Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2847: Must give an account

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Hearing this, Xiao Qinzi suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling.

He thought to himself that the emperor would not see strange thoughts. If the three princesses are beautiful, can they look better than the empress queen? The emperor did not look down upon the three princesses!

He didn't know that he had been influenced by Su Jin's words unconsciously.

Only the old man continued: "It's strange to say that the emperor's eyes are clearly on the face of the third princess, but everyone feels that he is not looking at the third princess, it seems that he is just looking at a stranger, more It seemed to pierce the three princesses and looked at the air. The indifferent eyes made people suspect that they were wrong. But the third princess didn't see the emperor's indifference and indifference at all. Sweet, but no matter how sweet she smiled, the corner of the emperor ’s mouth did n’t even bend. The maid knelt in front of the emperor and said what happened just from beginning to end. Then she knelt there and stopped talking. Although she didn't speak, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly solidified, and my old man almost couldn't even breathe. "

Little Qinzi was infected by the tension in the old man's tone, and he also began to feel that he was having trouble breathing.

"The scene at that time was very quiet, and no one said anything. The third princess didn't say that, the maid didn't say, and the emperor didn't say a word. Those of us were originally watching lively to see the third princess. The big thing is that the atmosphere does n’t dare to see through, and the Yulin army also has a calm face, and no one dares to let it go, because everyone knows that the maid and the third princess do n’t speak, but the meaning is there. That is: My princess was humiliated by the people of Xichu who threw silver tickets in public. This is a big crime for destroying the Nine Clan. How to catch that person and how to punish that person, the emperor must give our three princesses an account! If not Explain that our three princesses will be angry, and our North Qi State is not so irritating! "

Little Qinzi was frightened with cold sweat, and asked, "These maids said these words?"

Then this maid is too bold! How dare you say such things?

The old man shook his head and said, "It's not what she said. I added it to her after reading the expression on her face. Although she didn't say it, the expression on her face was the same. Everyone could see it. Understand, I can't help but squeeze the sweat for the guy who threw the silver ticket for the courageous and arrogant, thinking that this kid is really looking for his own death! Just wait for the Emperor to catch and kill the Nine Clan. Everyone looked up and looked at that guy What kind of thing, but this look, everyone is dumbfounded, the windows on both sides of the street were originally open, full of heads protruding from the window, but after this incident, all the heads were gone, all All the windows are tightly closed, there is no gap, and no one knows from which window the silver ticket was thrown, and which guy threw it, what can we do next? Make it difficult. "

Xiao Qinzi shook his fist and said in exasperation: "Dare to do what you dare to do is simply the son of the turtle turtle! Who throws the silver ticket and who humiliated the third princess should stand up!"

The old man said disapprovingly: "The young man is young and speaks without thinking. The saying goes: It ’s better to live than death. Who would think that his life will be long, and who will take the initiative to send his head to the knife shelf? Not to mention that People may not be malicious at all, just want to see the face of the third princess, how can you know that under this impulse, you will commit a death penalty? He died alone, do n’t die, but even his nine families died together, he Not stupid, how could you come forward? "

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