Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2837: Sure enough it works

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Su Jin only glanced at Prince Bei Qi for a few moments, and his heart floated again.

Doesn't it mean that there are more than two thousand messengers sent by Beiqi this time?

Why did the number of people who came to Beijing this time even bring horses and horses together?

What about the rest? Where did it go?

She looked back at Prince Bei Qi for a long time, but she didn't even find half the figure.

At this time, the people who watched the lively cheers in front of the city gate had gradually dispersed and no longer became crowded.

Prince Bei Qi appeared in front of the city gate, causing only a whisper of whispers from the people, and there was no loud cheers.

Compared with the popular attitude of his sister, Third Princess, who entered the city, Prince Beiqi was obviously not taken seriously.

Su Jin screamed badly, and thought that if the Beiqi prince was thinking about it, she might be in trouble again.

To her surprise, Prince Beiqi was always riding lazily on the horse with his eyes closed, as if sleeping or not, as if awake or awake, like a small bell tied behind the tail of the entire team It's rusty, it's not at all eye-catching.

What a weird man!

Su Jin muttered in her heart.

Looking at the crowd is not so crowded, she thought she would hurry back to the palace to report what she saw and heard to the empress dowager.

She was about to go down the wall with Xiao Qinzi, and heard a strange commotion in the distance.

"Oh no!"

"problem occurs!"

"Big things are not going well!"

The sergeants who had been guarding the gate immediately separated some people and ran in the direction of the disturbance.

Su Jin and Xiao Qinzi glanced far from the city wall, and saw the crowd rushing in one direction like the tide, and that direction was where the emperor and the three princesses passed. .

"Little Qinzi, go and see what happened!" Su Jin was so anxious that the sweat on his forehead came out.

I don't want to have an accident! Emperor, you must be good!

Don't do stupid things!

Her first intuition was that her dream was fulfilled!

This made her cold all over her body and her heart hardly beat.

"Yes." Xiao Qinzi was also nervous, agreed, and left in a hurry.

"Wait a minute!" Su Jin took out the empress of Queen Zhou from her arms without thinking, and handed it to Xiao Qinzi.

"This is the dynasty written by the empress dowager. If something happens, you will come up with this decree. Everything is done by the empress dowager. Remember, you must not let the three princesses, let alone the emperor have something to do!" Su Jin ordered anxiously.

"Yi Yi?" Xiao Qinzi jumped, looking at Yi Yi in his hand, his fingers were shaking.

But he quickly squeezed Yi Yi: "Aunt Su Jin is assured, Xiao Qinzi knows!"

When he had finished speaking, he strode down the city wall and walked in the direction of the change.

"Let let! Let let! Let all let!"

Xiao Qinzi waved his arms and pulled the crowd to both sides, trying to squeeze out a passage.

But too many people were too crowded. He even exerted his strength to breastfeed, and did not squeeze far away.

"According to the purpose of handling cases, irrelevant people quickly flashed away! Otherwise, kill it!"

Xiao Qinzi was anxious and wise, raised his Yi purpose in his hand, and raised his voice.

This trick worked.

The people shook when they heard the words "do what you want and do nothing".

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