After understanding the purpose of the four people's visit, Lu Chen first glanced at the Empress.

Well, this girl is undoubtedly the way of the emperor.

Then he looked at Xiao Yun again.

This lady from a great family, who was already famous all over the world in the period of the first emperor, and the most talented woman in the world, both in terms of talent and appearance, is actually a legendary existence.

Enrolled at the age of six, and left the academy at the age of eight with excellent grades to join the sect. After leaving the school in the year of 28, not long after, he won the first prize in the imperial examination two years later with an overwhelming advantage. After becoming an official, He has been promoted all the way, with outstanding ability and political achievements, he has been ranked among the top six departments in less than ten years, and his reputation has spread far and wide.

If it weren't for the sudden collapse of the first emperor, and the chaos of the queen queen, so that she wasted six years in the second-to-last position in the six ministers of the Ministry of Industry, she would have joined the cabinet long ago.

Background, ability, fame, political achievements, contacts, status... Her political resources are relatively strong, and she is a proper political power.

Based on Lu Chen's understanding of her, she should build her foundation with the way of sages and break through with the way of governing the country.

Finally, he turned his head and glanced at Gu Simiao.

Not to mention this fierce man who has returned to the fifth heaven at the age of twenty-five. He is a majestic general who is in charge of military and horse affairs. Conquer and break the border.

If we count Fu Wei, the spokesperson of the holy realm representing the transcendent Cangming Holy King.

Good guy, the supreme emperor in the world, the giant in the current political arena, the commander-in-chief of the Great Xia army, the spokesperson of the Holy Realm and the head of Jinyiwei, these four important forces in the current Great Xia have gathered in his small living room of the Xingping county government office , drinking tea and chatting leisurely.

It is also a wonder.

And to help them realize the way of thinking

After this idea surfaced, Lu Chen thought about it carefully, and scraped away the little ink in his stomach.

And just when he found some hard goods, was about to organize his language, and thought about how to raise the topic——


Xiao Yun suddenly raised her head slightly, looked at Lu Chen, her lips parted slightly, and said slowly:

"Huaiyu is now famous, and it's time to think about the important things in his life."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Chen inexplicably felt that the surrounding air seemed to freeze a bit.

The empress picked up the teacup again, and took a big sip calmly, but she kept staring at the side from the corner of her eyes.

Although Fu Ye looked normal, she inexplicably tightened the hem of her clothes on her knees.

"Let's talk about it later."

Lu Chen shook his head, and said casually: "Nowadays, the country's affairs are difficult, and the imperial court is struggling. Your Majesty wants to get rid of the evils, sweep away the decline, and create an unprecedented prosperity. As an official of the imperial court, I will not only help you wholeheartedly, but also to repay Your Majesty's grace. There is really nothing else to think about.”

Hearing this, Fu Yi's little hand on her knee loosened slightly.

For this answer, there was no surprise on Xiao Yun's face, obviously she had expected it.

Then, she first praised, and then said: "Although the world is not at peace, but now the demon queen is under siege and all her servants are beheaded. It is only a matter of time before the chaos and thieves are overthrown. In addition, your majesty is wise and martial, knows people well, and Huaiyu is unparalleled in righteousness." , You are outstanding in talent and learning, Your Majesty is getting along well with your monarch and ministers, with such a great momentum, the day when the Great Xia will return to peace and the country will be prosperous and the people will be peaceful will not be too far away."

Having said that, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a soft smile.

It's like the gentle big sister in the neighbor's house who is tirelessly talking to the stubborn boy. "Besides, having a good housemate with general knowledge, or a like-minded Taoist companion by your side may help you realize your ideals and ambitions better, and even achieve twice the result with half the effort. This is better than facing everything alone. It's much better."

Hearing this, Lu Chen hadn't reacted yet, but Fu Yu's little hand tightened again.

at the same time--


The teacup in the empress's hand suddenly slipped and fell to the ground with a clear and crisp sound, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Feel sorry."

Under Lu Chen's puzzled eyes, she said apologetically, "I was thinking about something, and my mind was distracted for a while... In this way, after I return to the palace, I will compensate Lu Qing for a set of Nine Heavens Jade Porcelain..."

I don't know if she is sincerely apologizing or if she wants to use an excuse to stuff something into Lu's house.

