of great use, Your Majesty must not focus too much on humble ministers and ignore other people."

"Lu Qing is as humble and respectful as ever."

The empress sighed, then shook her head, and said softly:

"Although I am young, I am not an indifferent person. Naturally, I know that Xiao Aiqing and Liu Aiqing are ministers who seek the country, but if you really want to say that they are as loyal to the country as you, Qing Lu, I am afraid that even they themselves will not believe it. , but they are indeed worthy of the name of virtuous and upright, and they are virtuous ministers who can be entrusted with great responsibilities."

Lu Chen was a little speechless.

After a while, he shook his head, and then said earnestly: "Your Majesty has the power to rule the world and control the universe. You should have all-encompassing power. You also need to know the truth that no one is perfect. Don't be too picky, otherwise there is no one in the world who can use it?"

Hearing what he said, although the empress did not refute, she gave him a deep look.

Really not?

"Okay, let's not talk about them."

After a while, the empress stretched out her hand to Lu Chen, motioning him to sit down, and at the same time said softly, "Sit down, Lu Qing, you and I have always been heart-to-heart, why should you care about small details?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen subconsciously glanced at a position in the dragon robe that was a bit too much compared to his peers, and some messy thoughts instinctively flashed through his mind.


How to push?

What to push?

When to push?


Is this so twenty-eight?

Shaking his head, Lu Chen didn't say any more. After answering, he sat down and started talking about business.

"I don't know what your majesty is here today?"

"It's nothing serious."

The empress calmly picked up the teacup from the side, took a sip of the tea, and continued:

"I just had nothing to do, and I suddenly remembered that since the night when Lu Qing moved into the new house, I haven't been a guest at Lu Qing's house, so I came here on a whim to chat with Lu Qing, and Lu Qing sometimes has shocking words , Every time I feel deeply, I even enlightened twice, and if I ask Lu Qing for advice, maybe I can gain something in the process of cultivation again."

Lu Chen immediately understood.

It turned out to be brush experience.

"I see."

Lu Chen nodded: "What do you want to talk about, Your Majesty?"

The empress opened her mouth and was about to speak, but at this moment, there was a sudden sound of light footsteps outside.

After a while, Luo Xiaoyu's delicate figure appeared at the door of the living room.

"Your Majesty, cousin."

She bowed to the empress first, and then looked at Lu Chen, a look of confusion flashed across her pretty face inexplicably.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Chen asked curiously.


Luo Xiaoyu glanced at the Empress with some hesitation, and then said slowly: "Lord Xiao, General Gu, and Sister Fu are here to visit."

Hearing this, a glimmer of light flashed quietly in the Empress' eyes, but Lu Chen was once again in a daze.

What's the situation? This is it?

Xiao Yun is alright, she had already agreed to come over for a visit today. Oh, let's sit and talk.

But what about the other two?

Today is not a special day, why are they all here?

After a few breaths, Lu Chen came to his senses, and then looked at the Empress.

"Lu Qing doesn't need to care about me."

The empress took a sip of tea again, squinting her eyes and savoring the fragrance of the tea, and said indifferently: "I came to visit just to chat with Lu Qing, not for other reasons, so today there is no distinction between monarch and minister, only bosom friends. Yi, Lu Qing, you are the master here, I will be a guest and do as I please."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lu Chen instinctively felt that the seemingly natural words of the girl in front of him, who didn't show any strange behavior, seemed a bit strange.

But what's wrong, he couldn't tell, but there was an inexplicable sense of disobedience.

He has always been an open-minded person, and he doesn't think too much about things he can't figure out.

Then Lu Chen nodded to the female emperor, then turned to Luo Xiaoyu and said, "Xiaoyu, go and invite them in."

Luo Xiaoyu responded, turned around and walked out the door.

Not long after, she led three women who could impress the eyes of the people around them by walking on the street.

Since it was Xiu Mu, Xiao Yun and Gu Simiao did not wear the robes used in court as usual, but ordinary clothes.

Gu Simiao, as always, was dressed in white clothes to win the snow, her silver-white long hair and snow-white clothes swayed back and forth in the breeze, and her whole body exuded an elegant aura, just like the Nine-Heaven Profound Girl, beautiful and out of the world; Xiao Yun was Wearing a very restrained lavender jacket and skirt, the gentle smile on her pretty little face is as warm as usual, and her plump and delicate body exudes a mature and intellectual charm.

Fu Ye was no different from usual, still dressed in strong clothes and full of heroism.

Just entering the hall, the moment the three of them saw the empress and Lu Chen sitting at the main seat at the same time, a strange light flashed in the three pairs of moving eyes almost at the same time.

Then the three of them bowed slightly to the empress at the same time.

"My minister pays homage to His Majesty, Your Majesty Sheng An."

The empress nodded slightly, and said lightly: "The three lovers are free."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

A crisp sound sounded at the same time.

