Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4136: Girl, work hard

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Shen Ning Bingxue is clever, how can she not understand Mrs. Bo's intention?

She glanced at Mrs. Bo and said lightly: "It doesn't take seven days or three days. If the old man still can't get out of bed and walk, I will persuade the old man to be hospitalized for surgery.


There was an incredible buzz in the room.

The experts stared at their eyes, and their jaws were about to fall.

The little girl's hide is too big.

Seven days will not be effective, she actually shrank back to three days!

This is a joke about the old man.

At the same time, it is equivalent to putting a noose around his neck.

Three days later, she couldn't cure her grandfather. The leg of the grandfather still had to be sawed off. It would be strange that the grandfather could still accept her as her granddaughter!

Mrs. Bo already had a laugh in her heart, afraid of Shen Ning's remorse, she kept busy with the sentence:

"Okay, then it's a word."

Mr. Bo glanced at her. Although she didn't speak, Mrs. Bo felt a little guilty, as if she had been seen through her mind.

"Okay girl, what are you still doing there, hurry up and treat it, let me see what you learned from Kong Shenyi. If it doesn't work, I am willing to undergo amputation after three days!"

The old man's eyes fell on Shen Ning's face, and immediately he had more trust and tolerance.

Seeing Mrs. Bo felt jealous.

I have been married to the Bo family for so long, when did the old man treat himself so well?

Now that this girl has not entered the door of the Bo family, the old man has been biased into this way. If she really marries into the Bo family in the future, will she still have status? Sooner or later, this family will be handed over to this girl.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Bo scowled at the mother and daughter of Chen Mingli in the corner.

In vain to spend so much thought, this mother and daughter are always the mud that can't help the wall!

The experts listened to the old man's words, and a big rock in their hearts fell to the ground.

The old man finally let go.

But none of them thought about leaving, although they didn't believe it, they still wanted to see for themselves how Shen Ning treated the old man.

Isn't it massage plus acupuncture? Doctors in every Chinese medicine clinic, even interns, will alleviate symptoms at most. I have never heard of a serious illness.

Does this girl play with flowers?

Everyone's eyes were focused on Shen Ning.

In the focus of the spotlight, Shen Ning is still free-spirited, not panicking.

"Wu Lao, I want to borrow your acupuncture package for a use."

She came here as a guest this time, and there was no treatment for her. She thought Wu Sishu was a Chinese medicine expert, and the acupuncture package must be carried with her.

Sure enough Wu Sishu took it.

He immediately took it out and handed it to Shen Ning, while encouraging authentic: "Girl, work hard."

"I will."

Shen Ning smiled slightly and put the acupuncture bag on hand.

She first started to massage, starting from the right foot and ankle of the old man, and pushing it up to the knee position little by little.

Experts, especially Wu Sishu, carefully observed her technique, and found nothing special, just like other Chinese medicine.

Shen Ning feels a gleaming gaze staring at herself while pushing and manipulating.

She suddenly raised her eyes, but met Bo Moyan's gaze.

It's him!

She froze for a moment.

Bo Moyan's eyes were deep and deep like an unpredictable sea, as if there were waves.

After only a glance, she felt that her heart was caught by something, uncomfortable.

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