Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The old man nodded vigorously: "Yeah, this is really beyond everyone's expectation, no one expected that the emperor would order him, then the leader of the Imperial Forest Army had not responded to God's kung fu. The emperor was already behind him. Several front guards flashed out, twisting the leader of the Yulin army in a few moments, and tied him up. The leader of the Yulin army did not struggle, but just shouted: 'The emperor, the subordinates did not make mistakes, why should they take subordinates? Your loyalty to the emperor, your loyalty, and your subordinates are dissatisfied! If your subordinates do something wrong, no matter how the emperor will punish them, they will die without complaint! '"

"The emperor looked at him and said: 'Cao Sang's life is not considered a serious sin?' The leader of the Imperial Forest was dumbfounded and said: 'There are no murders under his subordinates.' The emperor said: 'You just committed a major crime and regarded me as innocent The lives of the people are nothing. I do n’t need people like you who have no people in my heart! I do n’t want your head. I just punish you for being an official forever. Suddenly, he lowered his head without saying a word, and was quickly taken away by the Yuqian guards. The people spent a while before cheering! "

Xiao Qinzi listened to her eyebrows and danced, but felt that she was exhaling and raising her eyebrows, and she was in a good mood.

He clapped and smiled: "Good, fine, such a person is not worthy of an official! The emperor's decision is extremely brilliant!"

The old man smiled and plucked his beard: "Do n’t be too happy. The emperor ’s decision is very popular, but such a decision inevitably offends the third princess of the North Qi Kingdom. You think, the leader of the Imperial Forest Army should not let the emperor let go After the person who humiliated the third princess, but the emperor dismissed the leader of the Yulin army, does this mean that he would not give San Gongzi a face? Could she be willing to princess the third princess? What can our emperor do? Who is he going to be married to? "

Xiao Qinzi was anxious as soon as she heard it, but she said on her mouth: "She is going to go, and the emperor must marry her. There are many good girls in the world. Even more people want to marry the emperor. Come, not to mention, the empress has long been married to the Queen Mother, according to me, the Queen Mother is ten times better than that of the three princesses, no, one hundred times, one thousand times better! "

The old man hurriedly covered Xiao Qinzi's mouth with a nervous expression: "Hush, mute, but if you want to lose your head, are you afraid of being heard by the people of Beiqi?"

Xiao Qinzi also rushed out of the mouth quickly, without thinking through the brain, and was afraid after thinking about it, busy nodding and said: "Okay, I will not say it."

"Well, young man, be careful to speak out of your mouth, stop talking, and listen to my old man continue to tell you the following things."

Xiao Qinzi nodded.

"The emperor looked at the third princess, and said lightly: 'I have such a decision, can the third princess have any objections?' The third princess has been looking at the emperor, smiling like a flower, and she winked when she heard the emperor ask her Laughed: 'I have no objection, he is your official of Xi Chu, you are the emperor of Xi Chu, you can punish him as much as you want.' After the emperor heard it, he frowned slightly, pointing at three The silver ticket in the hand of the princess said: 'Someone used this silver ticket to humiliate the third princess. How does the third princess want to deal with this person?' The third princess blinked again and said: 'Must find him!' "

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