The empress made a statement and made a decision directly, and the matter was settled like this.

Although those censors were dissatisfied, they only had the right to make suggestions, not to make decisions. They had the right to make suggestions, and the emperor could completely refuse or even ignore them.

If the king does not adopt their opinions, they have nothing to do.

After the order to restore Chai Hongyu's freedom was issued, Lu Chen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

This time he was under pressure to ask the empress to release Chai Hongyu, but he didn't intend to die, he just didn't want to see this girl with a heart full of life be led to the guillotine.

She didn't deserve such a tragic end.

As for other courtiers

After Chen Cang and some officials involved in the impeachment of Lu Chen's treason were ransacked and exiled, or even beheaded directly, Lu Chen is now in full swing. Before he is absolutely sure, who would dare to act rashly?

And this Lu Chen is really evil, who the hell would have thought that when he was forced to the edge of the cliff, there would be a rebel who was not at peace with the imperial court and would sacrifice his life to save him.

Even such a weird thing can happen, they really can't imagine, what kind of unimaginable strange things will happen next time this guy is forced into a dangerous situation.

So, Chai Hongyu, let her go. Anyway, whether this matter succeeds or not has nothing to do with them. Why bother empress and Lu Chen at this time?

Anyway, judging by His Majesty's appearance, he probably has no ill feeling towards this rebel who has helped Lu Chen a lot.

As for the ancestral system?

Come on, even the ancestral system of clan support has been completely changed by the Cangming Holy King. With the Tiance Mansion representing the authority of the Holy King, what else can't be broken?

The Holy King has the power to overthrow Great Xia, not to mention changing the ancestral system, he even has the ability to directly take over Great Xia's country, self-Jianguo, when the time comes, he will be the founding king, and he can completely create a set of his own ancestral system.

Who can stop it?

Who dares to stop?

Moreover, this kind of thing is inherently one and two. It sets a precedent for changing the ancestral system, and the ancestral system will no longer be as unbreakable as before. If they dare to struggle with this, the empress might take out the Taizu Emperor Hongwu every minute. that set.

After all, if the corruption exceeds ten taels of silver, you will be sentenced to the death penalty of skinning and filling grass, but it is also an ancestral system!

If this rule is strictly enforced, more than half of the people in this huge court will be lost immediately.

Who doesn't have some shit on their ass.

After coming down to court, Lu Chen was called to Zichen Hall by the Empress.

"Come on, give me a seat."

The moment Lu Chen stepped into the Zichen Palace, the Empress raised her voice to give instructions to the palace people outside.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After exchanging pleasantries, the empress gently put down the memorial in her hand, then subconsciously brushed the hair by her ear, and at the same time asked Lu Chen casually:

"Lu Qing, can you tell me what you think about that Chai Hongyu?"

After a pause, she suddenly stretched out her hand, picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and continued:

"Although she gave up her life to save you when you were in danger because of her admiration for you, but for your future and life, she is willing to take the huge risk of death and disintegration to keep you safe. Love is deep and righteous, Lu Qing, don't you have any ideas?"

Speaking of this, her beautiful eyebrows moved inexplicably.

"As far as I remember, she seems to be a few years older than you, right? And she is a strong person in the Void Realm, and she has ancient blood..."

Hearing this, it seemed that he didn't expect the empress to ask such a thing. After being stunned for a moment, Lu Chen calmly said:

"Your Majesty is too worried."

He shook his head and said solemnly:

"Wei Chen only has Daxia in his heart now, and the love affair with his children will only slow down the speed of thinking of Wei Chen."

"Weichen admires Miss Chai's tenacity and benevolence, but it's just pure admiration, and has nothing to do with love. Moreover, Weichen believes that love is a beautiful thing that comes naturally after getting along day and night, and the emotion produced by gratitude is just a momentary impulse. It's just a product of love, not pure admiration, so I never fall in love with anyone out of gratitude."


The empress groaned, her brows relaxed for a moment, and then she frowned slightly again.

She hesitated for a moment, then said softly:

"Lu Qing, as the saying goes, male college students should get married and female college students should get married. You are going to get married after all. State affairs are important, but family affairs should not be underestimated."

"Of course, the Demon Empress has been in chaos for six years, and the world has been devastated by her party feathers. Now that the country is in decline, Lu Qing must join me in resisting the heavy responsibility of rejuvenating the Great Xia. In the past few years, he must devote himself to serving the public and not think about anything else. But when the world is calmer and the state affairs are slowing down, Lu Qing still has to think about lifelong affairs."

Hearing this, Lu Chen just nodded expressionlessly without any rebuttal.

Let's talk about the future.

Seeing his answer, the empress narrowed her eyes immediately.

After a while, Lu Chen got down to business.

"I don't know why His Majesty summoned the humble minister? But encountered a problem in the way of counting?"

