The moment Lu Chen finished speaking, the Jidao Sword suddenly burst into an extremely dazzling light, enveloping the surrounding Xuanji Guards in the blink of an eye.


Only a soft sound was heard, and the dazzling light shattered into bits of brilliance, pouring into the bodies of all the Xuanji guards.

Fu Yu, Fang Yu and the others suddenly felt their bodies lighten up, and the spiritual power in their spiritual veins was also a little easier.

At the same time, an extremely domineering imperial coercion suddenly centered on Lu Chen and spread to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed. Before all the Yu Wangwei could react, they were completely enveloped in it.


Yu Wangwei only felt his body sink, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze, constantly squeezing their bodies.


Some of the weaker Yu Wangwei snorted and showed pain on their faces. A few of the weakest ones even rolled their eyes under this extremely domineering power, and just fell straight on the ground, completely lost. combat ability.

As a top-level spiritual outfit that can only be awakened by a holy king, it is second only to the jade seal among royal spiritual outfits, and can be ranked alongside treasures such as the Map of Mountains and Seas and the Immeasurable Cauldron. Extremely powerful.

Even Lu Chen, a small cyclone, can forcibly suppress opponents who are stronger than him through the emperor's coercion in the sword of extremes.

If the empress herself made a move, she might be able to stun half of Yu Wangwei with a single coercion.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, Lu Chen always felt that when using the sword of the extreme way, the aura everywhere around him trembled inexplicably. The feeling of circulating and displaying various spiritual methods.

Lu Chen's sudden attack, even though Yu Wangwei was prepared, was still caught off guard, and twenty or thirty people fell down on the spot.

The majesty of the emperor, even if it is not exerted by the emperor himself, is not something that can be prevented if one wants to.

After a while, Yu Wangwei and everyone reacted at the same time, and the spiritual power on their bodies exploded, finally breaking away the coercion around them.

"They're making a move, hurry up! Protect the prince!"

"Finished formation!"

"There are masters among the enemies, everyone be careful!"

"Start the formation!"

Click click.

Yu Wangwei's reaction speed was extremely fast. Forming formations, running large formations to quickly build spiritual seals, in the blink of an eye, the entire Yuwang Palace was like a battlefield that was completely ignited, and bursts of murderous aura rose into the sky, straight to the sky.

Even the rain curtain that was falling continuously from the sky above was blocked by a strange force, unable to fall any more, and could only slide down rapidly along the two sides, and finally even formed bursts of rather turbulent water flow, constantly washing away The streets around the palace.

huh huh huh.

Under the water curtain all over the sky, Yu Wangwei pulled out his sharp blades one after another, and then wanted to rush towards the nearest Lu Chen.

However, no matter how well-trained they were, no matter how fast their movements were, they were still a few beats slower in front of Xuanjiwei, who had already been seized by Lu Chen's sudden attack...



Except for Fu Yu and the four Xuanji guards who were guarding all directions, a brilliance suddenly flashed under the feet of the other Xuanji guards, and then their figures disappeared in place in an instant. The movement was 30% faster than usual!

But Fu Wei had built several buff circles for everyone without knowing when.

Her spellcasting speed is as incredible as ever.

When Fang Yu and the group of Xuanji Guards reappeared, they had quietly arrived behind a few households of King Yu's Guards and a group of ordinary soldiers of King Yu's Guards, and then the sharp blade in their hands fell mercilessly towards their necks .




A martial artist who can become a warrior of hundreds of households in the rich and powerful King Yu's guard army, his strength will naturally not be too bad.

However, when facing the elites of the Xuanwu Guard who were able to break 200,000 with 30,000, and the current Xuanji Guard, they are like children who have just learned to walk facing an adult. On their frail flesh and blood.

Pooh! !

There was a soft sound of sharp blades piercing into the flesh, and then dozens of blood flowers burst out from King Yu Weizhong.

The target being stared at by Xuanjiwei only had time to let out a scream before falling heavily to the ground, completely lifeless after only a moment.