Then, the Empress, who just emphasized to Lu Chen that she was a guest, pointed to the first place and said to the three of them: "Three lovers, please sit down."

The three thanked again, then Xiao Yun and Fu Wei walked to the place pointed by the empress and sat down, while Gu Simiao walked straight to Lu Chen's side with a natural expression, and finally sat down on the chair under Lu Chen, Greeted Lu Chen with a smile.

Naturally, Lu Chen didn't feel anything about it, but the little hand of the empress holding the tea cup tightened inexplicably.

"The three lovers visited Lu Qing when they were resting, why?"

Before Lu Chen could speak, the Empress asked calmly.

"Return to His Majesty."

Xiao Yun spoke first:

"Weichen made an agreement with Huaiyu before, and today he wants to visit the door, and sit down and talk about it."

"Oh, that's how it is."

The empress nodded, then looked at Fu Wei.

Fu Wei's expression was as usual. After noticing the empress's gaze, she took out a scroll from her arms, and said concisely:

"Return to Your Majesty, His Highness the Holy King asked Weichen to hand over this scroll to Huaiyu."

"Huh? The scroll that His Highness the Holy King gave me?"

Lu Chen asked subconsciously.


Fu Ye nodded.

Lu Chen looked at the scroll in Fu Yu's hand curiously, then raised his head and looked at Fu Yu: "Liang Yu, did His Highness the Holy King say what kind of scroll it is?"


The moment the voice fell, there was a slight and imperceptible sound.

Fu Ye shook her head slightly.

"No, His Royal Highness only said that this scroll might be of some use to you, Huaiyu, so I must hand it over to you personally, and also told Huaiyu that you must not open this scroll until you encounter difficult problems. .”

After saying that, she stood up directly, walked up to Lu Chen, and handed the scroll in her hand to Lu Chen.

Looking at the scroll in front of him for some unknown purpose, Lu Chen couldn't help curling his lips secretly in his heart.

Tsk... This No. 2 backstab guy is still the same as before, no matter what he does, he is mysterious.

I don't know why he wears a mask all day.

Could it be that he is too ugly to show his true colors?

"Lu Qing."

While thinking wildly, the Empress suddenly spoke.

"Since it is something given to you by the Holy King Cangming, you should accept it carefully. Like you, the Holy King is a great husband with a heart for the common people and one heart for the country. You are like-minded. No matter what, he will definitely not If it hurts you, just accept his kindness with peace of mind."

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

God damn won't harm Lao Tzu, he has already harmed Lao Tzu, okay? !

After thinking about it, since the Empress said so, he didn't say anything more, and took the scroll directly from Fu Yu's hand.

"Since that's the case, then I'll accept it first, Liangyu. If there is a chance, please thank His Royal Highness the Holy King on my behalf."


Fu Ye responded, then stepped back slowly, and sat down beside Xiao Yun.

There was no intention of saying goodbye at all.

She stayed as a guest, so naturally no one would drive her away.

The empress looked at Gu Simiao again.

"Gu Aiqing, what about you?"

Gu Simiao smiled slightly, glanced at Lu Chen, and said in a very relaxed tone: "Huaiyu is a pedant of heaven and man, understands the truth of the world, and helped His Majesty understand the Tao twice, and most of the credit for Commander Fu's promotion to Yijing is due to him, and I heard that when Huaiyu was the governor of the two prefectures, he occasionally taught others, and many acting county magistrates in Yu and Sui prefectures realized the Tao..."

Hearing Gu Simiao list out these things one by one that seemed to prove that Lu Chen is a human cheat, Lu Chen couldn't help but become a little weird.

Although he was also aware of this, he still had an inexplicably strange feeling when Gu Simiao said it face to face.

The people around me are becoming more and more powerful one after another, so why hasn't his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds?

The world is really poisonous, right?


After Gu Simiao finished listing, she slowly turned her head and looked at the empress with an inexplicable expression.

"Taking advantage of today's free time, I wanted to chat with Huaiyu. Huaiyu's talent is not limited to the way of governing the country. Talking about it may inspire me, or even enlighten me, so that I can learn more. Break through the realm where there has been no movement for a long time."

Now, Lu Chen could hear it.

With the exception of Fu Yu, all of them came to him to squeeze their wool.

It is because he has helped others, including the Empress, to achieve enlightenment and breakthrough many times...

Apart from making complaints about this, he didn't have any special thoughts.

After all, this world is the world of cultivators.

Cultivators are the existence of seeking immortality and asking for immortality, so it is only natural for them to spare no expense, even unscrupulous means, and there is nothing strange about it.

"I see."

Lu Chen nodded, expressing his understanding.

However, he didn't notice that as Gu Simiao's voice fell, the temperature in the hall, which was obviously blessed by the warm spring magic circle, dropped a bit inexplicably.

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