"The so-called supreme goodness is like water, which means: the highest level of good deeds is like water, and water is the mother of all things. It nourishes all things without competing, and it is regarded as the ultimate good."

The Empress looked like a student being investigated for learning, and said solemnly:

"This is the exhortation of the sage Boyang Zhenren to the world to pursue the noble qualities of selfless dedication, generosity, tolerance, and humility. This is especially true for kings. Only by treating virtuous people well in the world like running water can we make the country long-term. reason."

It can be seen that the Empress studied hard at the beginning, and almost explained this standard to mean that the score is not bad.

Indeed, the widely circulated explanation of these four words is what the Empress just said.

Moreover, this explanation has been recognized by the kings of all dynasties, so almost every emperor's imperial study room will hang this plaque.

However, for this answer, Lu Chen shook his head inexplicably, obviously a little noncommittal.

"What's wrong?"

the Empress asked suspiciously.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, but this may be just one of the explanations, not necessarily the original intention of Master Boyang."

Lu Chen shrugged habitually, and continued:

"In the final analysis, the real Boyang ascended tens of thousands of years ago, leaving only one book without any annotations. The world only knows that it contains countless great truths. The understanding of the original meaning of "Tao Jing" is just a personal opinion."

With his hands behind his back, a strange light flashed quietly in his eyes as he looked at the plaque.

"Throughout the ages, I don't know how many famous scholars and great sages have comprehended the Tao Te Ching, compiled their understanding into a book, and passed on to future generations. Then, what can convince most people represents the original intention of Boyang Zhenren, and people will tend to Based on what you want to believe, this interpretation of teaching people to be good can easily become the mainstream, after all, there is nothing bad in itself.”

Hearing this, the empress immediately understood what Lu Chen meant, and then she couldn't help but feel a little strange in her heart.

Lu Qing's way of thinking always seems to be a little different...

"How did Lu Qing understand these four words?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and said slowly:

"Since Your Majesty is interested, let me tell you a little bit about my superficial views that I've been pondering on a daily basis."

He returned to his seat, then stretched out his hand, while holding up the teacup, under the curious eyes of the empress, he said slowly:

"In Weichen's opinion, the original meaning of the characters Shan and Shui in the four characters of Shangshan Rushui may not refer to good deeds and the character of water, but to be good at and good at the form of water."

Hearing this unusual and novel remark, the empress was stunned.

"How to say?"

Lu Chen set up the teacups and poured two cups of tea on them with the teapot.

"Please look, Your Majesty."

Pointing to the tea in the teacup, he said calmly:

"When the water is in a teacup, it can adapt to the teacup and become the shape of the teacup. When it is in the teapot, it can adapt to the teapot and become the shape of the teapot. When it is in the river, it can flow down the river and flow into the sea. In the lake, It can also flow quietly, waiting for the weather."

Looking at the tea that Lu Chen pointed at, the Empress' expression gradually became solemn.

She is extremely smart and has a high level of comprehension, otherwise she would not be able to comprehend the magic of the holy spirit in the jade seal under the eyes of the Queen Mother. Hearing what Lu Chen said at this time, she almost instinctively learned from this Some kind of mystery was detected in the words.

In an instant, all distracting thoughts disappeared, and the empress completely emptied her head, staring at Lu Chen very seriously, waiting for his next precious words.

Lu Chen didn't let her wait too long, after taking a sip from the teacup, he continued:

"Water is impermanent and has no shape constraints. No matter how external objects change, water can adapt to everything. The real strong should be like water, not sticking to form, able to change with changes in the external environment, at any time We can maintain the most suitable state to deal with all changes.”

As he spoke, he slowly put down the teacup in his hand, and then slightly raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a meaningful smile.

"These four words should indeed be hung in His Majesty's imperial study. After all, these words do contain the most important principles of governing the country."

The empress frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice:

"What is the most reasonable?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly.

"In this world, nothing remains static, especially in state affairs. I have three capitals and seventy-five provinces in the Great Xia, with a territory of 100,000 miles and thousands of people. Such a huge country is undergoing various changes every day. , whether it is the clan whose number is constantly increasing, the land being swallowed up by evil gentry, or more and more farmers who have no land to grow, all of these will lead to continuous changes in the national conditions, just like this ever-changing container, and your majesty As the lord of the world, if we want the Great Xia to last thousands of miles, we should let the Great Xia be like this flowing water, change with the trend, constantly change its shape to adapt to the new environment, instead of clinging to the incomplete."

The moment the voice fell, the Empress only felt a flash of clarity in her head.

In an instant, there was a feeling of blessing and enlightenment.

Not long ago, he broke through to the Guiyuan realm through enlightenment, and the realm that was finally stabilized was loosened again at this time.

Soldiers are impermanent, water is impermanent...

Timely adjust the governance strategy according to the changes in the national conditions... Just like water adapts to everything, use impermanence to impermanence, so that Daxia can adapt to any external changes in the constant changes...

Goodness is like water...

That's how it is, this is the real way of governing the country!


Thoughts flashed through the empress's mind one by one, and at the same time, the majestic spiritual power in her body suddenly stirred violently, crazily flowing in the spiritual vein, and then continuously impacting the spiritual wall of the spiritual vein in the rapid evaporation.

After a few breaths—

Boom! !

A golden lightning flashed in the sky suddenly, and then a golden beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, directly passed through the colorful glazed roof above the Zichen Hall, and landed straight on where the Empress was, enveloping her whole body in it.


Lu Chen stared at the empress shrouded in a beam of light with a dazed expression.

what's the situation?

Immediately afterwards, before he could react, in the beam of light, countless brilliance gathered rapidly, forming a golden oval shape, like a golden egg as tall as a person, standing in front of Lu Chen.

Seeing this familiar scene, Lu Chen finally reacted.

The next second, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

Nima, enlightened again?

Didn't you just realize the Tao not long ago? How did you come to enlightenment again so quickly?

Isn't it said that the way of the emperor is the most difficult to understand? Enlightenment for Empress Mao is as simple as eating and drinking?

No matter how talented you are, there must be a limit, right?

Recalling the last time when the Empress realized Taoism, her cultivation level improved like a rocket, Lu Chen couldn't help showing envy when he looked at the golden egg in front of him, and at the same time subconsciously complained in his heart.

I really am a self-propelled cheater in human form, right?

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