Empress: Your Majesty, please respect yourself, I don't want to be promoted

Chapter 103 The Death of King Yu (Today's fifth update, please subscribe!)

Looking at the dark red sword floating in mid-air, feeling the majestic spiritual power and the incomparable magic circle, King Yu couldn't help but froze.

The art of controlling the sword.

This is not a move that ordinary warriors can master...

While thinking this way, he reached into his arms without hesitation, and took out a black scroll from his arms.

And the moment he opened the scroll——


Fu Ye suddenly clasped his hands together.

"Floating life with ten thousand blades!"

With the activation of the spiritual method, the ancient sword in the sky suddenly split into two, and the two split into four, constantly transforming into thousands of blade clones in an instant.


The huge spiritual power around Fu Yu's body that could almost distort the space dissipated almost instantly, and in the next second, countless extremely sharp sword blades smashed down in the midair, flying towards all the holy spirits below with an extremely violent sound of breaking the wind.

Chi Chi Chi! !

Under the carpet-like indiscriminate bombardment, Yu Wangwei, whose mind was seriously affected by the great martial arts formation, and whose mind was occupied by crazy killing intent, was hit continuously, causing heavy casualties in an instant.

And those Yu Wangwei who maintained their minds and were not devoured by the divine martial arts formation relied on their outstanding skills to barely escape the fatal blow and saved their lives under the intensive bombardment of sword blades.

As for Fang Yu and other Xuanjiwei, not to mention, this kind of large-scale attack-type spells basically has no effect on first-class warriors like them who can outnumber ten.

Apparently, Fu Yi took aim at the flaws of the Divine Martial Formation, so he chose to use this kind of spell that has little effect on warriors with super physical skills, but has miraculous effects on "beasts" that are affected by their minds.


After the effect of the spiritual method ended, Fu Yan couldn't help exhaling lightly, and then slowly stretched out her hand to catch the ancient sword that flew back.

Looking at Yu Wangwei, who was seriously injured not far away, Lu Chen felt inexplicably complicated for some reason.

He looked at Fu Yu, wanting to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Perhaps, since Fu Yu, a strong man who has already touched the ceiling level, started to act, the outcome of this incident was already doomed.

And just when Lu Chen was thinking this way, as if to confirm his guess——

"It's now!"

Fu Yu had just finished casting the large-scale attack spirit method, and was in a state where the old power had not been shed and the new power was not born, King Yu, who was completely unscathed in the baptism of the blade, suddenly stared, and opened the scroll with only one hand, Then pull hard.


The moment the scroll is opened, the fairy-level spells recorded in the scroll that can only be used once are activated instantly.

"Immortal Dao, so close to the end of the world!"

With the activation of the fairy technique, four space vortices with a diameter of half a meter suddenly appeared only five meters away from where Lu Chen was standing.

The space vortex has four directions, just surrounding Lu Chen in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow invisible to the naked eye flashed across the four space vortices at the same time, flying towards various vital points on Lu Chen's body at an extremely fast speed.

King Yu's real killer move is presented here!

Seeing that Lu Chen was about to be pierced by four cold lights that suddenly appeared, he died tragically on the spot.

at this time……


Fu Ye, who was supposed to use his energy to adjust his breath, suddenly snorted coldly, clenched his fist with his right hand, and at the same time, a milky white light gushed out from around the fist, wrapping it in it.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Yu suddenly threw a punch with all his strength towards the empty place beside him.

"Ancient Dao Impermanence!"


There was a sound like shattering glass, but there were cracks where Fu Yu's fist hit, and they spread rapidly to the surroundings.

At the same time, the four Taoists had already flown in front of Lu Chen, making Lu Chen directly feel the bursts of murderous cold light again after a long time, and they were frozen in mid-air, unable to move forward even an inch.


The four priests of King Yu's mansion who gave Lu Chen a fatal blow with King Yu's fairy scroll spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time. Can no longer continue to be aggressive.

