"What? Do you want to teach me how to be an official?"

Lu Chen took a deep look at him, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Li Quan's expression trembled, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "I don't dare, I just feel that since Mr. Xue has retired, even if he has made some mistakes, as long as it is not a big mistake involving Daxia Jiangshan Sheji, he should not do it again." Annoying his old man, and Mr. Xue is a veteran of the two dynasties. He has worked hard for Da Xia for most of his life and has worked hard. When he gets old, he will inevitably lose energy and make mistakes. One day when I get old and become an official, if I make such a bad start... this atmosphere will be ruined."

"Furthermore, if your lord is the one who started this, I'm afraid it will be bad for your reputation, my lord's words are all for your lord's sake, I hope you will learn from me!"

The other two joined in.

Lu Chen just quietly watched them dig out their hearts and souls, and when they finished speaking, he said indifferently:

"If there were some mistakes, I wouldn't embarrass him, but...I don't think it's as simple as pouring waste spiritual materials into Mengjiang without authorization."

Hearing this, the pupils of the three shrank at the same time.

"Master Lu, you mean..."

"Live to see people, die to see corpses."

Lu Chen put his hands behind his back, stepped up again, walked slowly past the three of them, and said slowly at the same time:

"I must personally confirm the whereabouts of the lost materials, or whether it is really a loss. I will never sign the account documents until everything is revealed."

The materials of the Ministry of Industry will be engraved with different imperial marks on each piece. The inspection department can verify and inspect them by comparing the marks. Even if the materials are scrapped, the marks on them are still there. Unless they are specially removed by secret methods, the imperial marks are impossible. Disappeared, and the dumping of waste would not specifically take out the imprint at all, as long as he checked the place where he dumped the material to see if there were traces of the imprint's aura fluctuations, everything would naturally come to light.

The moment the words fell, looking at the back of Lu Chen leaving, the expressions of the three of them gradually became gloomy.


Lu Chen, who was not far away, seemed to suddenly remember something, turned his back to them, and said lightly:

"From now on, or before the waste matter comes to light, this place is not under your control."

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked.

Xu Sanping frowned slightly, and then said with an ugly face: "My lord, do you doubt me?"

"That's right!"

Lu Chen responded without hesitation and without giving any face.

"I don't trust you guys."

With a system in his body, he was not afraid of being dismissed from office or offending others, and he even wished for the enemy to be stronger. Coupled with the empress's unfathomable trust, he didn't need to give anyone face at all. Whoever's position, as long as it conforms to the restrictions of the system, don't get too far away from the persona, he will mess with anyone who doesn't like him.

Afraid of an egg.

Anyway, not only was he barefoot, but he was also stepping on the Immortal Avenue, so he could afford to fall and lose.

Not to mention a few officials in charge, even the noble relatives of the emperor, the high-ranking elder Yan Ge, he can handle it well.

There is no need to make false claims with anyone, just say whatever you want, just be reckless.

Seeing that Lu Chen answered so directly, the three of them secretly hated at the same time, and gritted their teeth involuntarily.

"If you are not convinced, you can write a letter to impeach me, or you can go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, or find your backers, and see if they can stop me from [acting wrongly]."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the three of them, stepped forward again, and walked towards the construction site not far away.

"grown ups!"

As soon as he saw Lu Chen approaching, the servant immediately knelt down on the ground and saluted Lu Chen heavily.

It was Lu Chen's arrival that gave them a chance to breathe. Today, from when Lu Chen stood up to now, most of the day has passed, those petty officials no longer dare to abuse them like before, and the food has improved a lot. At least it's really thick porridge. Although it's not delicious, at least it can barely fill your stomach.

It was the first time they had had enough to eat after coming here for so long.

Hard labor cannot be avoided, and ordinary people like them can only accept their fate, but they hope that the court can treat them as individuals instead of driving them like livestock, at least not to abuse them, and give them something to eat.

Only with food in your stomach can you have the strength to work. It usually takes two days to finish the work. Today, those evil officials obviously didn’t chase after them with whips. They actually finished it in half a day...

As soon as Lu Chen came, they had a "good life". How could they not love such a good official?

Maybe the more times they do obeisance, the more times this young adult will come...