Speaking of this, the expression on the empress's face suddenly became serious.

"I'm really confused, but it's not the way to count."

She shook her head slightly.

"What I am confused about is the way of governing the country."

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Your Majesty, please speak."


The empress nodded slightly, then said slowly:

"Lu Qing, tell me, the ancestors left by the three ancestors of my Great Xia have become legal, is it time to endanger the survival of the country and urgently need to make changes?"

This topic is a bit sensitive.

Lu Chen thought about it carefully.

If it is said that the ancestors of the Daxia practiced the law, he really doesn't like it.

Whether it's the sea ban, or the gentry's non-taxation, or the pig-raising policy that supports the clan, the clan's privilege of life and death, and even the labor system that has existed in all dynasties.

These systems all have limitations of their time. At the beginning of their establishment, they are naturally beneficial to the stability of the country and short-term development, but they will cause endless harm if they are implemented for a long time.

After thousands of years, this country has already been devastated. If the Empress hadn't risen strongly with the help of the Holy King and allowed Queen Mother Zhao to continue doing so, Da Xia probably wouldn't be able to last for a few years.

The tragic experience of the people in Yuzhou is enough to explain everything.

These policies with great characteristics of the times were originally formulated according to the national conditions at that time, so naturally they cannot always be applied to a country that is constantly changing.

But to say that the biggest, or the most fundamental, problem in Daxia today is undoubtedly the administration of officials.

Or the system of selecting talents.

The pursuit of monks is not self-cultivation, governing the country and the world, but seeking immortality. There is such a big difference in the fundamental interest demands, and the so-called sages govern the country without problems.

In the final analysis, the way of sages and sages is used to build a foundation, and it is useless to do things.

Using these knowledge that has little to do with governing the country to be an official, how many of them can do a good job as an official?

Whether it is a corrupt official who exploits the common people or a mediocre official who disregards civil affairs, it is absolutely harmful to the imperial court and has no benefit. The imperial court uses this method to select talents. To put it bluntly, this is the world of high martial arts. With supreme power, otherwise it would be a miracle that Daxia could have a century of state power.

"As for the law of the ancestors, I have some superficial views. If Your Majesty is interested, I will talk a little bit about it."

Hearing this, the empress immediately sat upright.

"Please tell me, Lu Qing, I'm all ears."

Lu Chen also sat up straight.

"Let's talk about the conclusion first. In Weichen's opinion, almost none of these so-called ancestors' laws is not harming the country and eroding our great Xia's national fortune. It is short-lived, and within a hundred years after His Majesty, Great Xia will surely be in danger of being overthrown again."

Hearing Lu Chen's resolute words, the Empress suddenly trembled, her eyes drooping slightly.

"Is that so? Are the things left by our ancestors so unbearable?"

In her mind, she couldn't help but see the pictures that Xuanjiwei recorded with expensive photo symbols that truly reflected the current situation of people's livelihood, as well as the various information related to people's livelihood that they collected and summarized.

What I saw in the filming circle yesterday, Chai Hongyu's tragic childhood experience, the people of Yuzhou under the governance of Lu Chen's unique governance method, the local people live and work in peace and contentment, and their hearts are devoted to the court, a thriving scene is deep in the consciousness Keep flashing.

With the common people defending the imperial court in this way, how can Da Xia worry about being overthrown?

It is clear at a glance which is right and which is wrong, which is good and which is bad.

However, Lu Chen shook his head again.

"The emperor who was able to calm the troubled times and create peace must be extremely wise. The reason why he left such a big trouble for future generations is only limited by the times. After all, no one can predict what will happen in the future. All we can say is, The decrees they enacted were only applicable to the national conditions at that time and around a century, and after this period of time, the original good governance may turn into bad governance, and”

Speaking of this, a deep light quietly appeared in his eyes.

"These policies may not have been the original intentions of the framers, or they may have been induced by some people with ulterior motives using some subtle and clever means."

Hearing this, the empress couldn't help but startled.

"how do I say this?"

Lu Chen didn't answer right away, but asked a meaningful question:

"Your Majesty, do you know what is the scariest thing about literati?"

"What is it?"

Lu Chen didn't hold back, and gave the answer directly:

"Monopolizing knowledge, especially the right to interpret knowledge."

Interpretation power of monopoly knowledge?

The empress frowned immediately.

From the corner of Lu Chen's eyes, he suddenly noticed a plaque hanging not far away, and narrowed his eyes inexplicably.

"Give me an example."

He stood up slowly, then stretched out his hand, pointing to the four golden characters on the plaque.

"For example, [Supreme Goodness Ruoshui], Your Majesty, did the famous scholars who were in charge of teaching the princes and concubines explain to you the meaning of these four words, as well as the principles and teachings contained in them?"

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