"Is the emperor enlightened?"

Suddenly, accompanied by a chill, a familiar voice suddenly sounded beside Lu Chen.

He turned his head to look, and immediately saw Gu Simiao expressionlessly looking at the big golden egg in front of him that was constantly shining brightly.

"What did you say to His Majesty?"

Gu Simiao asked softly.

Lu Chen quickly reacted.

Of course, the people in Ziji City would not be unaware of such a commotion, and Gu Simiao, the Guiyi Realm boss, was the most powerful, and naturally came the fastest.

At the palace gate behind Gu Simiao, some palace people who had just rushed over were watching them nervously, and further back, a group of imperial guards were seen solemnly holding their weapons tightly and filing in.

Lu Chen waved to them to reassure them, then rubbed his temples, and said to Gu Simiao:

"It's nothing special, it's just that His Majesty's opportunity has just come to enlightenment."

"Is it?"

Gu Simiao squinted her eyes and took a deep look at Lu Chen.


At this moment, there was a crisp sound on the surface of the golden egg, and a crack suddenly appeared on it.

Immediately afterwards, a small white hand suddenly stretched out from the crack, and pressed it on the golden eggshell. Then the little hand exerted a little force, and the crack spread out in all directions in an instant, cracking open.


In the blink of an eye, the golden egg was completely shattered in countless spider web-like cracks, and quickly turned into dots of stars, swimming back and forth in mid-air.

"Lu Qing."

While the beam of light was slowly dissipating, the empress' voice sounded softly.

"I broke through to the Xuanming Realm."

As she spoke, she raised her head slightly, and looked at Lu Chen not far away through the gradually dissipating brilliance in front of her. She had a pretty face, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and there was a bright smile in her eyes.

She just looked at Lu Chen intently, that expression inexplicably gave Lu Chen a sense of familiarity.

Seeing the little face of the empress slightly raised, Lu Chen couldn't help complaining in his heart:

Are you an elementary school girl looking for compliments?

After a while, he shook his head secretly to shake off the inexplicable thoughts in his mind, and then bowed to the empress together with Gu Simiao and others.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, for enlightenment."

The empress nodded slightly, then glanced at Gu Simiao, and finally her gaze was still fixed on Lu Chen.

"Thanks to Lu Qing's earnest teaching, I was able to realize the Tao again in such a short period of time."

After a pause, before Lu Chen could respond modestly, she said directly:

"The decree is that Lu Chen, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, is pedantic about heaven and man, and has the qualifications of a sage... From now on, he will be awarded a bachelor's degree in Wenyuan Pavilion, and he can freely enter and leave the palace, participate in government affairs, accompany me, and assist me in handling affairs of state."

After the words fell, everyone immediately looked at Lu Chen with envy and surprise.

They couldn't help but think of the scene when the case of Xia Yan was settled before, and Lu Chen's shocking words directly made the empress enlightened in place.

The last time Lu Chen might have been lucky, those words just happened to fulfill the opportunity of the empress, but now, in just over a month, he actually made the empress enlightened again.

This is not something that can be explained by good luck...

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun, Liu Dongyang and other high-ranking officials who had just arrived, and even Gu Simiao, who had already embarked on the journey of returning to immortality, looked at Lu Chen with strange expressions gradually.

Especially Xiao Yun.

She thinks more than others.

After all, Lu Chen also helped her realize the Dao, and her cultivation, which had been stagnant for a long time, directly broke through a big realm.

And when he was in Yuzhou, Fu Wei, who was originally a strong man in the Hollow Void Realm, directly realized the Dao and broke through to the Unity Realm to trigger the catastrophe, and stayed with Lu Chen.

There are also a group of Xuanji guards sent by Lu Chen to the counties of Yuzhou and Suizhou, and they have also heard that some people have improved in cultivation, as well as the commanders and envoys of Yuzhou Wei and Suizhou Wei...

Unknowingly, many people who have met with Lu Chen, or who have heard his teachings, have realized breakthroughs. Xiao Yun's evaluation of Lu Chen's "pedantic heaven and man" in the Queen's order just now I don't think it's an exaggeration at all because of favor.

Lu Chen and Lu Huaiyu definitely deserve this evaluation.

In the next second, a touching smile slowly appeared on Xiao Yun's face.

Lu Chen subconsciously expressed his intention to decline the empress's decreed award, but this time the empress was extremely strong, insisting on forcing a member of one of the three pavilions, which had been vacant for a long time and had the position of a university scholar, to him. Lu Chen.

Lu Chen thought about it, but still took it.