After killing the target, Xuanjiwei didn't stop at all, and rushed towards the next target quickly.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of corpses fell into a pool of blood.

As for Xuanjiwei, only a dozen or so people were slightly injured.

Yu Wangwei, who was in the other direction, couldn't help but feel a chill when he saw this scene.

What a monster!

The spiritual array under the feet is still in constant motion, replenishing the body with spiritual energy, and at the same time bringing waves of warmth to the spiritual veins.

But even so, they still couldn't feel any warmth. They felt as if they were in the twelfth lunar month of winter, surrounded by biting cold wind, and their bodies trembled violently.

No wonder the other party dared to force their way into Yu Palace with only dozens of people. It turned out that they were all unimaginably terrifying monsters!

"Don't be afraid!"

Commander Yu Wangwei gave a cold reprimand and raised his voice: "The enemy is outnumbered and we are all outnumbered. How can we be invincible if we hit him twenty times? Get up and let this general kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, King Yu not far away said coldly: "In this battle, if you kill one person, you will be rewarded with a hundred gold; if you kill ten people with a thousand spirit stones, you will be a guest on the throne; whoever kills Lu Chen will be rewarded with ten thousand gold. One hundred thousand spirit stones, and a pair of Tianxuan armor!"

"If unfortunately you die in battle, your family members will be raised by the king!"

The voices of the two quickly reached the ears of every Yu Wangwei.

Everyone was immediately refreshed.

Just at this time, Dou Ming suddenly poured all the spiritual power in his body into the eyes of the Shenwu formation, increasing the power of the Shenwu formation at all costs.

For a moment, a raging fire seemed to be ignited in the hearts of the soldiers of Yuwang Wei, and their rationality was gradually taken over by the sudden madness in their minds. They all seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and their eyes suddenly became extremely red, full of mania and anger. Killing intent.

"Kill kill kill!!"

The soaring killing intent enveloped the entire Yu Palace again.

And in this extremely fierce killing intent, four ghostly figures quickly passed by Yu Wangwei who was rushing towards Xuanjiwei desperately one by one, and kept approaching Lu Chen's position from extremely tricky angles.


Fang Yu blocked a long knife that was slashed down heavily, and then he was short, and at the same time he slammed forward, and pierced Yu Wangwei's chest fiercely with his sword.


That Yu Wangwei was stabbed at the vital point, and his vitality immediately passed away like a tide.

However, as if he had lost his sense of pain, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Fang Yu's long sword, holding it tightly, while with the other hand he picked up the shield blade at his waist and threw it at Fang Yu fiercely.

Seeing this, Fang Yu couldn't help but stare at him. After narrowly dodging the opponent's desperate blow, he kicked away his palm holding the long sword tightly, and then pulled out the long sword violently.

That Yu Wangwei finally completely lost his vitality and fell heavily on the ground.

However, less than a second after he fell down, Yu Wangwei with five eyes full of madness rushed to Fang Yu's body, and quickly swung the long knife in his hand to slash at Fang Yu.

At the same time, behind the five Yu Wangwei who were not only very skilled, but also fearless to die, there were dozens of soldiers of Yu Wangwei who also had red eyes rushing forward at a high speed.

To be surrounded!

Not only Fang Yu, but other Xuanji guards also obviously encountered the same situation.

Lu Chen's eyes moved slightly, then he quietly clenched the extreme sword in his hand, and at the same time quickly circulated the spiritual power in his body, ready to step forward to join the battlefield.

But at this moment, Fu Wei, who had been quietly observing the battlefield, suddenly stretched out her hand, lay across Lu Chen's chest, and stopped him.

"Governor Lu."

Fu Yu stepped forward slowly and stood in front of Lu Chen.

"The battlefield is the home of warriors, and you are a monk who benefits the common people, so don't be stained with too much blood, so this matter of killing."


The Gu Dao Sword suddenly flew out from Fu Yu's waist, then soared into the sky, and flew to the top of everyone's heads in a short while, suspended in mid-air.

"Leave it to the rough people like me."

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