Empress: Your Majesty, please respect yourself, I don't want to be promoted

Chapter 101 It's just ants (please subscribe!!)

Yuzhou City, Yuwang Mansion.


Jiang Yunping, who had recovered some of his complexion, looked out the window gloomyly.

The heavy rain was majestic, and the thick rain curtain covered everything.

Can't see anything.

But he still seemed to be staring at something, his eyes didn't move at all.

Outside the Palace of King Yu, thousands of King Yu's guards in light armor stood everywhere, looking around with vigilance, sensing all the wind and grass around them.

There is a thin layer of transparent shields covering their bodies, overflowing with spiritual power, blocking all the rainwater splashing around them.

I don't know if they are all warriors who can use their spiritual power to strengthen themselves, or if there is some kind of formation in Prince Yu's mansion, the spiritual power on them is so huge that they can use the overflowing spiritual power to build a shield to block the rain.

"My lord."

Liao Ju, the new head of Prince Yu's Mansion, came over.

"Will that dog officer really come?"


King Yu smiled coldly: "What if you come over, so what if you don't come over?"

He stretched out his remaining hand, picked up the teacup next to him, and took a sip.

"Didn't he claim to put the people first and make the country safe? This king has killed the untouchables who he keeps saying that he wants to let them live and work in peace. If he dares not let a fart go, the king will see how he will flaunt it in the future." How can I hide his true face as a hypocrite!"

That's right, King Yu doesn't care whether Lu Chen comes or not.

It is best to dare to come.

Blatant disobedience to the supreme authority of the Sword of Extremes is indeed the way to death. As long as the emperor is determined to protect it, no one else can do anything about it. After all, there is nothing wrong with the law. Forcibly making a prince difficult, the nature of the problem is different.

Although Lu Chen had expert guards, in the final analysis, there were only two hundred guards, and a half of them were sent out to act as acting county magistrates.

But he has thousands of powerful Yu Wangwei!

At the same time, there are also the blessings of Juling Array, Shenwu Array, and Tianyuan Array, which can increase the combat power by nearly 50% in Yuwang Mansion.

Even if a master of the hole like Wang Gan came here, he could only barely retreat, and even had to pay a certain price.

Lu Chen is nothing more than a foreign minister, it is impossible for a strong man of that level to personally protect him.

It would be nice to have a Lingxu Realm master.

Even if he took 10,000 steps back, Lu Chen's combat power could compete with Prince Yu's Mansion, so what?

Does he dare to do it?

This time there is no legal principle in his body, if he still dares to do something, he will never want to be an official again.

If Lu Chen dare not come, he has nothing to lose.

As a first-rank prince, he didn't care about his reputation at all, and a good reputation would be harmful to him instead of beneficial.

But Lu Chen was different.

Civil servants have to face.

He used to keep saying that he would be the master of the people and pay attention to the people's livelihood. Now that such a big thing happened, if he didn't do something quickly, it would be a huge blow to his reputation. The fairy road is basically abolished.

No matter what the result is, it will be beneficial to King Yu without any harm.

What is there to worry about?

Liao Tan, like his cousin Liao Ji, is a person with exquisite faces, and he immediately figured out the beauty of it.


He looked at King Yu with admiration, and said sincerely, "My lord, what a means! In this way, Lu Chen will inevitably be in a dilemma, and maybe he is already regretting offending you, lord."


King Yu snorted coldly, "What's the use of regretting now? Dare to lay a dead hand on this king, causing this king to be in such a state of embarrassment. If you don't smash his body to pieces and smash his bones into ashes, how can you solve the hatred in my heart!"

As he said that, he suddenly stood up vigorously, and an extremely strong killing intent burst out of his eyes.

"Wait, this is just the beginning. When there is this bastard in the future who is full of remorse, this king will definitely watch him be destroyed bit by bit. Only by letting him suffer thousands of times the pain of winning the king can he be defeated." Vent the monstrous hatred in my heart!"

At the end, his eyes suddenly turned red, and a strange blood appeared on his aging face.

At the same time, a special power different from spiritual power quietly emerged from the wound on his severed arm, and it merged into the flesh and blood in the blink of an eye, quickly repairing the wound that had ruptured due to excessive excitement.

The blood that should have flowed out also stopped.

Seeing the one-handed and one-legged King Yu stood up excitedly, Liao Tan was startled and hurried over to help him.