And their chests seemed to be shattered by some kind of force, and a large piece was sunken inward. Even in the blood spat at Lu Chen's feet, some shattered dark red could be vaguely seen. Pieces of viscera.


The four fell to the ground at the same time, panting heavily.

But soon, their breathing came in less and out more, and the vitality on their faces gradually dissipated.

Their death also meant that King Yu's real ultimate move was gone.

Seeing such a result, King Yu was stunned at first, then his face became extremely ugly, and he was no longer as relaxed as he was at the beginning.

He never expected that beside Lu Chen, there would really be a top expert who could defuse his ultimate move!

That was a killer move that even Wang Gan might not be able to decipher!

What is the origin of that little girl standing in front of Lu Chen? !

However, it is impossible for him to get an answer to this question in his life.

Following Fu Ye's attack, the suspense in this battle was completely gone.

About half a quarter of an hour later, as all of King Yu's loyal loyalists were beheaded by Fang Yu and others, the remaining 200 or so defeated King Yu's guards knelt down and begged for surrender, and everything was completely settled.

The soaring murderous aura in Prince Yu's mansion finally gradually dissipated, and all kinds of magic circles that consumed a lot of energy stopped operating.

huh huh huh...

Bean-sized raindrops once again fell on the luxurious pavilions and pavilions throughout Prince Yu's Mansion, which made the bloody atmosphere inside fade away a lot.

"it's over."

Lu Chen walked slowly to King Yu who had no power to resist and could not move, and said calmly.

King Yu's face was extremely ugly. Facing Lu Chen's indifferent eyes with a creepy chill, he just gritted his teeth, didn't speak, and just stared at Lu Chen without saying a word.

Anyway, the worst result for him is to be escorted to Tianzong Mansion, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to disobey, Lu Chen can't do anything to him.

Therefore, there is no need to be quick with Lu Chen now.

"Is there nothing else to say?"

Holding the sword of extreme dao, Lu Chen walked a few steps forward, came to King Yu, and looked at him condescendingly.

"In that case, let's pronounce the sentence directly."

As he said that, he slowly raised the sword of the extreme path.

"My official, the governors of Yu and Sui prefectures, hereby pronounce the verdict that since Yu Wang, Jiang Yunping, has repeatedly disregarded the people's livelihood, oppressed the people, violated the state government office, and despised the law...and even ordered his subordinates to kill Gou'er for no reason. There are more than 850 mouths in Qu'er Village and Qu'er Village..."

While Lu Chen read out expressionlessly, the sharp light of the Jidao Sword instantly changed King Yu's expression.

Is this bastard really going to kill me? !

Is he crazy? !

Doesn't he know what that means?

This king has not taken the initiative to disobey, nor has he conspired against him! What reason did he use to kill the king? !

Fu Yu looked at Lu Chen with some worry, and wanted to persuade her a few words, but when she thought of Lu Chen's determined eyes when she came, she sighed helplessly and gave up the idea of ​​persuasion.

After a while, under the huge threat of the blade of the extreme way, King Yu finally stopped being silent, but gritted his teeth and asked, "Lu Chen, are you really going to kill those insignificant lowlifes..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Chen waved the sword of the extreme way expressionlessly.


The extremely sharp blade was like cutting tofu, passing by King Yu's neck almost without hindrance.

King Yu's eyes widened, and he looked at Lu Chen in disbelief, who seemed to have done an insignificant thing, and his face remained unchanged.


He opened his mouth, but before he could utter the next word, his whole body fell forward uncontrollably, and finally fell at Lu Chen's feet with a "plop".

Until the last moment, his lips were still murmuring, and his eyes were full of astonishment and unwillingness.

As the vitality on his face dissipated completely, the huge cloud that had shrouded Yuzhou for decades and brought great suffering to the people of Yuzhou finally began to fade away at this moment.

Lu Chen bent down and picked up King Yu's hideous head with wide-eyed eyes.

"Let's go."

While getting up, he turned around and walked outside.

"It's time to go back and give an explanation to the people killed in Gou'er and Qu'er villages."


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