Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2827: Emperor's blessing

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"There are so many lively people, it seems that the people of the whole city have come out." Xiao Qinzi stood on tiptoe and saw the head of the crow in front of him.

Su Jin secretly worried: "Can't get through, what should I do?"

Xiao Qinzi smiled and said: "Aunt, follow me closely, look at me."

He shook his arm and squeezed into the crowd. He was the Yuqian bodyguard. Although the martial arts could not be said to be very strong, he practiced a good arm, and the flow of people quickly drove him away.

Su Jin followed closely behind Xiao Qinzi, and the two actually squeezed close to the north gate.

The more people went to the North Gate, the more people there were, and even Xiao Qinzi used the power of nine cows and two tigers, and was unable to break through from the dense crowd.

He sweated a lot and gasped while wiping sweat.

"Can't get through, aunt, shall we watch it here?"

Su Jin looked up in the direction of the city gate and saw that there was a surge of people's head, and nothing but the head was visible.

"But you can't see anything here? Xiao Qinzi, you're going to think of a way." She said anxiously.

Although Xiao Qinzi is more than one head taller than Su Jin, he also needs to tiptoe to see what is happening ahead.

He thought about it and said, "Otherwise, Aunt Su Jin sits on my shoulder, and I hold you up to see?"

Su Jin snorted and said, "How can this be done! It's unsightly."

Suddenly, she said, "If you stand tall, you can see far, let's go to the city wall to see it."

Xiao Qinzi was taken aback, and said: "Oh, Aunt Su Jin, this city wall is not going to be able to go up, if no emperor's will, no one can go up."

Su Jin whispered: "I have the empress dowager."

Xiao Qinzi was overjoyed and shouted, "Haha, what are we waiting for, let's go."

He took Su Jin to the entrance of the city wall, where there was a team of guards guarding it.

Su Jin took out Yi Yi, and after the Imperial Guard carefully checked, he immediately let go.

The two unimpededly climbed the city wall and stood on the high arrow wall to look away.

The arrow wall is the highest place in the entire city wall. The field of vision is wide, and at a glance, you can see all the far away scenes.

However, Su Jin was already looking at it, but there was not even a figure in front.

"Why haven't you come yet? I didn't even see the emperor's figure." Su Jin said worriedly, not knowing whether to ask herself or ask Xiao Qinzi.

Xiao Qinzi smiled and said: "Aunt Su Jin don't be anxious. The emperor has already taken the Imperial Foresters out of the city. I heard the people in the palace say that the emperor is about to welcome ten miles. Oh, it ’s not to give the prince face, maybe the emperor wanted to see the three princesses in a hurry. They all said that the three princesses of the Northern Qi Kingdom looked gorgeous and unparalleled, claiming to be the first beauty of the Northern Qi Dynasty. To our Xichu, we will have a peaceful life in the future. "

His young face was full of excitement and joy, and his eyes were shining and cheerful.

Su Jin glanced at him, and he silently uttered a sentence.

Everyone in the palace thought about a peaceful and stable life. They all thought exactly the same.

Of these people, no one would think of Shen Ning, the empress queen. They only thought that the emperor had married the third princess of the Northern Qi Kingdom.

But have they ever thought that the three princesses of the Northern Qi Kingdom are here, what about the original queen empress?

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