"Your Majesty is serious. It's just a teacup. It doesn't have to be like that."

Lu Chen shook his head, then called the servants to come over and tidy up, and at the same time ordered them to bring a new set of tea sets.

This little episode that doesn't need to be cared about just passed away.

Then Lu Chen turned his head and looked at Xiao Yun.

The relationship between him and Xiao Yun is still very good, not only because of Xiao Yi's dead friend from his predecessor, but also because of the playboy who directly and indirectly brought him the chance to become immortal several times. He cared a lot, and had a friendship with each other, and also because he was born with no resistance to this kind of gentle big sister with a strong affinity.

In other words, not many men can resist this kind of... er, I know everything.

Although she doesn't have any special thoughts about her, she is still a good colleague and friend.

Therefore, he still had to respond to Xiao Yun's words.

However, just when he was about to speak, the Empress suddenly said: "Although what Xiao Aiqing said makes sense, it seems that Xiao Aiqing, you haven't married yet, and you don't have any Taoist companions. Don't you think it's strange that Qing chooses a good partner to marry as soon as possible?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yun couldn't help being startled, then turned her head and glanced at the Empress, a subtle look flashed in her bright eyes.

Lu Chen looked at the empress strangely.

what's the situation?

The empress actually connoted Xiao Yun?

its not right! Doesn't she value Xiao Yun a lot? Otherwise, why did Xiao Yun let her into the cabinet as soon as she came back from Yuzhou?

Since it is so important, why do you still connotate others?

What's more, with Xiao Yun's current cultivation base, as long as there are no accidents, it is not a problem to live for two hundred years. If the opportunity comes in the future, she may even prove Dao Ascension, and she also has the secret method of retaining the face, and she can deal with a lot of heavy burdens every day. I haven't seen her getting old during my official duties, she looks about the same age as Fu Yu and Gu Simiao, so there's no need to worry, okay?

It's normal for such a powerful man with a good cultivation base not to have a family all his life, so there's no need to mention this specifically, right?

"Do you want to get married or become a Taoist couple?"

There was still a gentle smile on Xiao Yun's face, and there was no fluctuation at all because of the empress' words.

"It's not that Wei Chen has no plans at all."

The moment the words fell, the four of them, including Lu Chen, looked at her in surprise at the same time.

"No surprise there?"

Xiao Yun smiled lightly and said: "Your Majesty, I have never said that I will not marry for life, but I used to focus on seeking the Tao, and I have never met a lover worthy of entrusting my life, so I am not married. No matter how you say it, this minister is also a woman, if the fate comes, I will naturally not reject her, and marry her lover or become a Taoist couple."

As soon as these words came out, there were a few inexplicable soft sounds in the living room.

The coolness in the room became stronger again.

It took a while before Lu Chen calmed down.

That's right, Xiao Yun never said anything like not marrying for life, but he saw that Xiao Yun had never had a family, and he was almost completely uninterested in this topic, as if he had no plans, so he preconceived that She is going to seek the truth wholeheartedly, regardless of marriage.

The empress and the others also reacted.


Gu Simiao smiled.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xiao Ge to have such a plan, but I misunderstood Mr. Xiao Ge."

Xiao Yun smiled and said a few polite words.

"if it is like this…"

The empress leaned back slightly, leaning her jade back on the back of the chair, and said slowly: "Then, Xiao Aiqing, what kind of lover do you think?"

After a pause, she thought for a while, and then said: "Xiao Aiqing was the most famous talented woman in the world back then. There must be many young talents who pursued Xiao Aiqing back then, even like Guo Jiangzhiqing, among them there must be some outstanding people in the world with outstanding talents and learning. Why is Xiao Aiqing indifferent to them and is alone so far? There are so many talents. None is worth entrusting for life Is it your beloved?"

These words made Lu Chen also interested.

The title of the most talented woman in the world is not so easy to get.

After all, Wen Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second. If it can be recognized by scholars all over the world, how good is it?

And she looks so beautiful, it can even be said to be a disaster.

How could there be so few suitors for such an outstanding woman?

But until now, let alone getting married, Luo Jing has never heard of anyone she is dating, and there are very few scandals. She has always kept herself clean, and as long as she is not going out to work, she basically lives a simple life of almost two points and one line every day. .

