Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2826: Look hilarious

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"I am Su Jin in Shoukang Palace, can you really not recognize me? Xiao Qinzi, you borrowed two or two silvers from me last month. Why? Now I pretend not to know me. Don't want to pay off? "

Su Jin scolded one of the guards half-truly.


"Are you Su Jin?"

"No way?"

The several guards were all taken aback and looked at Su Jin with wide eyes.

This close look immediately recognized it.

The relaxed smiles appeared on the faces of several people, and the tense atmosphere eased suddenly.

"Haha, really is Aunt Su Jin."

"Aunt, why are you dressed like this to get out of the palace, so that we don't even know you anymore."

The guard named Xiao Qinzi was even red-faced, scratching his head and saying, "Aunt Su Jin, it's not that I don't pay the money. It's really that this month's salaries haven't been paid. I will give you the money as soon as it is released. good or not?"

Su Jin smiled and said, "I'm not here to chase you for debts. Your mother is ill and asks for money to get medicine. Even if I gave it to you, you don't have to pay it back, but next time I'm going out of the palace, don't Stopping me so fiercely, okay? "

The guards were embarrassed and smiled: "Aunt Su Jin is going out of the palace, how can we have the courage to stop you? This time it's not that your modification was too successful, no one in our group recognized it, aunt can't blame us . "

Su Jin smiled, took the waist card and put it in her arms, laughing, "I can go now?"

"Of course, of course." The guards quickly recovered their weapons and gave way.

The little Qinzi followed Su Jin and said, "I heard that it is Prince Qi and the son of Beiqi who are entering the city today. The city can be lively. Are you going to see the lively aunt? Why don't you let me accompany your aunt? "

Su Jin glanced at him: "You are on duty now, can you come out of the palace casually?"

Xiao Qinzi smiled and said, "I just need to change classes with them. I'm afraid my aunt won't take me with me. Good aunt, you take me with me. I can help your aunt. You stop those people who don't have long eyes, so as not to hit your aunt. , It ’s like I ’m returning my aunt. You borrowed my money, okay? Otherwise, I ’ll be upset. "

Su Jin pouted: "It's a good talk, I think you want to follow me out of the palace to see the excitement?"

Xiao Qinzi put out his tongue and grinned: "Aunt is so powerful, I really can't hide your eyes from Aunt."

"Huh, just because you little monkeys want to play tricks in front of me, they are still a little bit younger, okay, just come out of the palace with me."

Su Jin nodded with a smile, thinking that it would be safer to take Xiao Qinzi together.

There must be a crowd of people out of the palace. Seeing the lively people may block the roads. There is a small Qinzi, and finally there is a companion. Even if something happens, someone can return to the palace to report it. News.

When she thought of last night's dream, she felt terrified and could not rest assured.

Xiao Qinzi heard Su Jin agree, and was overjoyed, so he went to change the shift with the guards, and then put on the clothes of ordinary people, and followed Su Jin out of the palace.

"Aunt Su Jin, let's go to the Beicheng Gate. I heard that the Prince and Prince of Beiqi entered the city from there. Let's find a good location," Xiao Qinzi suggested.

"it is good."

Su Jin nodded, and the two walked in the direction of the North Gate, but they didn't go far, and were blocked by the flow of people.

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