It's just a cabinet minister, and he only has the fifth rank in terms of rank. For him, who is now a senior official of the third rank, it is not considered a promotion, but just an addition, and it is up to the empress.

After enlightenment, in addition to the strong cultivation base, practitioners need to find a quiet place to meditate as soon as possible, so as to consolidate the newly broken realm.

This point, as long as a cultivator is clear.

So everyone left and retreated one after another, the empress nodded and watched everyone leave.

However, her gaze was always focused on Lu Chen's back.

"Congratulations, Minister Lu."

As soon as he walked to the gate of Zichen Palace, Gu Simiao took the lead in congratulating Lu Chen, and then said to him with a smile:

"Lu Shilang's knowledge is so outstanding. If you have time in the future, I will definitely come to disturb you often. Listen to Lu Shilang's teachings. Maybe you can break through the shackles like your majesty and seek the way."

Hearing these seemingly polite words, Lu Chen didn't react yet, but the Empress who was just about to get up frowned subtly.

Lu Chen shook his head and said softly: "The general is absurd. Your majesty can understand the Tao purely because your majesty has excellent understanding. This official is just lucky, and it just happens to meet him. This official has little knowledge, so I can't be like a general."

After a pause, Lu Chen continued:

"However, if the general intends to visit, the subordinate officials will sweep the couch to welcome you."


Upon receiving Lu Chen's response, Gu Simiao chuckled.

"Then it's settled."

But at this moment, Xiao Yun suddenly stepped forward and moved closer to Lu Chen. At the same time, her vermilion lips parted slightly, and a gentle voice sounded slowly.

"Lu Shilang, we haven't been together since you moved to Dongcheng since the incident happened in Yuzhou. We will have a rest in two days. I will visit you at that time and have a good discussion with you."

As soon as these words came out, the empress narrowed her eyes inexplicably.

Lu Chen cupped his hands towards Xiao Yun.

"Master Xiao came to give advice, it is my honor, and I am waiting for you at any time."

Xiao Yun smiled.

"Lu Shilang doesn't have to be so cautious. You and I have worked together for a long time, and we have a friendship of sharing weal and woe. There is no need to care about superiority and inferiority. Just be normal."

Lu Chen nodded yes.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Dongyang seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly said:

"Lu Shilang, my little girl has encountered a problem in her practice. During this period of time, she was so worried that she didn't think about eating and drinking, and she lost a lot of weight. The old man saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, but she was confused by Xiaodao. I really don't know anything about this, Lu Shilang is pedantic about heaven and man, maybe he can explain the confusion for the little girl, so if Lu Shilang has time, can you come and walk around the old man's house?"

The moment the voice fell, Liu Dongyang suddenly felt that the air around him became slightly heavy.

But in the next second, everything returned to its original state, as if the strange feeling just now was just his illusion.

Lu Chen was unaware of this, and responded to Liu Dongyang's accusation very naturally:

"Liu Shangshu has something to say, there is nothing wrong with being an official. It's just that I'm a low-level official. I don't know much about it. I probably can't help Ling Ai. If it doesn't do anything then, please don't blame Liu Shangshu."

"Lu Shilang is kind enough to help this old man, no matter whether he succeeds or not, this old man owes Lu Shilang a favor, how can he blame him?"

Lu Chen nodded.

"Since that's the case, when I'm resting, the next official will go there."

"It's Lao Lu's servant."

With just a few words, Lu Chenmuxiu's schedule was determined.

At the same time, the golden brilliance surrounding the empress finally dissipated completely, and then the empress exhaled softly, looking at the direction in which Lu Chen and the others left, her beautiful eyes rolled slightly.

After a while, she slowly got up, and with the wait of several palace servants, she turned and walked towards Ziwei Palace.


Tianlan Province.

Qingyun Mansion, the backyard of the government office.


With a scream, a burly man dressed as a general clutched his pierced chest and slowly fell to the ground.


The sharp blade was pulled out violently, and the blood of Hurricane splashed and fell on the blue shirt of the person holding the sword that had already been stained with blood.

"Li Heng..."

The big man stared at the leopard's eyes, his blood-red eyes stared at the green-clothed scholar in front of him, his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger.

"You...you actually betrayed Sheng Gong...to be the court eagle...you...you deserve to die!!"

He subconsciously wanted to stand up and smash the head of the green-clothed scribe named Li Heng with the gourd in his hand, but his vitals were pierced through, and his strength kept fading with the rapidly passing vitality. At this moment, he had no strength at all. He could only utter vicious curses intermittently.

And no matter how much he cursed, Li Heng's expression didn't change a bit.

Just looking down at him expressionlessly.