At the same time, for some reason, she obviously didn't break up with the Xiao family, but she didn't live with the Xiao family in the east city. Instead, she bought a quiet courtyard in Chongdefang in the west city, and lived a quiet life alone.

If there was a suitor who could impress her back then, why would she be so alone?

"Is the beloved in my heart..."

The Empress's question seemed to hold Xiao Yun a little bit, she thought about it carefully, and then responded softly:

"If you insist on it, it's actually not complicated, and it can even be said to be quite simple. It's probably a man who shares the same goals, can do things that I can't do, and can make you admire from the bottom of my heart."

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart.

Isn't this TM complicated?

You are a peerless person, a talented woman who can win the title of No. 1 in the world, who you can sincerely admire and who is suitable for marriage, is basically a hero of the world, right? How many people like this can be found in the entire Great Xia Dynasty?

Whether it even exists is a question.

Sure enough, this big sister just wants to find a reason to seek peace of mind, right?

However, just because he thinks that way doesn't mean that other people think the same way.

The moment Xiao Yun finished speaking, the Empress, Gu Simiao and Fu Yi glanced at Lu Chen almost at the same time, which made Lu Chen feel puzzled.

"Your Majesty, Miss Gu, Liangyu, why are you looking at me like this? But what's wrong with me?"

While speaking, he lowered his head subconsciously to see if there was anything strange on his body.


The three shook their heads almost simultaneously.

Lu Chen suddenly felt even weirder.


Xiao Yun said softly: "My affairs are fine, but Huaiyu..."

She brought the topic to Lu Chen again.

"You have to think carefully about your lifelong affairs. After all, Huaiyu, you have great ambitions, much bigger than my ideals and ambitions, and the things you have to pay and bear are much heavier than mine. There is no good wife or like-minded It’s not good for your Taoist companion to support you to move forward.”

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Well, if I don't give you an answer that satisfies you temporarily for this important event in my life, I can't get around it anyway, right?

If you persuade me to find a good match today, will you help me find a match tomorrow, or take me on a blind date?

Shaking his head, Lu Chen didn't bother to bother, and responded directly: "Master Xiao is right. If you are destined to meet a like-minded woman in the future, I will consider it carefully."

Seeing his answer, Xiao Yun narrowed her eyes immediately.

"Huaiyu, as long as you can figure it out."

Lu Chen shrugged.

As for fate, who can tell?

As long as he insists that the fate has not arrived, or that it is not suitable, or that he has different ideas and paths, then what should he do?

How could he, the future Immortal King Lu, worry about such trivial matters?

However, he didn't notice that when he responded, the Empress suddenly frowned slightly, while a strange look flashed inexplicably in the corners of Gu Simiao and Fu Hua's eyes.


In the next second, Fu Yu, who hadn't spoken all this time, suddenly said: "In your opinion, what kind of woman can be regarded as like-minded with you?"


Lu Chen glanced at Fu Yan in surprise.

Since when did Fu Ye gossip like this?

Even though he thought so, Lu Chen still said casually: "This... is probably a person who cares about the people and seeks the welfare of all people in the world. For this reason, even if he breaks the rules, he will not hesitate to make enemies of aristocratic families, wealthy families, and sects." Bar."

Hearing this, the four women's faces immediately turned cold.

Although he was asking what a good match looks like in Lu Chen's heart, why not ask about Lu Chen's plan?

As expected, Lu Chen has lofty aspirations and is kind and benevolent.

But for the sake of all the people in the world, he actually planned to face those behemoths that make one's scalp tingle one after another...

He definitely knew how terrifying those behemoths that accompanied the Great Xia Empire for thousands of years were, but when he said those words, it was so natural.

How fearless! What perseverance!

At this moment, they hardly had any other thoughts in their hearts, and there was an indescribable admiration in their eyes looking at Lu Chen.

After fully understanding how amazing Lu Chen's ambitions and ambitions are, they almost sank down at the same time.

They naturally know how difficult it is to achieve this kind of ambition.

And this also means that it is almost impossible for like-minded people in Lu Chen's mind to exist.

Of course, there are always exceptions to everything.

As for who is the exception and whether it can become the exception, it is hard to say.

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