Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2835: As beautiful as the sun

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"What a beautiful float!"

"What a beautiful third princess!"

Where the floats passed, the people praised and looked at the floats. Although the floats quickly passed the crowd, the praises of the people were still endless.

"Huh, how do you know these three princesses are beautiful? Didn't you see her wearing a veil and couldn't see her face?"

"Even if you can't see your face and only see those eyes, it is enough to know that she must be a rare beauty in the world! Have you ever seen such beautiful eyes grow on an ugly face?"

"It makes sense, but I can't see my face anymore. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, maybe the three princesses just have beautiful eyes, but one face is full of pockmarks and a pockmark, hehe."

Not everyone is praising, and some grotesque words came out.

It's just that among the people who cheered and praised, no one can find these people, and no one can tell who said it.

The Imperial Forest Army had to pretend not to hear it, and continued to **** the floats.

I saw that the girl in the float floated her eyebrows, her eyes flickered and swept towards the crowd.

Obviously, she had heard some reproach to herself.

She lifted her hand slightly, a light breeze blew, and the covered gauze seemed to be blown up by the wind and fluttered into the air.


The people immediately exclaimed.

Many people's eyes followed the tulle floating in the air, but more people's attention was shocked by the true appearance of the third princess.

"so beautiful!"

After a while, someone in the crowd recovered and murmured.

Su Jin also froze.

The appearance of the three princesses is extremely gorgeous, not only gorgeous, but also open, dancing with brows, like a dazzling sun, a little smile can't breathe.

This is a suffocating wild beauty.

The outline of her facial features is obviously deeper than that of the Xichu people, but her pretty chin is round and small, and her eyes are extremely dark.

Xiao Qinzi saw almost the whole person froze, his mouth wide open, and his saliva almost dribbled down.

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful!" His two eyeballs never moved away from the face of the third princess.

Knowing that these three princesses are the future masters, he shouldn't look more, but he can't help but take a look.

Xiao Qinzi's gaze has been following the third princess, and the float is moving away, until the shadow of the third princess is no longer visible.

That idiot-like look made Su Jin hate the incompetence, and took a heavy shot in the back of his head.

"Stinky boy, everyone is gone and can't see it anymore! Just wipe your saliva!"

Xiao Qinzi woke up like a dream, and wiped the saliva of his mouth, smirking.

"Aunt Su Jin, did you say that these three princesses were born so beautiful? When I saw her, it was like seeing the sun in the sky, and my heart was illuminated at once."

"It's good-looking, but in my opinion, it's still not as good-looking as the queen's maid." Su Jin gave him a white glance, dissatisfied.

She tells the truth, the three princesses are beautiful, but they are too beautiful, far less than the queen's mother, like a round of bright and bright moon.

Xiao Qinzi also nodded, agreeing: "Yes, I don't know, compared with the empress queen, this third princess is nothing."

"Then you still look like a nympho! Nothing!" Su Jin gave him a white look.

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