It wasn't until his vitality completely dissipated that Li Heng sighed softly, then squatted down, stretched out his hand, and gently closed the big man's wide eyes.

"Big... my lord..."

Suddenly, two soft voices sounded from behind.

Turning his head to look, he saw two women with bruised noses and swollen faces on the bed not far away, holding on to the quilt in their hands, looking at him in horror.

"I...we are just... just the miserable people who were captured by that villain...we are innocent, please...please let us go..."

As they spoke, they seemed to think of their own tragic experience, and they sobbed softly.

Li Heng shook his head.

"Don't worry, the Qingning army has taken back the Qingyun mansion, they won't hurt you, once they wipe out the rebels, the outside will be safe, then you can go on your own."

Hearing this, the two women couldn't help but startled, and behind them showed ecstasy.

"My lord... Are you from the imperial court?"

Li Heng shook his head again, didn't say any more, but cut off the big man's head with a sword, wrapped it in linen, then got up, turned and left.

When I came outside, there were suddenly loud shouts and killings all around.

After a while, accompanied by the sound of horseshoes, the figures of Zhang Shiping, Su Shuang, Zhang Yu and others gradually appeared on the corner of the street not far away.

"General Zhang, General Su."

Li Heng raised his head in his hand.

"The thief general Pan Sheng has been killed by my subordinates, and here is his head."

"very good!"

Zhang Shiping laughed loudly and raised his voice:

"Daxia Li is really skilled in martial arts, and he killed the leader of the thief so quickly. With Daxia Li, our Qingning Army will definitely be able to break through Nankang within a month, capture the traitor who caused the world's disaster in Jiuyuan alive, and restore peace to the world." Prosperity!"

Hearing this, Li Heng had a complicated expression on his face.

He was originally one of the ten holy generals under the Holy Duke.

A month ago, Shenggong sent Chai Hongyu and others to Yuzhou to take advantage of the flood to find an opportunity to take Yuzhou. At the same time, just in case, he and some confidants were sent to the Tianmen Mountain Dam to ensure that the flood broke through as scheduled.

However, after seeing Yuzhou Wei, Suizhou Wei and the civilians as one, and feeling the love between them, he couldn't think of anything bad.

Although facing the two orthodox guards, they really have little chance to destroy the dam.

After all, in Shenggong's prediction, the imperial court is now so decayed that it may not pay attention to the water situation in Yuzhou. Even if it does, according to the imperial court's practice, at most it will just send a high-ranking official over, and then conscript labor to strengthen the dam.

Not to mention the slow efficiency of these servants, there are still a lot of loopholes, and there are many opportunities to take advantage of.

Unexpectedly, the imperial court not only attached great importance to the water conditions in Yuzhou, but also directly mobilized the famous strong troops of Yuzhou Guard and Suizhou Guard in the Qingning Guard to do the errands that should have been done by ignorant Qianshou. They were caught off guard.

Li Heng really didn't want to spoil this rare love between fish and water, and from the people of Yuzhou, he faintly saw the shadow of a prosperous age.

Daxia, after all, is still not exhausted.

However, the rebel army commanded by Shenggong became more and more unfamiliar to him after he had a stable territory and a foundation.

Just like Pan Sheng who was killed by him just now.

In the past, Pan Sheng was also a chivalrous man who hated evil like hatred, but now...

When he thought of the two women who had obviously suffered a lot when he killed Pan Sheng, Li Heng felt a little emotional.

While thinking, Zhang Shiping and the others slowly stepped forward.

Su Shuangdao: "Thanks to Daxia Li this time. If Daxia Li hadn't turned to the light and not only extradited Yangping Pass for our army, but also swindled and opened the city gate for us, how could we have made such great achievements? Daxia Li, don't worry, wait for the Qingning Army to bring peace to the chaos." When the meritorious class teacher returns to the court, someone will show his merits for you, your majesty is a sage king who is rare in a thousand years, and he will definitely treat you badly."


Zhang Shiping nodded in agreement.

To this, Li Heng responded indifferently: "I accept the kindness of the two generals, but the glory and wealth are not what I want, and the purpose of helping the imperial court is not for the glory of the whole life, but for the sake of the two generals. A good official like a general can occupy a high position and benefit the world as he did to the people of Yuzhou."

Hearing this, Zhang Shiping's expression froze.

In my mind, the teachings I received when I was with Lu Chen before emerged again.

Governor Lu, a true national scholar!

If it wasn't for Lu Chen to love the people and force them to fulfill their responsibilities as soldiers of the Great Xia army, how could a righteous man with a conscience like Li Heng stand up and help them put down the chaos?

If the rebellion can be suppressed smoothly this time, Governor Lu should take the lead!

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