Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2836: Prince is not in tune

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Xiao Qinzi scratched his scalp embarrassedly: "Aunt Su Jin, don't laugh at me. You know that I'm so big and I'm not married. It's inevitable that I will look more when I see a good-looking girl. Tell others about today ’s events, or they will have to laugh at me! "

Su Jin snorted: "I have no time to say such a thing."

Xiao Qinzi immediately lowered his heart and showed a relaxed smile.

Seeing that the emperor and the third princess had gone so far that they could not see the shadow, the people cheering in front of the city gate had not dispersed.

Su Jin's heart suspended in her throat slowly fell back into her stomach. She patted her chest and sighed that things seemed to be going well.

Nothing happened in my dream.

It seems that he is worrying.

"Little Qinzi, wait for less people, let's go back to the palace."

She remembered the purpose in her arms, she didn't use it, but she didn't use it better.

Xiao Qinzi nodded. Although he was strong and strong, he squeezed from the crowd. When he thought about the situation at that time, he didn't want to experience the second blow again.

"Hey, Aunt Su Jin, look, there are people over there!"

Xiao Qinzi glanced and saw that there was still a team of people outside the city gate, but the team was far away from the floats escorted by the Yulin Army in front, like a small tail that had fallen off the team.

The number of the team is not very large, but about a hundred people, but everyone is riding a black horse, wearing tight black clothes, no weapons in their hands, can not see what is the way.

Behind this team of horses, a solo rider appeared again.

It was a white horse with no trace of variegation, and the man on the horse was also in a white suit. Against the background of a large black ride in front, it became particularly eye-catching.

People who had already dispersed have also found this person.

"Who is that person?"

"What is the origin of this team?"

"Looking at their dress, they seem to be from Beiqi."

"Is the white man the crown prince of Beiqi?"

Prince Beiqi!

These four words drilled into Su Jin's ears and reminded her immediately.

Yes, the messenger sent by the Northern Qi Dynasty was His Royal Highness. He escorted the third princess. He was a very important person. How did he forget his Royal Highness when he saw the third princess?

She did not have much curiosity about this Northern Qi prince, but the other party was someone who would inherit the Northern Qi dynasty in the future, and Xi Chu must have a good relationship with him.

I just hope that the Crown Prince is not a difficult character, otherwise the Emperor will deal with him in the future, I am afraid it will not be easy to deal with.

Su Jin settled down and looked again at the Prince Qi of Beiqi riding a white horse.

I saw him in a snow-white shirt, with robe corners and cuffs rolling with gold rims, shining dazzlingly, while riding on a horse, the posture was lazy, as if it would fall from the horse at any time.

Looking at his face, he was born with a deep outline, three-dimensional eye-catching, but his eyes were squinting and dangling, and he took the whip to beat the horse's **** from time to time.

He obviously rode a rare BMW horse, but he seemed to be riding a bad horse that no one wanted. It looked like a drunken man. It made him want to hurt him.

Of course, behind this is the thought of Xiao Qinzi.

It's a pity that the good horse actually shot in the dark and fell into the hands of the man who was out of control.

He didn't even have a good impression of this lazy-looking Northern Qi Prince.

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