Lu Chen dodged sideways, refusing to accept their salute.

Without him, it's all a shame.

Seeing the servants kneeling down to Lu Chen, those little officials didn't dare to say a word. Even their boss Xu Sanping and the other three looked like grandchildren in front of Lu Chen. These common people, how dare they make trouble in front of Lu Chen?

Looking at the servants kneeling on the ground around him, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

It's just a little effort, these people love themselves so much.

The power in his hands is meaningless to him, but to these common people, it means a lot.

Now, he seems to have the power to change this world.

"Don't be so, get up."

Lu Chen said softly.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the people slowly got up.

Lu Chen raised his head, looked at the sky, and glanced at the sundial not far away, and found that it was already sunset.

"You all come here, I have something to say."

Hearing this, Wang Yi and Zhang Xuan bowed at the same time, and all the little officials also knelt down in front of them one after another.

"My lord, please tell me, I (the little one) will definitely listen to you."

Lu Chen nodded slightly, and then slowly said: "I have been wrongly loved by His Majesty, and I am the right servant of the Ministry of Industry. I have been in charge of various projects in Beijing for more than ten years, but I can't monitor the sufferings of all workers, so I let the Ministry of Industry It is the fault of this official that the officials wantonly abuse the servants."

Hearing that Lu Chen was actually admitting his mistake, the eyes of the laboring people couldn't help but feel a little sore.

But those petty officials were sweating profusely.

They naturally heard Lu Chen's strong dissatisfaction with them, and they didn't know why this lord cared so much about these ordinary people, and even beat and scolded them frequently, obviously because they were too cruel to the laboring people.

But, this kind of thing...how can they be blamed?

What the big man above explained is to complete the project as soon as possible while saving money. For this, no matter what method is used, the most effective method is to strictly control and flog them. the untouchables?

If it doesn't hurt them or scare them, how can these untouchables be in awe and work hard to survive?

How did this kind of natural thing become their fault when it came to the mouth of Lu Shilang who suddenly appeared? Everyone does this, so why are they wrong?

Lu Chen glanced around at the small officials, and continued: "I know that today's incident is probably the way you do things, or it is the ethos left by the former officials of the Ministry of Industry, so if you Wait until you haven't committed any crimes, or done anything against Daxia's laws, I can give you a chance, but..."


Several small officials were unsteady and almost fell to the ground. When he got up quickly, his expression became a little unnatural for no reason.

Lu Chen glanced at them, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

But he didn't say much, but continued: "I will only give you one chance! If anyone dares to bully the servants and craftsmen like today, and beat them without reason, I will never let you down!"

"You all remember this official! This official is not only an official of the court, but also an official of the people of the world! Unless this official dies or is deprived of this official status, otherwise, no one can try to do the same thing as before in this official's hands. set!"

As soon as the words fell, the expressions of all the petty officials were shocked.

Is this Ministry of Industry really about to change...

Then, before they could react, Lu Chen spoke again.

"Pass down this official order."

With his hands behind his back, his body is like a poplar, tall and tough.

"Today, we will temporarily suspend work and rest. Except for the necessary cooks, everyone will have a day off. During the suspension period, the food provided for labor must be able to see the meat! At the same time, the official will change the course according to the project situation in various places and re-establish the regulations. The day after tomorrow, Everyone goes to work in strict accordance with the new regulations."

As soon as these words came out, the huge construction site instantly became silent, and everyone looked at Lu Chen in amazement.

What? Taking a day off at this juncture?

During the holidays, you still have to take care of these untouchables?

And change the rules?

Damn, the progress of the project is delayed so much, what if there is a problem with the New Yuan Ceremony if the task cannot be completed in time?

Thinking of this, the eyes of all the petty officials looking at Lu Chen became extremely weird: Sir, do you think the position of a third-rank official is too much for your ass, don't you want to sit?

A small official still couldn't help reminding: "My lord, our current progress is already very slow, if we delay it for another day and a half..."

"I am the right servant of the Ministry of Industry. This government order was issued by me. If something goes wrong because of it..."

Lu Chen interrupted expressionlessly:

"I will bear all the responsibilities for the crime myself, and I will never implicate you."

