Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4137: Bi Guan Gong

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Shen Ning immediately lowered her eyes and stopped looking at him.

Mr. Bo's eyes were slightly closed, and there was no expression on his face, letting him not see his reaction.

After Shen Ning pushed it over again, she pushed it from bottom to top again.

Push until the third time.

Mr. Bo didn't feel much in the first two times, but after the third massage, he suddenly frowned, "huh".

Mrs. Bo immediately asked with concern: "Dad, do you feel uncomfortable?"

With that said, she couldn't help but glared Shen Ning fiercely.

Where did Master Bo shook his head: "Not uncomfortable, but much more comfortable."

His leg was pressed against nerve tissue by shrapnel. Although he could walk only by drug suppression, he had been numb and swollen, and he didn't feel like wood.

But when he started to get sick, he was as painful as a knife and tortured him so hard that he couldn't sleep.

But now?

He only felt a trace of coolness on this leg, just like the coolness of the hot wind after the heat, as if the pores on the skin were all open, a burst of coolness drilled into the pores.

Grandpa Bo was surprised and happy, and said quickly: "Girl, you have a good technique, and give me a few more presses."

After hearing this, the experts were all stunned.

They look at me, I look at you, an incredible expression.

When Shen Ning massaged just now, they couldn't see her eyes blinking, and felt that her manipulation was mediocre, and it was strange to see results.

But how long it was before the old man beat them in the face.

Their faces are hot, but the doubts in their hearts are still there.

Could it be that the old man said this deliberately in order to lift this girl?

The feelings of Mr. Bo's heart can no longer be described by the words "comfortable".

He is like San Futian suddenly eating a large bowl of ice scum, and all the pores under his body are soothing.

The pain that made him twitch was gone, and the stiffness of the wood was relieved. He even felt the sick leg breathing.


Mr. Bo patted his thighs.

I wish Shen Ning would press him more times, and suddenly he was full of confidence in Shen Ning.

Shen Ning smiled and said: "No massage is needed now. Your pores are sparse. It's the best time for acupuncture. Next I will give you a needle. It will hurt a little. You have to hold back."

Master Bo immediately flicked his beard and glared his eyes, unhappy: "Girl, are you looking down upon me?"

Shen Ning smiled and said: "It's my word, my old man, you're iron bones, even if you scrape the bones, you won't frown."

This is to compare the grandfather to Guan Gong.

Grandpa Bo was even happier when he heard it.

Only the next moment, the smile on his face froze.

Short oil!

It really hurts!

Shen Ningru's first needle was stuck at Zusanli Point near the shrapnel.

Although Mr. Bo didn't hum, his muscles couldn't help but tremble, and then he became casual.

Shen Ning glanced at him with admiration.

She used the technique very quickly, the needle fell like a wind, and soon she filled the needle around the knee of the right leg of the old man. The needles were densely packed, and there were many needle-dropped areas that were not even acupoints at all.

Not only experts are confused, but even Wu Sishu, who is also very good at acupuncture, is also confused.

Isn't this acupuncture all on the acupuncture points? This girl was so arrogant that she wouldn't be acupuncture at all, just use the legs of the old man to practice?

The leader of the expert group was angry, and he wanted to open his mouth.

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