And at this moment——


Suddenly there was a loud noise outside.

Immediately afterwards, a voice with boundless killing intent and majesty suddenly came in, and rang in the ears of everyone in the palace——

"Where is Jiang Yunping, the criminal king?!"

Hearing that someone dared to call him by his first name, Jiang Yunping was startled at first, but the corner of his mouth raised slightly after realizing the next second.

"Is it finally here?"

He ordered the left and right to carry him out.

Soon, he came to a pavilion outside King Yu's Palace and looked down at dozens of uninvited guests below.

Lu Chen also raised his head at the right time, looking coldly at King Yu who was protected by hundreds of masters.

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous.

The moment the two looked at each other, there was an undisguised killing intent in their eyes at the same time.

"Governor Lu, dare to ask what crime this king has committed?"

King Yu said in a cold voice: "The king has kept himself safe these few days. He didn't do anything, and he didn't even leave the door. I'm afraid it's a bit too much for you to knock on the door with such a murderous intent and smash down the door of the king's mansion." Right? Could it be that you really think that this king is just a soft persimmon, a piece of trash that can be used at will to build your prestige?"

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here!"

Lu Chen was too lazy to play word games with him, and asked directly with a cold face: "I ask you, the total of 873 lives in Gou'er Village and Qu'er Village, did you send someone to kill them?" ?”

Hearing this, King Yu twitched the corners of his mouth first, and then said in a very frivolous tone: "Are you talking about those untouchables who offend this king and the majesty of the royal family?"

"If it's them, oh yes, it is indeed the king who sent someone to kill them."


Lu Chen clenched the sword of extreme dao tightly, and the expression on his face gradually disappeared.


"what why?"

"Why kill those innocent villagers."

"Innocent? Hahaha!!"

King Yu suddenly laughed wildly.

"This king has already said that they have offended this king and are sinners who have offended the majesty of the royal family! How can they say they are innocent?"

Lu Chen raised his eyes and said two words expressionlessly: "Where's the evidence?"

"What evidence?"

"Evidence that they offended the royal family."

King Yu showed a look of disdain: "I said that they offended me, and they offended me. Why do you need any bullshit evidence, what? Don't tell me, Governor Lu, that you suspect that I have framed you and deliberately made things difficult for these untouchables who don't even have spiritual roots. No?"

Lu Chen slowly raised his footsteps, ignoring Yu Wangwei who was in front of him, and walked forward slowly, surrounded by the cold light, holding the extreme sword.

"That is to say, there is no evidence?"

While speaking, a strong spiritual power quickly poured into the sword of the extreme way.

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?"

King Yu sneered.

Lu Chen didn't answer, but slowly raised the extreme sword in his hand and placed it across his chest.

"I will ask you one last question."

His eyes were locked tightly, and there was nothing in his eyes except King Yu.

"To you, what are the people of Yuzhou? Why do you want to kill the people?"

"The way to kill?"

King Yu grasped the handrail with one hand, and while the spiritual power in his body gushed out rapidly, the extremely indifferent words slowly sounded in everyone's ears:

"Governor Lu, don't want to spout blood. This king is an orthodox royal family, and he doesn't know how to kill. What this king kills are wastes without spiritual roots, just like ants. How can we kill? Governor, do you care if you will trample to death a few ants when you walk on the road?"

Hearing this, a murderous intent flashed across the faces of Fu Ye and all the Xuanji guards at the same time, revealing endless anger.


Those living lives, saved one by one by them from the mountain torrents at great risk, will be grateful to them, as long as they are kind to them, they will give their hearts and souls to the people, in the eyes of this fellow, they are just Ants?

Is this the kind of thing that the Great Xia court spends a lot of money and food on spirit stones every year?

"In this case, there is nothing to say..."

Swish! !

The sword of Jidao drew a perfect sword arc in midair, and the holy golden light cut through the surrounding darkness in an instant.

"Xuan Jiwei listens to the order!"

Fang Yu stepped forward and shouted in unison:

"Please give orders, Lord Governor!"

Lu Chen exerted a little force with his right hand, pointing the edge of the extreme sword at King Yu.

"Follow the governor to take down this traitor who dared to shake the foundation of Daxia!"

Something went wrong, two chapters will be updated first, and the rest will be posted at night, there must be six chapters today!

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