Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2848: Emperor's thoughts

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Xiao Qinzi grinded his teeth and had to admit that the old man made sense.

"What should I do? The emperor must have sent someone to block the street, and then let the Yulin Army go up and search, right?"

The old man shook his head and said: "The emperor's thoughts, how can we ordinary people guess. The emperor still did not speak, then the leader of the Imperial Forest Army could not bear the pressure, and came to the emperor's side and lowered his voice to say a word, it happened that my old man stood close, After listening to seven seven eight eight, the leader of the Imperial Forest Army was exactly like you said, preparing to block the streets, and then sending the Imperial Forest Army to go from house to house to search, it is not necessary to search for that person. The emperor heard the words, raised his eyebrows, faintly Ask back: "What if you can't find it?" "

"Yeah, can't you find it?" Xiao Qinzi said.

"The leader of the Imperial Forest Army was dumbfounded. After a while, he replied: 'It's better to kill the wrong one than to let it go. We always have to give an explanation to the North Qi State.' I heard them all, and they all shivered in unison. This clearly means that if the person cannot be found, all the people in the street will be arrested or killed. In short, they must not be angered. The third princess of the Northern Qi Kingdom! This makes everyone trembling and chilling, is it possible that the lives of our people in Xichu, even the face of the third princess of the Northern Qi Kingdom, can't be compared? Rather take the lives of our common people , To protect the face of the other three princesses, this is simply to blow up your heart and lungs! "

When the old man said this, he couldn't help coughing hard, but his face was still full of anger.

Xiao Qinzi nodded vigorously: "Who is the leader of the Imperial Forest Army? It's really not a thing. Even dare to give the emperor such a bad idea? The emperor will definitely not agree to his method. The emperor is a reasonable person, and he will never kill him. of."

"Yes, yes, the Emperor is wise and wise, of course, he will not do such a confusing thing. Just when everyone looked at the Emperor with all his heart, the Emperor opened his mouth again, he said: 'Come here, take it!' Four words, let everyone's heart sink to the ground all at once, everyone's heart is cold, all eyes are desperate, the emperor ordered to take people, that is to listen to the opinion of the leader of the royal forest, rather than letting go by mistake One, I ca n’t figure out everyone ’s life, it ’s all here. ”

"Nonsense! You nonsense! The emperor is not such a person, so he would not give such a confused order!" Xiao Qinzi shouted unbearably.

The old man was not angry, just glanced at Xiao Qinzi and saw that the green muscles on his forehead had exploded, and he said twice.

"Young man, what are you in a hurry, listen to my old man slowly, isn't my old man saying that, the emperor is wise and wise, how can he give such a confused command! As soon as the emperor exits, the leader of the Imperial Forest Army immediately turns around, facing the Imperial Forest Army around him Dao: 'The emperor has orders, go in immediately to get people!' The royal forest army has not yet had time to act, and the emperor has spoken again: 'The person I want to win is you!' Everyone looked at it, and the emperor was pointing at the chief of the royal forest army. stunned."

Xiao Qinzi also opened his mouth in surprise, and couldn't close for a long time. After a while, he recovered.

"What did you say just now, is the leader of the Imperial Forest Army the Emperor wants to win?"

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