Since activating the system, he has never been afraid of taking responsibility or the risk of doing things, but he is afraid that the risk is not big enough and the responsibility is not heavy enough.

Hearing what he said, some petty officials immediately looked relieved.

But the servants were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

Take a day off! !

You don't have to work day and night like before for a whole day! There is no need to worry that once you close your eyes, you will never be able to open them again. From then on, you will be separated from your wife and daughter forever, and watch your wife starve to death or remarry for a living.

They didn't know what Lu Chen meant by changing the course, but for them, one more day of rest was one more day of survival!

The gazes of the people who had been conscripted to labor looked at Lu Chen, gradually revealing their love and affection from the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, they made up their minds in their hearts that if they could go back alive this time, they must set up a longevity tablet of Mr. Lu at home and kowtow to him every day to pray for blessings.

Such a good official with unparalleled benevolence and righteousness, he deserves to rise to the top and become a prince forever!

After leaving the Promise Palace, Zhang Xuan suddenly came over.

"My lord, is it really okay to do this?"

There was obvious worry on his face.

"The lower officials know that you have benevolence and justice in your heart, Mr. Lu, and you can't bear to see the servants being abused by officials, but there is a limit to everything. You can tell them to restrain themselves, and don't be harsh on the servants. With your current authority, my lord, how dare they Against the wishes of adults?"

"Now that the New Yuan Ceremony is coming, my lord, if you let them stop working for one day, the arrangement of the New Yuan Ceremony will be more overdue. If it is really affected, although your majesty has great trust in you, my lord, it may also cause resentment. The gain outweighs the loss..."

For his reminder, Lu Chen looked full of leeway.

There was no trace of regret in his eyes.

"Do not worry."

He responded nonchalantly: "I never do things that I'm not sure of. Since I did it, there is a reason for it. Just wait patiently."

Hearing this confident explanation, the two couldn't help but look at each other, then heaved a sigh of relief from the bottom of their hearts at the same time, and then sighed inexplicably.

Mr. Lu is good at everything. His loyalty, talent, and ability are impeccable. His only shortcoming is that he can't see the suffering of the people. If he doesn't see it, it's fine. Fu, for this he will even do whatever it takes.

King Yu has used his own life to tell the world that Lu Chen is such an alternative existence that is incompatible with traditional officialdom.

Fortunately, his ability is really good, and several successive incidents of turning decay into magic have proved this point. Every time it seems to be an unwise act made on impulse, the final result is always unexpected. Once or twice can be said to be good luck, and it is like this every time. In the eyes of smart people, this is the embodiment of strength.

Since he said so, his decision to let everyone stop work for a day should indeed have some kind of deep meaning that they can't see through.

So the two didn't ask any more questions, and quietly followed Lu Chen to Ziji City with him.

Then, as expected, when Lu Chen proposed to thoroughly investigate the waste matter and recall Xue Yi, the empress readily agreed as always, and then directly issued an order in front of Lu Chen. The efficiency was so fast that she had no friends. .

Then Lu Chen was left by the Empress to work overtime, and he was finally able to leave Zichen Palace and go home until the thick night covered the earth.

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, rest day.

Early in the morning, Luo Xiaoyu got up and left the bedroom, then greeted the servants to busy themselves, and prepared various dishes in the kitchen.

The reason for this is that Lu Chen told her before that there will be a distinguished guest coming to visit today, but she has seen this distinguished guest before, so just deal with it with a normal heart.

When she was almost ready, there was a crisp sound outside the gate.

The distinguished guest is here!

Hearing this voice, Luo Xiaoyu hurriedly took care of herself, and then walked quickly towards the door with her servants.

It was the first time that her cousin specifically told her that a distinguished guest came to her door, so she made up her mind that she must treat the other party well and never embarrass her cousin.

However, when someone opened the door of the mansion to reveal the scene outside, she suddenly widened her eyes.

But in the middle of the doorway, a girl in a dragon robe with a red background and golden patterns, and a golden nine-dragon crown was standing there, and around her were dozens of tall golden men in light armor. Guard A, obviously incomparable.

The moment Luo Xiaoyu saw the girl's appearance clearly, Luo Xiaoyu's brain froze.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty?"

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