Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

After hearing that, the members of the expert group almost laughed out loud.

That's ridiculous!

The condition of the old man's legs is very serious, and it has already reached a point where the precarious situation is not reached. If the amputation is not done as soon as possible, once the nerve tissue is necrotic, it will cause bone and joint necrosis and further spread to the whole body.

Once deteriorated, the old man's life could not be saved.

This ignorant and thick girl actually wanted to cure the leg of the old man with massage and acupuncture.

Either she is crazy or they are crazy.

It is simply impossible!

The leader of the expert team had planned not to intervene anymore, but when he saw Grandpa Bo lying on the hospital bed, he thought that his grandfather Rong Ma was in his life, but when he was old, he was fooled by a yellow-haired girl and delayed her condition.

He couldn't bear it.

So he decided to try his best to dissuade him again.

"Old Chief, don't believe this girl. The massage and acupuncture that she said can only relieve the pain at most. It is impossible to cure your leg. Your condition has been delayed and must be treated immediately. , Please believe us, the solution we come up with is the most effective and feasible ... "

Mr. Bo said coldly: "Your most effective and feasible method is to saw off my legs, I disagree!"

"Old head ..." The expert leader also wanted to persuade.

"I'd rather be killed by this girl than cut my legs!" Mr. Bo cut the nail down.


The expert leader could not say anything.

Seeing the old man insisting on his own way, he could not persuade himself, so he had to look at Mrs. Bo for help.

Mrs. Bo stepped forward and whispered softly: "Dad, don't be angry, the experts are all for your body. I know you believe in Kong Shen doctor, but his descendants may not have the same high level of medical skills. What ’s more, she is still so young, you ca n’t make fun of your body. It does n’t matter if you insist on your own views, but if the condition is delayed, how can we juniors feel bad? ”

Her voice was soft and reasonable, and Mr. Bo didn't know how to refute.

He glared at Mrs. Bo: "Can't I still be the master of my body?"

Mrs. Bo said softly: "You also have to think about it for us, or do you want to prepare with both hands, okay?"

"Which hands are you preparing for?" Mr. Bo frowned.

Mrs. Bo looked at Shen Ning: "You said that massage and acupuncture can cure the old man. How long do you need? Seven days is enough? If the legs of the old man do not improve after seven days, you are responsible for persuading the old man to be hospitalized and accepted by the experts. How about the treatment plan? "

As soon as she finished speaking, the room suddenly became quiet.

All eyes are on Shen Ning.

This is great!

Experts all know that massage plus acupuncture does have a soothing effect on the meridians, but it takes a long time to be effective. The short seven days is useless, not to mention that the old man's illness is already very serious.

After seven days, if the girl's treatment did not work, she would have to persuade the old man to be hospitalized for amputation.

She first gave the old man hope, and then strangled it with her own hands. It might as well not give hope at first.

It's strange that the old man doesn't hate her!

Mrs. Bo deliberately dug a hole for this girl to jump.

Experts know everything.

It seems that Mrs. Bo does not like this future daughter-in-law.

Hey, there are just a lot of grievances from the giants, it's not that they can afford them.

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